The latest patch(es) : fs-rhel4_i686-4.1MP3RP3b 

 Basic information
Release type: Rolling Patch
Release date: 2006-11-08
OS update support: None
Technote: None
Documentation: None
Popularity: 469 viewed    downloaded
Download size: 7.19 MB
Checksum: 435009851

 Applies to one or more of the following products:
File System 4.1 MP3 On RHEL4 i686
Storage Foundation 4.1 MP3 On RHEL4 i686
Storage Foundation Cluster File System 4.1 MP3 On RHEL4 i686
Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC 4.1 MP3 On RHEL4 i686
Storage Foundation HA 4.1 MP3 On RHEL4 i686

 Obsolete patches, incompatibilities, superseded patches, or other requirements:

This patch is obsolete. It is superseded by: Release date
fs-rhel4_i686-4.1MP3RP3b 2006-12-26

 Fixes the following incidents:
803960, 831548, 833049, 833268, 841015

 Patch ID:

Readme file
Date: Nov 22, 2006 
OS: Linux
OS Version: rhel4_i686
Etrack Incidents: 833049, 841015, 803960, 831548, 833268
Errors/Problems Fixed:
	833049 - Linux: deadlock between mmap_sem and VxFS's rwlock with
	841015 - Lnx: Native-aio needs support for buffered IO from a worker
	803960 - Incomplete Installation Of VRTSvxfs-common on RedFlag Linux
                   IA64 platform
	831548 - Directly accessing 64-bit data item in 5.0 message caused
                   alignment trap
	833268 - Inconsistency between /etc/mtab and /proc/mounts when
                   multiple mounts run at same time

Install/Uninstall Instructions: