
 Basic information
Release type: Hot Fix
Release date: 2009-02-18
OS update support: None
Technote: 320669
Documentation: None
Popularity: 2796 viewed    downloaded
Download size: 56.95 MB
Checksum: 3266218231

 Applies to one or more of the following products:
Storage Foundation 5.0MP3 On Solaris 10 SPARC
Storage Foundation 5.0MP3 On Solaris 8 SPARC
Storage Foundation 5.0MP3 On Solaris 9 SPARC
Storage Foundation Cluster File System 5.0MP3 On Solaris 10 SPARC
Storage Foundation Cluster File System 5.0MP3 On Solaris 8 SPARC
Storage Foundation Cluster File System 5.0MP3 On Solaris 9 SPARC
Storage Foundation for DB2 5.0MP3 On Solaris 10 SPARC
Storage Foundation for DB2 5.0MP3 On Solaris 8 SPARC
Storage Foundation for DB2 5.0MP3 On Solaris 9 SPARC
Storage Foundation for Oracle 5.0MP3 On Solaris 10 SPARC
Storage Foundation for Oracle 5.0MP3 On Solaris 8 SPARC
Storage Foundation for Oracle 5.0MP3 On Solaris 9 SPARC
Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC 5.0MP3 On Solaris 10 SPARC
Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC 5.0MP3 On Solaris 8 SPARC
Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC 5.0MP3 On Solaris 9 SPARC
Storage Foundation for Sybase 5.0MP3 On Solaris 10 SPARC
Storage Foundation for Sybase 5.0MP3 On Solaris 8 SPARC
Storage Foundation for Sybase 5.0MP3 On Solaris 9 SPARC
Storage Foundation HA 5.0MP3 On Solaris 10 SPARC
Storage Foundation HA 5.0MP3 On Solaris 8 SPARC
Storage Foundation HA 5.0MP3 On Solaris 9 SPARC
Volume Manager 5.0MP3 On Solaris 10 SPARC
Volume Manager 5.0MP3 On Solaris 8 SPARC
Volume Manager 5.0MP3 On Solaris 9 SPARC
Volume Replicator 5.0MP3 On Solaris 10 SPARC
Volume Replicator 5.0MP3 On Solaris 8 SPARC
Volume Replicator 5.0MP3 On Solaris 9 SPARC

 Obsolete patches, incompatibilities, superseded patches, or other requirements:

This patch supersedes the following patches: Release date
vm-sol_sparc-5.0MP3RP1HF1 (obsolete) 2009-01-19

This patch requires: Release date
vm-sol_sparc-5.0MP3RP1 (obsolete) 2008-12-18
sfha-sol_sparc-5.0MP3RP1 (obsolete) 2008-12-17

 Fixes the following incidents:

 Patch ID:

Readme file
Date: 2009-02-02
OS: Solaris Sparc
OS Version: 8, 9, 10 
Etrack Incidents: 1511251
Errors/Problems Fixed:
1511251 (1508462) vxconfigd hung after cluster nodes split simulation - VxVM 5.0 MP3 RP1

Install/Uninstall Instructions:

For Solaris 8, 9, and 10 releases, refer to the man pages for instructions on
using "patchadd" and "patchrm" scripts provided with Solaris.
Any other special or non-generic installation instructions should be
described below as special instructions.  The following example
installs a patch to a standalone machine:

        example# patchadd 140624-xx

The following example removes a patch from a standalone system:

        example# patchrm 140624-xx

For additional examples please see the appropriate man pages.

Special Install Instructions:
You need to use the shutdown command to reboot the system after patch
installation or de-installation:

    shutdown -g0 -y -i6

A Solaris 10 issue prevents this patch from complete installation.
Before installing this VM patch, install the Solaris patch
119254-06 (or a later revision). This Solaris patch fixes packaging,
installation and patch utilities. [Sun Bug ID 6337009]

Download Solaris 10 patch 119254-06 (or later) from Sun at

Pre-req and Installation Info
To test the VM patch, you"ll need to install VM in the following order below.
- Install VM 5.0 archived at:
  Basically, do this:
        pkgadd -d . VRTSvxvm
- Install VM 5.0MP3 (122058-11) currently archived at:
  Basically, do this:
	patchadd 122058-11 
- Install VM 5.0MP3RP1 (139352-02) currently archived at:

- This HotFix requires 5.0, 5.0MP3 and 5.0MP3RP1 to be installed.  
- Follow the instructions in the patch readme to install this patch.
  Basically, do this (replace "XX" with patch version number):
        patchadd 140624-XX