Error Code details
Severity: Warning 
Component: Cluster Server One 
Group %s for resource %s is not fully probed on system %s

This message appears in VCS One in one of the following situations:

  • When resources that are part of the service group have not been probed on the system.
  • The system is in an UNKNOWN, DDNA, or EXITED state.


Veritas solutions
Solution 1 Vote: [Useful] [Not useful]
Last Modified: 2009-11-25 01:30:40
Platform: Generic
Release: Generic

Check the ProbesPending attribute of the service group by entering:

# hagrp -display group -attribute Probed ProbesPending

If ProbesPending > 0, then some of the resources in the service group have not been probed. Perform the following steps:

  1. To find out which resources have not been probed, check the Probed attribute of each resource in the service group.

    To list all the resources in the server group, enter:
    # hagrp -resources group

    To check the Probed attribute of each resource in the service group, enter:
    # hares -display resource -attribute Probed
  2. Check the agent logs to find out why the resource is not probed.
  3. Check if the required agents are running on the system.

    To do so, verify that the system is not listed in the AgentFailedOn attribute. For example, if the resource's type is FileOnOff, the following command lists the systems that the agent is not running on:
    # hatype -display FileOnOff -attribute AgentFailedOn
  4. If the required agents are not running on the system, start them by entering the following command for each agent:
    # haagent -start agent -sys system

If ProbesPending = 0, then all the resources in the service group are probed. Perform the following steps:

  1. Check the state of the system by entering:
    # hasys -state system
  2. Start the VCS One client daemon on the system by entering:
    # hastart -client
  3. Start the agent by entering:
    # haagent -start agent -sys system