
 Basic information
Release type: Rolling Patch
Release date: 2009-03-02
OS update support: None
Technote: 320177
Documentation: None
Popularity: 516 viewed    downloaded
Download size: 57.28 MB
Checksum: 221935638

 Applies to one or more of the following products:
CommandCentral 5.0MP1 On Solaris 10 SPARC
CommandCentral 5.0MP1 On Solaris 8 SPARC
CommandCentral 5.0MP1 On Solaris 9 SPARC
Enterprise Reporter 5.0MP1 On Solaris 10 SPARC
Enterprise Reporter 5.0MP1 On Solaris 8 SPARC
Enterprise Reporter 5.0MP1 On Solaris 9 SPARC

 Obsolete patches, incompatibilities, superseded patches, or other requirements:

 Fixes the following incidents:
1202272, 1217007, 1384313, 1431899, 1450032

 Patch ID:
139143-01, 128056-01

Readme file
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README for Veritas CommandCentral(TM) Enterprise Reporter Rolling Patch 1
Veritas CommandCentral Enterprise Reporter 5.0MP1

Rolling Patch 1 for Veritas CommandCentral(TM) Enterprise Reporter 5.0MP1 
(hereafter 5.0MP1-RP1) contains native operating system patches for all 
CommandCentral Enterprise Reporter components since the 5.0MP1 release.

Apply this rolling patch only on hosts where CommandCentral Enterprise Reporter
5.0MP1 has already been installed.

Header information

Synopsis:  Rolling Patch 1 for Veritas CommandCentral Enterprise Reporter 
	   5.0MP1 by Symantec

ID#:       5.0MP1-RP1
Version#: (Management Server)

Keywords:  CommandCentral Enterprise Reporter Management Server, 
           CommandCentral Enterprise Reporter Console, Reporting

Date:      December 16, 2008

Etrack Incidents: 1202272, 1217007, 1384313, 1431899, 1450032

Table of contents

Section 1: System information
  1.A - Affected operating systems
  1.B - 5.0MP1-RP1 requirements/interoperability
  1.C - Executable and patch manifest
  1.D - Files added/modified

Section 2: Installation
  2.A - Patch information
  2.B - Preparing Enterprise Reporter for installation
  2.C - Installing the patch
  2.D - Manually upgrading Enterprise Reporter database schema
  2.E - Confirming installation

Section 3: What's new in this rolling patch

Section 4: Issues fixed

Section 1: System information

1.A. Affected operating systems
This rolling patch is for CommandCentral Enterprise Reporter 5.0MP1 components 
running on the Solaris operating system.

1.B. 5.0MP1-RP1 requirements/interoperability
 - Patches required with this patch: None

 - Patches that conflict with this patch: None

 - Patches accumulated and made obsolete by this patch: None

1.C. Executable and patch manifest
This section lists the patches that comprise CommandCentral Enterprise
Reporter 5.0MP1-RP1.

VRTSsmweb = 128056-01
VRTSccer = 139143-01

1.D. Files modified/added
For a list of the files that are added/modified in 5.0MP1-RP1, open the
following file:


Section 2: Installation

This section describes how to install the rolling patch.

2.A - Patch information
The 5.0MP1-RP1 patch is contained in the following file:


2.B - Preparing Enterprise Reporter for installation
1. Log in to the Enterprise Reporter Console.

2. Verify that there are no data rollups in progress. In the Enterprise 
   Reporter Console, click Data Management > Data Rollup Configuration > Status. 
   All data rollup processes must be complete.

3. Disable all data sources for data rollup.

2.C - Installing the patch
1. Download the files that you need and uncompress them as follows:

   - `uncompress ER_50MP1_RP1.tar.Z`
      (outcome of the above command will be ER_50MP1_RP1.tar)

   - To extract the tar ball: `tar -xvf ER_50MP1_RP1.tar`

   By default, the files are uncompressed to a ER/50MP1_RP1/unix directory.

2. Copy the unix directory on the host where CommandCentral Enterprise
   Reporter 5.0MP1 is installed. Please do not install from a mounted file system as we dont support it.

3. Run ./installrp from the unix directory.

4. Follow the install script prompts.

   When the installer prompts you to update database schema, if you choose
   option 1, the installer guides you through the process. If you choose
   option 2, refer to section 2.D for instructions.

   The installer displays the path to all logs at the end of the install.

2.D - Manually upgrading Enterprise Reporter database schema

NOTE: You need to perform this procedure only if you choose option 2 in the 
      5.0MP1-RP1 installer.

1. If the Enterprise Reporter Management Server and the Enterprise Reporter
   database are on same hosts, perform the following steps:

   - Open a UNIX console and log in as root on the Enterprise Reporter Management 

   - Change the OS user to the user running the database server. For example:

     su - oracle

2. If the Enterprise Reporter Management Server and the Enterprise Reporter
   database are on different hosts, perform the following steps:

   - Open a UNIX console and log in as root on the Enterprise Reporter database

   - Provide access from the Enterprise Reporter database host to the directory
     on the Management Server host where the 5.0MP1-RP1 database scripts 
     resides (enterprise_reporter/scripts/db/). You can either create a network 
     share, or copy the directory contents to the database host.

   - Change the OS user to the user running the database server. For example:

     su . oracle

3. Upgrade the Enterprise Reporter database as follows:

   - Change to a writable directory. For example, the following command changes 
     to the writable directory tmp.

     cd /tmp

     Note: The current directory should be writable as the SQL scripts create
           temporary files.

   - Connect to the Enterprise Reporter database as a sysdba user.

     sqlplus user_name/password@ER_database as sysdba

   - Run the following commands at the SQL*Plus prompt. mnt_path is the directory 
     where the product installer is mounted.

     SQL> shutdown immediate
     SQL> startup restrict
     SQL> @/mnt_path/enterprise_reporter/scripts/db/saharaUpgradeRP1.sql

     Verify that no errors occur during the database upgrade before proceeding
     to the next step. At the end of a successful database upgrade, the message
     "Sahara schema successfully updated!" appears.

   - After the database upgrade, the upgrade script disconnects from the
     Enterprise Reporter database. Connect to the Enterprise Reporter database
     again as a dba user.

     sqlplus user_name/password@ER_database as sysdba

   - Run the following command at the SQL*Plus prompt.

     SQL> alter system disable restricted session;

   - Run the following command to exit from SQL*Plus.

     SQL> quit

2.E - Confirming installation
After you install CommandCentral Enterprise Reporter 5.0MP1-RP1, you can 
verify that all patches and files have been added/modified by confirming 
that your host has been updated as follows:

Product version will remain as Veritas CommandCentral Enterprise Reporter 
5.0MP1 by Symantec. The command 'showrev -p | grep VRTS' will list patch 
IDs 128056-01 and 139143-01.

Section 3: What's new in this rolling patch

5.0MP1-RP1 contains and builds upon CommandCentral Enterprise Reporter
5.0MP1 functionality, providing the following new capabilities:

 - Support for rolling up data from CommandCentral 5.1 Management Servers

 - Ability to roll up the following attributes:

   - For NetApp unified storage devices, quota capacities are rolled up as 
     qtree measures/facts. You can use these attributes for billing.

   - For hosts, cluster related information that identifies if the host is 
     part of a cluster, the type of cluster to which the host belongs, and 
     the version of the cluster.

   - For LUNs, physical disk size, disk vendor information, vendor layout, 
     number of array ports to which the LUN is connected, and if the rollup 
     is based on an external LUN. You can use these attributes to better 
     define storage tiers.

Section 4: Issues fixed

Incident	Description
1202272		After importing business views, not all of the rejected or 
		invalid objects are present in the reject log file
1217007		Enterprise Reporter does not have the ability to update a 
		data source's version if it changes
1384313		On the Dashboard, ToolTips do not display in the View Reports 
		tree (left panel)
1431899		When data rollup fails, the descriptions do not provide 
		enough detail about why data rollup failed
1450032		If a host does not have a value for OS_Detail, the value 
		displays as "0" when it should display an empty value