
 Basic information
Release type: Rolling Patch
Release date: 2008-10-07
OS update support: None
Technote: None
Documentation: None
Popularity: 602 viewed    downloaded
Download size: 974.52 KB
Checksum: 3663487228

 Applies to one or more of the following products:
Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC 4.1MP2 On Solaris 10 SPARC
Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC 4.1MP2 On Solaris 8 SPARC
Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC 4.1MP2 On Solaris 9 SPARC
Storage Foundation HA 4.1MP2 On Solaris 10 SPARC
Storage Foundation HA 4.1MP2 On Solaris 8 SPARC
Storage Foundation HA 4.1MP2 On Solaris 9 SPARC

 Obsolete patches, incompatibilities, superseded patches, or other requirements:

This patch supersedes the following patches: Release date
4.1MP2RP1a VRTSgms (obsolete) 2007-03-19
4.1MP2RP1 VRTSodm (obsolete) 2007-03-08

This patch requires: Release date
4.1 MP2b 2007-02-26

 Fixes the following incidents:
1028535, 1223724

 Patch ID:
125758-02, 125757-02, 125759-02

Readme file
Etrack Incidents: 1028535, 1223724
Errors/Problems Fixed:

(1028535) FSONCALL(280-879-001): Why does ls -l stop working in 5.0 on odm filesystem type i.e /dev/odm
(1223724) with autofs, odm_commit() can panic and odm_create() can fail

Install/Uninstall Instructions:

For Solaris 8-10 releases, refer to the man pages for instructions
on using ""patchadd"" and ""patchrm"" scripts provided with Solaris.
Any other special or non-generic installation instructions should be
described below as special instructions.  The following example
installs a patch to a standalone machine:

       example# patchadd /var/spool/patch/104945-02

The following example removes a patch from a standalone system:

       example# patchrm 104945-02

For additional examples please see the appropriate man pages.