
 Basic information
Release type: Hot Fix
Release date: 2009-01-28
OS update support: None
Technote: 319248
Documentation: None
Popularity: 1097 viewed    downloaded
Download size: 15.4 KB
Checksum: 446814813

 Applies to one or more of the following products:
Cluster Server 5.0MP3 On Solaris 10 X64
Storage Foundation Cluster File System 5.0MP3 On Solaris 10 X64
Storage Foundation for Oracle 5.0MP3 On Solaris 10 X64
Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC 5.0MP3 On Solaris 10 X64
Storage Foundation for Sybase 5.0MP3 On Solaris 10 X64
Storage Foundation HA 5.0MP3 On Solaris 10 X64

 Obsolete patches, incompatibilities, superseded patches, or other requirements:

 Fixes the following incidents:

 Patch ID:

Readme file
Etrack Incidents: 1505957

Last Modified: January 28, 2009


The deliverables for this point patch contain:

 README (this file)
 MountAgent (replacement for /opt/VRTSvcs/bin/Mount/MountAgent)

Packages affected

Base Version
    VCS 5.0MP3 (For Solaris x64)

Supported OS
    Solaris 10

This patch is issued to fix the following incidents:
1505957: Mount agent in 5.0MP3 leaves defunct process

$ cksum MountAgent
622724575       40792   MountAgent

To install the patch:

If VCS is running:

A) On any node in the cluster:

1. Make the VCS configuration writable:

      # haconf -makerw

2. Freeze the service groups where the application resource is running. 

      # hagrp -freeze <service_group> -persistent
3. Save the configuration file ( with the groups frozen. 

      # haconf -dump -makero     

B) One node at a time, stop VCS (leaving the applications running),
and update the agent:

1. Stop VCS

      # hastop -local -force

2. Remove/rename the following file

3. Copy the MountAgent binary from this patch to

4. Start VCS

      # hastart

5. Repeat steps B1-B4 for every node in the cluster.

C) After updating the agent on each node in the cluster,
on any node in the cluster:

1. Make the configuration writable and unfreeze the service groups.  
       # haconf -makerw

       # hagrp -unfreeze <service_group> -persistent
2. Save the configuration file ( On any system, type:

       # haconf -dump -makero

If VCS is not running:

A) One node at a time, update the agent:

1. Remove/rename the following file

2. Copy the MountAgent binary from this patch to

3. Repeat steps A1-A2 for every node in the cluster.