Error Code details
Severity: Panic 
Component: Cluster Server One 
System was marked for panic and it has not established connection with PM within the tolerance limit of 240 seconds. System to panic

The message indicates that the system panics when all the following conditions are met:



  • The client system fails to connect to the policy master due to network outage;


  • The resource of the client system is online;


  • The value of the type-level attribute PanicNodeOnNWLoss is set to 1.



The policy master then tries to failover the online service groups, because it assumes that the client system is faulted in case of network outage. The feature aims to avoid data corruption.


Veritas solutions
Solution 1 Vote: [Useful] [Not useful]
Last Modified: 2012-07-10 08:59:01
Platform: Generic
Release: 5.0

You can avoid the error by unsetting the PanicNodeOnNWLoss attribute. Then the client system won’t panic when the client system fails to connect to the policy master.


Notice: Before unsetting the attribute, make sure that you do not have any shared resources (disks). If the data resides on the shared storage, the action may lead to data corruption.