
 Basic information
Release type: Hot Fix
Release date: 2009-01-20
OS update support: None
Technote: 318299
Documentation: None
Popularity: 1086 viewed    downloaded
Download size: 31.75 MB
Checksum: 1429952014

 Applies to one or more of the following products:
Storage Foundation 5.0MP3 On Solaris 10 X64
Storage Foundation Cluster File System 5.0MP3 On Solaris 10 X64
Storage Foundation for Oracle 5.0MP3 On Solaris 10 X64
Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC 5.0MP3 On Solaris 10 X64
Storage Foundation for Sybase 5.0MP3 On Solaris 10 X64
Storage Foundation HA 5.0MP3 On Solaris 10 X64
Volume Manager 5.0MP3 On Solaris 10 X64
Volume Replicator 5.0MP3 On Solaris 10 X64

 Obsolete patches, incompatibilities, superseded patches, or other requirements:

This patch requires: Release date
vm-sol_x64-5.0MP3RP1 (obsolete) 2008-12-18
sfha-sol_x64-5.0MP3RP1 (obsolete) 2008-12-17

 Fixes the following incidents:
1460281, 1485358

 Patch ID:

Readme file
Date: 2009-01-16
OS: Solaris Opteron 
OS Version: 10 
Etrack Incidents: 1460281, 1485358
Errors/Problems Fixed:
Server panics in kmsg_udp_payload() 2- Node CVM cluster with SUN Cluster 3.2.0 (e1460281)
After upgrade to Mp3, the start up process fails (Server: SV1) (e1485358)

Install/Uninstall Instructions:

For Solaris 8, 9, and 10 releases, refer to the man pages for instructions on
using "patchadd" and "patchrm" scripts provided with Solaris.
Any other special or non-generic installation instructions should be
described below as special instructions.  The following example
installs a patch to a standalone machine:

        example# patchadd 140626-xx

The following example removes a patch from a standalone system:

        example# patchrm 140626-xx

For additional examples please see the appropriate man pages.

Special Install Instructions:
You need to use the shutdown command to reboot the system after patch
installation or de-installation:

    shutdown -g0 -y -i6

A Solaris 10 issue prevents this patch from complete installation.
Before installing this VM patch, install the Solaris patch
119254-06 (or a later revision). This Solaris patch fixes packaging,
installation and patch utilities. [Sun Bug ID 6337009]

Download Solaris 10 patch 119254-06 (or later) from Sun at

Pre-req and Installation Info
To test the VM patch, you"ll need to install VM in the following order below.
- Install VM 5.0 archived at:
  Basically, do this:
        pkgadd -d . VRTSvxvm
- Install VM 5.0MP3 (122058-11) currently archived at:
  Basically, do this:
	patchadd 122058-11 
- Install VM 5.0MP3RP1 (139352-02) currently archived at:

- This HotFix requires 5.0, 5.0MP3 and 5.0MP3RP1 to be installed.  
- Follow the instructions in the patch readme to install this patch.
  Basically, do this (replace "XX" with patch version number):
        patchadd 140624-XX

Tincy Emmanuel
Fri Jan 16 05:19:22 PST 2009