Error Code details
Severity: Error 
Component: Installation Framework (including CPI) 
vcs_lltlink1 is not configured for system <system>

This message is displayed when the variable $CFG{vcs_lltlink1} is not configured in the response file. The $CFG{vcs_lltlink#} variable defines the network interface card (NIC) to used for a private heartbeat on each system. Two Low Latency Transport (LLT) links are required per system (lltlink1 and lltlink2). You can configure up to four LLT links.

The variable is a scalar value. You must include the system name in quotes.


Veritas solutions
Solution 1 Vote: [Useful] [Not useful]
Last Modified: 2013-02-26 02:57:27
Platform: Generic
Release: Generic

Make sure you define $CFG{vcs_lltlink1} {system} with the correct LLT value in the response file.