Error Code details
Severity: Warning 
Component: Volume Manager 
Disk group is disabled disks not updated with new host ID


Veritas solutions
Solution 1 Vote: [Useful] [Not useful]
Last Modified: 2008-12-04 10:07:56
Platform: Generic
Release: Generic
As a result of failures, the named disk group has become disabled. Earlier error messages should indicate the cause. This message indicates that disks in that disk group were not updated with a new Veritas Volume Manager host ID. This warning message should result only from a vxdctl hostid operation.

Typically, unless a disk group was disabled due to transient errors, there is no way to repair a disabled disk group. The disk group may have to be reconstructed from scratch. If the disk group was disabled due to a transient error such as a cabling problem, then a future reboot may not automatically import the named disk group, due to the change in the system's Veritas Volume Manager host ID. In such a case, import the disk group directly using vxdg import with the -C option.