Error Code details
Severity: n/a 
Component: Cluster Server One 
Ping failed for Ping Request Id <Id_Number>

If a VCS One client fails to connect to Policy Master, the client starts pinging all the IP addresses of the policy master node. If those IP addresses are also not reachable, the message above is displayed.


Veritas solutions
Solution 1 Vote: [Useful] [Not useful]
Last Modified: 2012-07-26 00:41:03
Platform: Generic
Release: 5.0

This message is displayed only when the client loses connectivity to Policy Master. To rectify this problem, you need to manually correct connectivity issues like a network outage between the client and the Policy Master system.


Note: Several messages use this error code number. If you need the description and solution for other messages with this number, contact Veritas Technical Support.