
 Basic information
Release type: Hot Fix
Release date: 2008-11-07
OS update support: None
Technote: None
Documentation: None
Popularity: 588 viewed    downloaded
Download size: 21.85 MB
Checksum: 2137489485

 Applies to one or more of the following products:
Cluster Server 4.0MP2P2 On RHEL3 i686
Storage Foundation Cluster File System 4.0MP2P2 On RHEL3 i686
Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC 4.0MP2P2 On RHEL3 i686
Storage Foundation HA 4.0MP2P2 On RHEL3 i686

 Obsolete patches, incompatibilities, superseded patches, or other requirements:

 Fixes the following incidents:

 Patch ID:

Readme file
* * README - VERITAS Cluster Server 4.0MP2P2 (Linux RHEL3/i686) * *
* *       Patch MP2P2 (e1433136)                                * *

Patch Names/Numbers : MP2P2 (e1433136)



OS Version:



Etrack Incidents: 1433136
1433136 -- Setting OfflineMonitorInterval to 0 on Application Resource makes monitor run every 2 seconds.

Fixes Applied for Products:
Veritas Cluster Server for Linux (RHEL3) (i686)

Install/Uninstall Instructions:


This patch is for VCS 4.0MP2 on Linux RHEL3 i686 systems. The patch fixes the problem with the VCS agent framework given above.
If you are running any VCS version below VCS4.0MP2, you will have to upgrade
to VCS4.0MP2 before applying this patch.
If you are already running VCS4.0MP2, you can apply this patch directly
(guidelines below).

    VCS 4.0MP2


To install the patch:

1.  Copy the point patch to a directory on your system:

	# cp <patch.gz> .

2.  Unzip the compressed patch files that you want to install:

	# gunzip *.gz

3.  Extract the compressed patch files from the tar files:

	# tar -xvf <filename.tar>

4.  Make the VCS configuration writable. On any system, type:

      # haconf -makerw

5.  Freeze all service groups. On any system, type:

      # hagrp -freeze <service_group> -persistent

6.  Verify that service groups are frozen. On any system, type:

      # hastatus -sum

7.  Save this configuration change to the file with the groups frozen.
    On any system, type:

      # haconf -dump -makero

8.  Stop VCS. On any system, type:

      # hastop -all -force

    To apply the patch one system at-a-time, stop VCS on a single system using
    the following command:

      # hastop -local -force
9.  Check that VCS has shut down. On each system, type:

      # ps -ef | grep vcs

      # ps -ef | grep -i vrts
    If the VCS CmdServer process is running, it can be left running.

10. Change directory to the patch location.
    On each node in the cluster, install the patch.
11. Restart VCS. On each system in the cluster, type:

      # hastart

    If you chose to apply the patch one system at-a-time, after restarting VCS
    on the system that was patched, go to step 8 and repeat the patching
    procedure for each individual system.

12. After VCS has been restarted on all the systems, verify all resources have
    been probed. On any system, type:

      # hastatus -summary

13. Make the configuration writable and unfreeze all service groups. 
    On any system, type:

      # haconf -makerw

      # hagrp -unfreeze <service_group> -persistent

14. Save the changes to the configuration file ( On any system, type:

      # haconf -dump -makero         


To remove the patch from a running VCS cluster:

1.  Make the VCS configuration writable. On any system, type:

      # haconf -makerw

2.  Freeze the service groups. On any system, type:

      # hagrp -freeze <service_group> -persistent
3.  Save the configuration file ( with the groups frozen. 
    On any system, type:

      # haconf -dump -makero
4.  Stop VCS. On any system, type:

      # hastop -all -force

    To remove the patch one system at-a-time, stop VCS on a single system using
    the following command:

      # hastop -local -force

5.  On each node in the cluster, remove the patch using native O.S. commands, if possible.

7.  After the patch has been removed, restart VCS. On each system in the cluster, type:

      # hastart         
    If you chose to remove the patch one system at-a-time, after restarting VCS
    on the system where the patch was removed, go to step 4 and repeat the
    procedure for each individual system.

8. After restarting VCS on all the systems, verify all resources have been probed.
   On any system, type:

      # hastatus -summary

9. Make the configuration writable and unfreeze all service groups. 
    On any system, type:

      # haconf -makerw

      # hagrp -unfreeze <service_group> -persistent

10. Save this change to the configuration file ( On any system, type:

      # haconf -dump -makero