The latest patch(es) : sfha-rhel4_x86_64-4.1MP3 

 Basic information
Release type: Rolling Patch
Release date: 2006-07-13
OS update support: None
Technote: None
Documentation: None
Popularity: 570 viewed    downloaded
Download size: 8.65 MB
Checksum: 288124888

 Applies to one or more of the following products:
File System 4.1 MP2 On RHEL4 ia64
Storage Foundation 4.1 MP2 On RHEL4 ia64
Storage Foundation Cluster File System 4.1 MP2 On RHEL4 ia64
Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC 4.1 MP2 On RHEL4 ia64
Storage Foundation HA 4.1 MP2 On RHEL4 ia64

 Obsolete patches, incompatibilities, superseded patches, or other requirements:

This patch is obsolete. It is superseded by: Release date
sfha-rhel4_x86_64-4.1MP3 2006-09-11

This patch supersedes the following patches: Release date
fs-rhel4_ia64-4.1MP2RP1 (obsolete) 2006-05-12

 Fixes the following incidents:
625406, 630388

 Patch ID:

Readme file
Date: Jul 27, 2006 
OS: Linux
OS Version: rhel4_ia64
Etrack Incidents: 625406, 630388
Errors/Problems Fixed:
	625406 - if the inode is in masterless state, a read fault and write
                   fault are not serialized
	630388 - LxRT: Add support for raw disks, etc, to VxFS

Install/Uninstall Instructions: