Error Code details
Severity: n/a 
Component: Volume Manager 
Not enough plexes in SNAPDONE state
A break-off snapshot uses one or more plexes to create a snapshot volume. To get a complete copy of the data, VxVM performs these steps: 1. VxVM attaches the plex to the volume for use as a snapshot. 2. VxVM creates the snapshot. This message occurs when VxVM tries to create a break-off snapshot, but the plex is not ready with a complete copy of the data. VxVM uses the plex state to indicate that the plex has a complete copy of the data. During step 1, while the plex is being synchronized, VxVM places it in either the SNAPATT or SNAPTMP state. After the plex is synchronized, VxVM places it in the SNAPDONE state. The plex keeps up-to-date with any changes to the volume data until step 2 when VxVM uses the plex to create the snapshot volume. This message indicates that VxVM could not find enough valid plex(es) in a SNAPDONE state. To view the state of the plexes, use the following command: vxprint -th volname This message may occur with the following types of snapshots: • Traditional third-mirror break-off snapshots, created using vxassist • Emulated third-mirror break-off snapshots, created using vxsnap Recommended action: If you run one of the following commands, VxVM waits for the plex to be in the SNAPDONE state after synchronizing the plex: For traditional third-mirror break-off snapshots, run: vxassist [-g diskgroup] snapwait volume For emulated third-mirror break-off snapshots, run: vxsnap snapwait volume You can then create a snapshot volume using one of the following commands: For traditional third-mirror break-off snapshots, run: vxassist [-g diskgroup] snapshot [nmirror=number] volume snapshot For emulated third-mirror break-off snapshots, run: vxsnap [-g diskgroup] make source=volume[/newvol=snapvol][/nmirror=number] The number of plexes specified by number must be available in the SNAPDONE state. For detailed information about volume snapshots, see the Veritas Volume Manager Adminstrator's Guide.


Veritas solutions
Solution 1 Vote: [Useful] [Not useful]
Last Modified: 2009-01-22 23:55:20
Platform: Generic
Release: Generic
See the recommended action above.