The latest patch(es) : sfha-rhel4_x86_64-4.1MP3 

 Basic information
Release type: Rolling Patch
Release date: 2006-07-13
OS update support: None
Technote: None
Documentation: None
Popularity: 635 viewed    downloaded
Download size: 7.38 MB
Checksum: 955577996

 Applies to one or more of the following products:
File System 4.1 MP2 On RHEL4 x86-64
Storage Foundation 4.1 MP2 On RHEL4 x86-64
Storage Foundation Cluster File System 4.1 MP2 On RHEL4 x86-64
Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC 4.1 MP2 On RHEL4 x86-64
Storage Foundation HA 4.1 MP2 On RHEL4 x86-64

 Obsolete patches, incompatibilities, superseded patches, or other requirements:

This patch is obsolete. It is superseded by: Release date
sfha-rhel4_x86_64-4.1MP3 2006-09-11

This patch supersedes the following patches: Release date
fs-rhel4_x86_64-4.1MP2RP1 (obsolete) 2006-05-12

 Fixes the following incidents:
625406, 630388

 Patch ID:

Readme file
Date: Jul 27, 2006 
OS: Linux
OS Version: rhel4_x86_64
Etrack Incidents: 625406, 630388
Errors/Problems Fixed:
	625406 - if the inode is in masterless state, a read fault and write
                   fault are not serialized
	630388 - LxRT: Add support for raw disks, etc, to VxFS

Install/Uninstall Instructions: