
 Basic information
Release type: P-patch
Release date: 2009-02-26
OS update support: None
Technote: 320626
Documentation: None
Popularity: 659 viewed    downloaded
Download size: 21.9 KB
Checksum: 2000964120

 Applies to one or more of the following products:
Cluster Server 5.1MP2 On Linux
Cluster Server ESX 5.1MP2 On VMware ESX 3.0 i686
Cluster Server ESX 5.1MP2 On VMware ESX 3.5 i686

 Obsolete patches, incompatibilities, superseded patches, or other requirements:

 Fixes the following incidents:
1477058, 1509199, 1805667, 1805668

 Patch ID:

Readme file
Name: 5.1MP2P3

Date: 2009-02-13

OS: VMware ESX

OS Version:3.0 Update 2 and 3.5 Update 2

Etrack Incidents: 1477058, 1509199, 1805668, 1805667


Errors/Problems Fixed:
01. For use of the VMIP functionality, remove the requirement of configuring network communication between VCS Virtual machine tools (running inside the guest) and VCS (running on the ESX host).
02. Permits VMIP resource names with dashes in them.
03. Windows Server 2008 guest OS reboots even when IP is not changed in VMIP resource.

Install Instructions:
Before installing this patch, make sure you have one of the following versions of 
Veritas Cluster Server installed:
- Veritas Cluster Server 5.1MP2 
- Veritas Cluster Server 5.1MP2P1 
- Veritas Cluster Server 5.1MP2P2.

*** Steps to be run on each virtual machine running in the VCS cluster

01. Log in as superuser/administrator to a virtual machine where the point patch is to be installed.

02. Make sure VCS virtual machine tools with the correct versions are already installed.
	- On Windows, the version should be 5.11.2000
	- On Linux, the version should be
    See the Veritas Cluster Server Implementation Guide for ESX 5.1MP2 for details.

03. Back up the original scripts.
	- On Windows, back up the following scripts
	  The default value of %VCS_HOME% is C:\Program Files\Veritas\Cluster Server.
	- On Linux, back up the following scripts
        The default value of $VCS_HOME is /opt/VRTSvcs.

04. Copy the new scripts to replace the original scripts
	- On Windows, copy the following scripts to the %VCS_HOME%\bin\VMIP directory:
	- On Windows, copy the following scripts to the %VCS_HOME%\bin directory:
	- On Linux, copy the following scripts to the $VCS_HOME/bin/VMIP directory:
	- On Linux, copy the following scripts to the $VCS_HOME/bin directory:

05. Generate VCS configuration for the VMIP resource inside the virtual machine guest operating system
	- On Windows, run
		 "%VRTS_PERL_BIN%\perl" "%VCS_HOME%\bin\" -buildapplyinternaltypes
	The default value of %VRTS_PERL_BIN% is c:\Program Files\Veritas\VRTSPerl\bin
	- On Linux, run
		 $VCS_HOME/bin/ -buildapplyinternaltypes

Uninstall Instructions:

*** Steps to be run on each virtual machine running in the VCS cluster

01. Log in as superuser/administrator to a virtual machine where the point patch is installed.

02. Restore the original scripts from your backup location.
	- On Windows, restore the following scripts:
	- On linux, restore the following scripts:

01. Install this patch if you want to configure only the VMIP resource inside the virtual machine guest operating system, without having to configure VCS virtual machine tools.

02. In case you want to configure application resources, you must configure VCS virtual machine tools.

03. When you add new virtual machines to the cluster, you must install this patch on the new virtual machines.