Error Code details
Severity: n/a 
Component: Volume Manager 
No free partition found on device $daname for $vol.

The vxbootsetup command could not map the user data volume to a boot disk partition slice because there are no free partitions available for this conversion. 


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Solution 1 Vote: [Useful] [Not useful]
Last Modified: 2010-02-03 23:37:59
Platform: Generic
Release: Generic

Five partitions are available on the boot disk for VxVM volume assignment. The vxbootsetup command will assign each volume to an available partition. The root file system volumes (/, swap, usr, var, home, opt) take precedence. If the disk is mirrored, it will attempt partition assignment based on the original root disk partition layout.

The user needs to inspect the boot disk partition layout. If a partition slice can be made available, the vxbootsetup command can be issued again to map the volume to a partition. If no partitions are available, the volume will not be converted to a partition slice. Before the system can be un-encapsulated, the volume must be moved or deleted.