Error Code details
Severity: Error 
Component: Storage Foundation Windows 
Cannot upgrade the primary dynamic disk group. If the disk group does not contain a system or boot volume, change it to a secondary disk group by deporting and reimporting it on the same server. Then it can be upgraded.

When trying to upgrade a Windows dynamic compatible disk group to a VERITAS dynamic disk group that was created with Windows,  Logical Disk Manager will fail with error "V-76-58645-266, Cannot upgrade the primary dynamic disk group".  The documented resolution is to deport the disk group,  then reimport it,  and this is supposed to make the disk group secondary instead of primary as outlined in Chapter 5 of the VERITAS Storage Foundation (tm) 4.3 for Windows - Administrator's Guide. However, this process is incorrect.


Veritas solutions
Solution 1 Vote: [Useful] [Not useful]
Last Modified: 2009-11-09 06:44:30
Platform: Generic
Release: Generic

1. Deport the disk group
2. Perform a rescan in VEA
3. Import the disk group
4. Select the upgrade option on the disk group and it will work
