Error Code details
Severity: n/a 
Component: Cluster Server 
A GCO (wac) resource already exists on the primary site with incomplete or invalid settings. Please configure the primary site GCO resource correctly and restart the wizard.


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Solution 1 Vote: [Useful] [Not useful]
Last Modified: 2009-11-10 05:19:44
Platform: Generic
Release: Generic

V-52410-49479-4225 - A GCO (wac) resource already exists on the primary site with incomplete or invalid settings. Please configure the primary site GCO resource correctly and restart the wizard.

Possible causes

This error message is typically displayed by the Disaster Recovery wizard when the ClusterService service group has some discrepancies in its configuration on the primary site servers.

This error could possibly mean:

    A Global Cluster (GCO) or the ClusterService service group is already configured on the primary site. However, it is not configured correctly or not configured as required for a Disaster Recovery setup.
    The format in which it is configured is not correct for the following attributes of the IP resource: the IP address, its subnet mask or its adapter lists' MAC addresses.


The following actions may apply:

    Verify that the IP address set for the cluster and for the IP resource in the ClusterService service group is the same.
    Verify that the IP address, its subnet mask and the adapter lists' MAC addresses assigned to the IP resource in the cluster server service group are in the correct format.