Error Code details
Severity: n/a 
Component: Volume Manager 
Operation requires a disk group

This message occurs when you have not specified a disk group in a command that requires it.


Veritas solutions
Solution 1 Vote: [Useful] [Not useful]
Last Modified: 2009-08-05 03:50:24
Platform: Generic
Release: Generic

Specify the disk group and re-run the command. You can specify the disk group in one of three ways:

  • From the command line, use the -g diskgroup option with the command. For example:

    vxvol -g diskgroup fastresync=on vol

    The -g diskgroup option overrides any other method of specifying the disk group.
  • To set the disk group persistently, use the vxdctl command:

    vxdctl defaultdg diskgroup

    This command sets the specified disk group for all subsequent commands. The disk group setting is persistent across reboots and changes the default disk group for all users of the system.
  • Use the VXVM_DEFAULTDG environment variable.

    Setting VXVM_DEFAULTDG as an environment variable overrides the default disk group set with the vxdctl command.

See the vxdg man page for more information about the default disk group and precedence order.