5.0MP1RP3 VxFS (11.23)
The latest patch(es) : sfha-hpux1123-5.0MP2 

 Basic information
Release type: Rolling Patch
Release date: 2008-08-06
OS update support: None
Technote: 281875
Documentation: None
Popularity: 1198 viewed    downloaded
Download size: 4.29 MB
Checksum: 2388150118

 Applies to one or more of the following products:
File System 5.0 On HP-UX 11i v2 (11.23)
Storage Foundation 5.0 On HP-UX 11i v2 (11.23)
Storage Foundation Cluster File System 5.0 On HP-UX 11i v2 (11.23)
Storage Foundation for Oracle 5.0 On HP-UX 11i v2 (11.23)
Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC 5.0 On HP-UX 11i v2 (11.23)
Storage Foundation HA 5.0 On HP-UX 11i v2 (11.23)

 Obsolete patches, incompatibilities, superseded patches, or other requirements:

This patch is obsolete. It is superseded by: Release date
sfha-hpux1123-5.0MP2 2009-04-08
fs-hpux1123-5.0MP1RP4 (obsolete) 2008-12-29

This patch requires: Release date
5.0 MP1a 2007-05-29

 Fixes the following incidents:
1099848, 1131268, 1154304, 1155243, 1157612, 1160046, 1178407, 1197265, 1233788, 1242362, 1285549, 1285684

 Patch ID:

Readme file
GR Date: 2008-08-18
OS Version: 11.23 
Patch: PHKL_38260 (VRTS 5.0 GARP1 VRTSvxfs Kernel Patch) 
Etrack Incidents: 1099848, 1154304, 1157612, 1160046, 1178407, 1131268, 1197265, 1155243, 1233788, 1242362, 1285549, 1285684
Errors/Problems Fixed:

1099848 Enhancement to vx_getattr() taking IGLOCK in share mode 
1154304 CFS MTS inode leaks - inode allocations do not seem to use partial IAU's 
1157612 EastWest Neo Medical Center: HPUX11v2 IA64 4.1 + Willow + UNOF_4_1p1cpp1/kpp1 2 node RAC. Suspect panics in fdd_siodone
1160046 HP CFS Conformance->largedir hit an assert "f:vx_get_ownership:10" in 5.0_A21 build 11.31 using sfqapa17-18- 19-20 cluster 
1178407 after vxumount -o force on one of the clones bdf reports of an I/O error
1131268 getacl() fails with Invalid argument
1197265 Back out changes to vx_extfree introduced in e544066 
1155243 FSONCALL(230-333-302): HPUX VxFS 4.1 CP2 - CFS filesystem hung 
1233788 [PRI-3] [290-943-883] [HPUX11.23 IA SFCFS 5.0MP1] [Samsung] takes time for du/bdf to report the same after files are removed
1242362 Data corruption with VxfS MP2 patch PHKL_36114 
1285549 corrupt data read after sendfile()
1285684 Performance degradation in vx_logbuf_clean: sleeping while holding lock

Install and Uninstall Instructions for the VxFS patches: 

1.1. To install the VxFS 5.0-MP1RP3 patch:

a) To install this patch on a CVM cluster, install it one
 system at a time so that all the nodes are not brought down
b) The VxFS 5.0(GA) must be installed before applying these
c) To verify the VERITAS file system level, execute:
     # swlist -l product | egrep -i 'VRTSvxfs'
  VRTSvxfs        VERITAS File System  

Note: VRTSfsman is a corequisite for VRTSvxfs. So, VRTSfsman also
needs to be installed with VRTSvxfs.

    # swlist -l product | egrep -i 'VRTS'

  VRTSvxfs      Veritas File System
  VRTSfsman      Veritas File System Manuals
d) All prerequisite/corequisite patches must be installed. The Kernel patch 
  requires a system reboot for both installation and removal.
e) To install the patch, execute the following command:
# swinstall -x autoreboot=true -s <patch_directory> PHKL_38186 

If the patch is not registered, you can register it
using the following command:

# swreg -l depot <patch_directory>

The <patch_directory> is the absolute path where the patch resides.

1.2. To remove the VxFS 5.0-MP1RP3 patch:

a) Execute the following command:

# swremove -x autoreboot=true PHKL_38186