Error Code details
Severity: Information 
Component: Cluster Server One 

The following messages have this UMI code:

INFO V-97-1-0 LIMIT : Core file size limit :  current = (infinite) max = (infinite)
INFO V-97-1-0 LIMIT : CPU usage limit :  current = (infinite) max = (infinite)
INFO V-97-1-0 LIMIT : File size limit :  current = (infinite) max = (infinite)
INFO V-97-1-0 LIMIT : Stack size limit :  current = (10485760) max = (infinite)
INFO V-97-1-0 LIMIT : File descriptors limit :  current = (1024) max = (1024)

The VCS One Policy Master prints these messages to indicate the current and maximum value settings for various system resources on the Policy Master system, such as the core file size and the CPU usage limit.


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Last Modified: 2009-09-28 18:44:53
Platform: Generic
Release: Generic

No action is required. These are informational (INFO) messages for the Policy Master administrator.