Error Code details
Severity: Information 
Component: Volume Manager 
%s [-T a] [-d descfile] - get records from a file or stdin, transaction block all (default)

Description: This message is displayed in vxmake utility help option. This message specifies the usage of vxmake utility for restoring the records from a particular description file or standard input. It also tells that if –T option is specified with –a, vxmake creates all the records within a single transaction, while restoring the records from a description file.


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Solution 1 Vote: [Useful] [Not useful]
Last Modified: 2014-11-12 07:56:58
Platform: Generic
Release: Generic

No user action is required since this is just an information message specified in vxmake help.


For more information on the command, see the manual page: vxmake(1m).


Note: These links points to the Storage Foundation and High Availability release 6.1, Aix platform version of the manual page. For the manual page for your release and platform, go to the Documents page on the SORT website.