
 Basic information
Release type: Hot Fix
Release date: 2009-05-08
OS update support: None
Technote: 324683
Documentation: None
Popularity: 394 viewed    downloaded
Download size: 242.57 KB
Checksum: 3345376249

 Applies to one or more of the following products:
Cluster Server 4.1MP4 On RHEL4 i686
Storage Foundation Cluster File System 4.1MP4 On RHEL4 i686
Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC 4.1MP4 On RHEL4 i686
Storage Foundation HA 4.1MP4 On RHEL4 i686

 Obsolete patches, incompatibilities, superseded patches, or other requirements:

 Fixes the following incidents:

 Patch ID:

Readme file
Packages: VRTSvcsag-
OS: Linux
OS Version: rhel40 i686
Etrack Incidents: 1482557
Fixes Applied for Products:

Problem Description & Resolution:
	The NIC monitor functionality was not in sync as per documentation
	(i.e. VERITAS Cluster Server 4.1 Bundled Agents Reference Guide for Linux).
	Changes are made so that, if NIC monitor fails the network host ping test,
	it will send a broadcast ping.

Install/Uninstall Instructions:
 Steps to Install :
   1. Stop HA on local machine to install the package
	# hastop -local
   2. After Un-zipping. Change directory to "patches" and run the following command to install the package.
	# rpm -uvh VRTSvcsag-
   3. Start HA on local machine after successful installation
	# hastart