Error Code details
Severity: Warning 
Component: Storage Foundation Windows 
Shrink volume Failed: No room to shrink.

This message is displayed when you try to shrink a dynamic volume beyond the maximum amount possible.

This error may also occur if you use the Max Shrink button to determine the maximum amount you can shrink the volume. In this case, the error may occur because the operation internally uses Microsoft APIs to query a volume, and these APIs may sometimes return more reclaimable size than the actual available size. For more information, see


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Last Modified: 2014-05-07 22:01:54
Platform: Windows Server 2003 (x86-64), Windows Server 2003 (IA-64), Windows Server 2003 (x86-32), Windows Server 2008 (x86-64), Windows Server 2008 (IA-64), Windows Server 2008 (x86-32), Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2016
Release: Generic

When you want to shrink a volume, make sure that the amount by which you want to shrink the volume is available. If you use the Max Shrink button, provide a size that is lower than what you obtain by the Max Shrink button.