Error Code details
Severity: Error 
Component: Storage Foundation Windows 
Import the cluster dynamic disk group failed.

A dynamic diskgroup cannot be imported if the version of the diskgroup is higher than the version of SFW (Storage Foundation for Windows) that is installed on the server.


Veritas solutions
Solution 1 Vote: [Useful] [Not useful]
Last Modified: 2009-11-09 06:47:44
Platform: Generic
Release: Generic

1. Import the diskgroup onto a server that has a version of SFW installed that is at least the same version of the diskgroup, or higher.
2. Upgrade SFW to a later version.


Follow these steps to compare the version numbers:

1. From a Windows command prompt, use vxdg to determine the version of the diskgroup:

vxdg -g[diskgroup_name] dginfo

For example:

vxdg -gexchgrp1 dginfo

The command will return output similar to this:

DG Type: Dynamic (Cluster)
Private Group Protection: No
Version: 43
# Vol: 1
# Disks: 16

The number after "Version" is the version number of the diskgroup. In this example, the diskgroup version is "4.3."

2. From a Windows command prompt, use vxassist to determine the version of the SFW that is installed:

vxassist version

The command will return output similar to this:

In this example, the version of the diskgroup (4.3) is higher than the version of SFW (4.2) that is installed on the server. The diskgroup cannot be imported.

Note: SFW can import a diskgroup that is at the same version, or lower, than the version of SFW that is installed on the server. This issue only occurs when the diskgroup version is higher than the installed version of SFW.

Solution 2 Vote: [Useful] [Not useful]
Last Modified: 2009-11-10 02:58:33
Platform: Generic
Release: Generic

V-76-58645-589 - Import the cluster dynamic disk group failed.

Possible causes

The cluster dynamic group might be imported on another server.


  • Solution

    Check to see if the cluster dynamic disk group is a cluster resource that is imported on another server. If the group is a cluster resource, offline the group from that node and online it on the local node using the cluster interface. If it isn't a cluster resource and is not imported on another server, use the CLI command "vxassist resetbus", in case an earlier scsi reservation wasn't cleared, then retry the import operation.