Error Code details
Severity: Error 
Component: Storage Foundation Windows 
Master switch is in progress, or failed to ship the command to master node. Please retry the operation.

This message is displayed when you send a command shipping message to the Master node and it fails. The error occurs because of one or more of the following reasons:

  • Either a Master takeover or joining to the new Master is about to happen.
  • The Master VxSVC crashes while processing the command ship request.
  • The Master's w port is not up.
  • The current Slave node has become the Master while preparing to send the command shipping message.


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Last Modified: 2014-08-23 00:25:37
Platform: Windows Server 2003 (x86-64), Windows Server 2003 (IA-64), Windows Server 2003 (x86-32), Windows Server 2008 (x86-64), Windows Server 2008 (IA-64), Windows Server 2008 (x86-32), Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2016
Release: Generic

Try one or more of the following to resolve this issue: 

  • Check the Cluster Volume Manager (CVM) cluster state and retry the operation. You can check cluster state using the vxclustadm nidmap command.
  • If the nodes are in the Joining state, it means the node reconfiguration is going on. Let the nodes be joined as Slaves or Master, and then retry the operation.