Error Code details
Severity: Error 
Component: Storage Foundation Windows 
Cannot perform the operation as Replicator Log protection is set to DCM/AUTODCM for one of the secondary(s).


Veritas solutions
Solution 1 Vote: [Useful] [Not useful]
Last Modified: 2009-11-10 02:29:56
Platform: Generic
Release: Generic

This message appears when attempting to remove a DCM (Data Change Map) log for a replicated volume while the replicator log protection (srlprot) is set to either "DCM" or "AutoDCM."  

1. Under Replication Network, right-click on the secondary RVG (replicated volume group) and click Change Replication Settings....
2. Note what the current Replicator Log Protection is.
3. Change the Replicator Log Protection to "Off."
4. From both the primary and secondary sites, right-click on the RVGs and click Remove DCM Log.

To reverse these changes, perform the following step:

1. From both the primary and secondary sites, right-click on the RVGs and click Add DCM Log.

The Replication Log Protection mode may now be changed to "DCM" or "AutoDCM" by performing the following steps:

1. Right-click on the secondary RVG and click Change Replication Settings....
2. Change the Replicator Log Protection mode from this dialog box and click OK.
