Error Code details
Severity: Error 
Component: Volume Manager 
VxVM <command> ERROR V-5-1-9545 volume <volumename> is busy in some other operation

When a volume is changing due to a user-initiated operation, Veritas Volume
Manager marks the volume busy by setting the tutil field (generally tutil0). To
determine if the tutil field is set, use the following command:

# vxprint -g diskgroup -m volume | grep tutil

If an operation is happening on a volume, the value of the tutuil0 field
indicates the operation. Some of the possible values are:

"ATT": A plex is being attached to the volume
"INST_SRC": Volume is being used as source of the snapshot operation
"INST_NEW": Volume is being used as target of the snapshot operation
"SNAP_REFRESH": Volume is target of a refresh operation
"SNAP_RESTORE": Volume is a target of restore operation

If no operations are happening, the value of the tutil0 field is empty, as in
the example above.


Veritas solutions
Solution 1 Vote: [Useful] [Not useful]
Last Modified: 2010-02-01 19:37:34
Platform: Solaris 10 (SPARC), Solaris 10 (x86-64)
Release: 5.0MP3

Check that no parallel operation is occuring on the volume.  To view Veritas
Volume Manager commands, use the following command:

# ps -ef | grep vx

If a parallel operation is occurring, wait for the operation to finish and
retry. If the VxVM command is taking time, the operation probably involves some
type of data synchronization. Use the vxtask list command to determine if a
task is registered and to monitor the task.

If a VxVM operation is listed but vxtask list does not display any tasks, this
could indicate that the VxVM command has hung. Call Support to assist.

If no parallel operation is occuring, the previous operation failed
prematurely. The tutil field and the state field on the volume can identify
which operation failed. In most cases, you can clear the tutil field and the
volume will be ready to accept operations again. To clear the tutil field, use
the following command:

# vxmend -g diskgroup clear tutil volume