Error Code details
Severity: Notice 
Component: Volume Manager 
TransLog: Error: Out of memory

This message is displayed when memory allocation for structures which hold transaction information to be logged fails. When this message is displayed, transaction logging is turned off. The memory allocation failure can be transient.


Veritas solutions
Solution 1 Vote: [Useful] [Not useful]
Last Modified: 2013-01-24 06:32:15
Platform: Generic
Release: Generic
  1. Check if transaction logging is disabled and list the current values for transaction logging variables, like the maximum number of log files and the maximum size of a log file:

# vxtranslog –l


Here is an example:

# vxtranslog -l

Transaction Logging is currently ON        

Query Logging is currently ON

Maximum number of log files = 1

Maximum size for a log file = 1048576 bytes


  1. Increase the maximum number of historic log files (the default number is 5):

# vxtranslog –n numfile


  1. Restart transaction logging. Enter:

     # vxtranslog –m on


For detailed information on this command, enter:

#    vxtranslog –H 

Solution 2 Vote: [Useful] [Not useful]
Last Modified: 2013-01-24 06:32:32
Platform: Generic
Release: Generic
  1. Check if transaction logging is disabled and list the current values for transaction logging variables, like the maximum number of log files and the maximum size of a log file:

# vxtranslog –l


  1. Increase the maximum size of transaction log files:

# vxtranslog –s size


  1. Restart transaction logging. Enter:

# vxtranslog –m on


For detailed information on this command, enter:

#    vxtranslog –H