
 Basic information
Release type: Rolling Patch
Release date: 2009-05-26
OS update support: None
Technote: 325616
Documentation: None
Popularity: 774 viewed    downloaded
Download size: 205.41 MB
Checksum: 271394295

 Applies to one or more of the following products:
CommandCentral 5.0MP1 On Windows

 Obsolete patches, incompatibilities, superseded patches, or other requirements:

 Fixes the following incidents:
1173440, 1260379, 1278654, 1444244, 1471688, 1484095, 1502306, 1502319, 1502517, 1505677, 1510454, 1511497, 1511533, 1511939, 1512485, 1513428, 1518552, 1519356, 1519949, 1522054, 1522558, 1523373, 1526312, 1527436, 1528408, 1528498, 1528763, 1530024, 1530032, 1531798, 1532679, 1534328, 1534401, 1534914, 1535217, 1535220, 1537273, 1537323, 1537895, 1538028, 1538113, 1538272, 1538290, 1539762, 1539825, 1539865, 1540709, 1541970, 1542405, 1544470, 1544496, 1544629, 1556931, 1556940, 1587253, 1589121, 1591536, 1592285, 1592901, 1593282, 1598568, 1599239, 1601191, 1602806, 1630426, 1631622, 1652453, 1672007

 Patch ID:

Readme file
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README for Veritas CommandCentral(TM) Storage Rolling Patch 6
Veritas CommandCentral Storage 5.0MP1

Rolling Patch 6 for Veritas CommandCentral(TM) Storage 5.0MP1 (hereafter
5.0MP1-RP6) contains native operating system patches for all CommandCentral
Storage components since the 5.0MP1 release.

Apply this rolling patch only on hosts where CommandCentral Storage 5.0MP1,
5.0MP1-RP1, 5.0MP1-RP2, 5.0MP1-RP3, 5.0MP1-RP4, or 5.0MP1-RP5 has been 

Header information

Synopsis:  Rolling Patch 6 for Veritas CommandCentral Storage 5.0MP1 by Symantec

ID#:       5.0MP1-RP6

Version #: 5.0.530.0 (Management Server)
           5.0.530.0 (Managed host)
           5.0.530.0 (Agent Push Install Utility)

Keywords:  CommandCentral Storage Management Server, CommandCentral Storage
           managed host, CommandCentral Storage Console, Agent Push Install 
	   Utility, Data Module, Monitoring

Date:      May 27, 2009

Etrack Incidents: 1173440, 1260379, 1278654, 1444244, 1471688, 1484095, 1502306, 1502319, 1502517, 1505677, 1510454, 1511497, 1511533, 1511939, 1512485, 1513428, 1518552, 1519356, 1519949, 1522054, 1522558, 1523373, 1526312, 1527436, 1528408, 1528498, 1528763, 1530024, 1530032, 1531798, 1532679, 1534328, 1534401, 1534914, 1535217, 1535220, 1537273, 1537323, 1537895, 1538028, 1538113, 1538272, 1538290, 1539762, 1539825, 1539865, 1540709, 1541970, 1542405, 1544470, 1544496, 1544629, 1556931, 1556940, 1587253, 1589121, 1591536, 1592285, 1592901, 1593282, 1598568, 1599239, 1601191, 1602806, 1630426, 1631622, 1652453, 1672007
1502319, 1502517, 1505677, 1510454, 1511497, 1511533, 1511939, 1512485, 1513428,
1518552, 1519356, 1519949, 1522054, 1522558, 1523373, 1526312, 1527436, 1528408,
1528498, 1528763, 1530024, 1530032, 1531798, 1532679, 1534328, 1534401, 1534914,
1535217, 1535220, 1537273, 1537323, 1537895, 1538028, 1538113, 1538272, 1538290,
1539762, 1539825, 1539865, 1540709, 1541970, 1542405, 1544470, 1544496, 1544629,
1556931, 1556940, 1587253, 1589121, 1591536, 1592285, 1592901, 1593282, 1598568,
1599239, 1601191, 1602806, 1630426, 1631622, 1652453, 1672007

Table of contents

Section 1: System information
  1.A - Affected operating systems
  1.B - 5.0MP1-RP6 requirements/interoperability
  1.C - Executable and patch manifest
  1.D - Files added/modified

Section 2: Installation
  2.A - Install overview
  2.B - Installing the rolling patch on Windows
  2.C - Installing the rolling patch on UNIX
  2.D - Install confirmation
  2.E - Post-installation steps

Section 3: What's new in this rolling patch

Section 4: Issues fixed
  4.A - Management Server
  4.B - managed host
  4.C - Management Server and managed host
Section 5: Known issues/limitations
  5.A - Windows
  5.B - UNIX
  5.C - Cross platform

Section 6: Accessing the latest Hardware and Software Compatibility List

Section 1: System information

1.A - Affected operating systems
This rolling patch is for CommandCentral Storage components running on the
following operating systems:

 - Windows

 - Solaris

 - HP-UX

 - AIX

 - Linux

1.B - 5.0MP1-RP6 requirements/interoperability
 - Patches required with this patch: None

 - Patches that conflict with this patch: None

 - Patches accumulated and made obsolete by this patch:

	- CCSTOR_DM Hotfix #1 (ccsdm.jar)

	- Alarm Service #1 (VRTSccs-F501041588171)

	- HiCommand Explorer #1 (HiCommand_F501041544470)

1.C - Executable and patch manifest
This section lists (by operating system) the Windows executables and UNIX
patches that comprise CommandCentral Storage 5.0MP1-RP6.

 - Windows:

   Management Server            MSSetup.exe
   Managed host                 MHSetup.exe
   Agent Push Install Utility   PISetup.exe

 - Solaris:

   VRTSamccs    127314-08 (MS)
   VRTSas       127315-08 (MS)
   VRTSccdam    126889-08 (MS)
   VRTSccdb     127304-08 (MS)
   VRTSccimp    127316-08 (MS)
   VRTSccsts    126886-08 (MS)
   VRTSccstw    126888-08 (MS)
   VRTShalA     127309-08
   VRTShalC     127312-08
   VRTShalen    127308-08
   VRTShalFC    127307-08
   VRTShalH     127310-08
   VRTShalM     127311-08 (MS)
   VRTShalR     127305-08
   VRTShalT     127306-08
   VRTSobc33    122632-08
   VRTSsicls    127303-08
   VRTStrap     127313-08 (MS)
   VRTSweb      137356-01 (MS)
   VRTSccsta    126887-08 (MH)

 - HP-UX:

                PatchID     Version
   VRTSccdam    PVCO_03880  5.00.0899.0
   VRTSccsta    PVCO_03881
   VRTShalA     PVCO_03882  5.0.3292.0
   VRTShalen    PVCO_03883  5.0.3292.0
   VRTShalFC    PVCO_03884  5.0.3292.0
   VRTShalH     PVCO_03890  5.0.3292.0
   VRTShalR     PVCO_03886  5.0.3292.0
   VRTShalT     PVCO_03887  5.0.3292.0
   VRTSsicls    PVCO_03891  5.00.0384
   VRTSobc33    PHCO_38382  3.3.918.0

 - AIX:

   Note: Patches have same name as base (5.0) package.

   VRTShalA.array	5.0.3292.0
   VRTShalFC.fc		5.0.3292.0	5.0.3292.0
   VRTShalR.rte		5.0.3292.0	5.0.3292.0
   VRTShalen.cat_en	5.0.3292.0
   VRTSobc33		3.3.721.197

 - Linux:

   Note: Patches have same name as base (5.0) package.

   VRTShal-array    5.0.3292.0-50MP1_RP6
   VRTSccdam        5.0.899.0-50MP1_RP6
   VRTSobc33        3.3.921.0-0
   VRTSsicls        5.0.384-50MP1_RP6
   VRTShal-cat_en   5.0.3292.0-50MP1_RP6
   VRTShal-host     5.0.3292.0-50MP1_RP6
   VRTShal          5.0.3292.0-50MP1_RP6
   VRTShal-fc       5.0.3292.0-50MP1_RP6
   VRTShal-tools    5.0.3292.0-50MP1_RP6

1.D - Files added/modified
For a list of the files that are added/modified in 5.0MP1-RP6, locate the following:

For UNIX: CCStor_50MP1_RP6_File_Change_Summary_Unix directory in patches/CCStor_50MP1_RP6/unix

For Windows: CCStor_50MP1_RP6_File_Change_Summary_Windows directory in patches/CCStor_50MP1_RP6 directory

Note: The above directories are created after you extract the platform specific compressed files.
Please refer to section 2.B for Windows and section 2.C for UNIX.

Section 2: Installation

This section describes how to install this rolling patch.

2.A - Install overview
You should apply 5.0MP1-RP6 to your Management Server host and to all of your
managed hosts. If you plan to use the Agent Push Install Utility on Windows to
install the managed host, you should apply 5.0MP1-RP6 to the host where the
utility is installed *before* you use the utility to install the managed host
on remote hosts.

Installation order should be as follows:

1. Install 5.0MP1-RP6 on your Management Server host.

2. If you are using the Agent Push Install Utility on Windows, install 
   5.0MP1-RP6 on the host where the utility is installed.

3. Install 5.0MP1-RP6 on your managed hosts.

2.B - Installing the rolling patch on Windows
For Windows, after you unzip the rolling patch, the following files are 
available to install 5.0MP1-RP6:

File                     For installing 5.0MP1-RP6 on . . .
MSSetup.exe              Management Server host
MHSetup.exe              Managed host
PISetup.exe              Agent Push Install Utility host

To unzip the rolling patch

   On the host where you want to install 5.0MP1-RP6, download and unzip the file that contains the 5.0MP1-RP6 executables.

   By default, the 5.0MP1-RP6 files unzip into a patches\CCStor_50MP1_RP6 directory. 

When you upgrade a Windows host to 5.0MP1-RP6, you can deploy the rolling patch
in the following ways:

 - Using an interactive installation (Management Server, managed host, and 
   Agent Push Install Utility)

 - Using a silent installation that requires no user interaction (managed host only)

To upgrade to 5.0MP1-RP6 using an interactive installation

1. From the CCStor_50MP1_RP6 directory, double-click the executable file for the
   component that you want to update.

2. Follow the install wizard prompts.

To upgrade to 5.0MP1-RP6 using a silent installation (managed host only)

1. Open an operating system console and log in as a user with administrator
   level privileges. 

2. To install the rolling patch, type the following command:

   "Path to MHSetup.exe" /s /v"/qn /lv+ MP1RP6_install.log REINSTALLMODE=amus"


   1. MHSetup.exe resides in the CCStor_50MP1_RP6 directory which unzipped
      in step 1.

   2. If you want to create the log file in another location, rather than in 
      the current directory, type the complete path in the short name or a 
      path that does not include spaces.
      For example:
      "Path to MHSetup.exe" /s /v"/qn /lv+ C:\DOCUME~1\ALLUSE~1\APPLIC~1\Veritas\COMMAN~1\MP1RP6_install.log REINSTALLMODE=amus"

Log locations:

Install log:
%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Application Data\VERITAS\CommandCentral Storage\CCS50RP.log

Uninstall log:
%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Application Data\VERITAS\CommandCentral Storage\CCStorageInstall.log

Database patching log:
%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Application Data\VERITAS\CommandCentral Storage\Dbupgrade50Patch.log

2.C - Installing the rolling patch on UNIX
For UNIX, the following files are available for 5.0MP1-RP6:

File                                    For installing 5.0MP1-RP6 on . . .
ccs-sol_sparc-5.0MP1RP6-patches.tar.gz  Solaris Management Server and managed hosts
ccs-hpux-5.0MP1RP6-patches.tar.gz       HP-UX managed hosts
ccs-aix-5.0MP1RP6-patches.tar.gz        AIX managed hosts
ccs-linux-5.0MP1RP6-patches.tar.gz      Linux managed hosts

To uncompress the rolling patch
1. After you download the rolling patch, uncompress the file as follows:

   - `gunzip ccs-<PLAT>-5.0MP1RP6-patches.tar.gz`
      where <PLAT> is the platform (sol_sparc, hpux, aix, or linux)
      (outcome of the above command will be ccs-<PLAT>-5.0MP1RP6-patches.tar)

   - `tar -xf ccs-<PLAT>-5.0MP1RP6-patches.tar`

   By default, the files uncompress to a patches/CCStor_50MP1_RP6 directory.

2. Copy or mount the patches/CCStor_50MP1_RP6 directory on the target host.

When you upgrade a UNIX host to 5.0MP1-RP6, you can deploy the rolling patch
in the following ways:

 - Using an interactive installation (Management Server and managed host)

 - Using a silent installation that requires no user interaction and allows
   you to install the rolling patch on multiple hosts at once (managed host only)

To upgrade to 5.0MP1-RP6 using an interactive installation

1. From the patches/CCStor_50MP1_RP6/unix directory, run ./installrp

2. Follow the install script prompts.

   The installer displays the path to all logs at the end of the install.

To upgrade to 5.0MP1-RP6 using a silent installation (managed host only)

1. Create a response file that includes the following text:

     #No values are required in the response file for a Rolling Patch.


2. From the patches/CCStor_50MP1_RP6/unix directory, run the following command:

   ./installrp -responsefile <absolute path of responsefile> -rsh <host1> <host2> <host3>

   where <host> is the short host name, fully qualified host name, or 
   IP address of the managed host

   Note: There is no limit to the number of hosts that you can type 
         in the command.

   The installer displays the path to all logs at the end of the install.

2.D - Install confirmation
After you install CommandCentral Storage 5.0MP1-RP6, you can verify that all
patches and files have been added/modified by confirming that your host has
been updated as described below.

 - Windows:

   After you install CommandCentral Storage 5.0MP1-RP6, the entry in Add or Remove
   Programs will be listed as follows:

   "Veritas CommandCentral(TM) Storage 5.0MP1 Rolling Patch 6 by Symantec"

   After you install CommandCentral Storage 5.0MP1-RP6, the PATCH_VERSION value
   in /etc/VRTSccs/ccs.conf will be updated to 5.0MP1_RP6

   You can check the list of patches as specified in section 1.C using the following

   - Solaris: 

     Package version will not change however, NAME and PSTAMP will change.

     Use `pkginfo -l | grep VRTS | grep PSTAMP`
     to check that packages that have been patched contain 50MP1_RP6

     Use `pkginfo -l VRTSweb` to check PSTAMP is ' 7, 2008'

   - HP-UX:

     Use `swlist | egrep -i 'Veritas|VRTS' | egrep 'PVCO|PHCO'`

   - AIX:

     Use `lslpp -L | grep VRTS`

   - Linux:

     Use `rpm -qa | grep VRTS`

Section 3: What's new in this rolling patch

5.0MP1-RP6 contains and builds upon CommandCentral Storage 5.0MP1 
functionality, providing the following new capabilities:

 - Discovery and monitoring of Microsoft SQL 2008 instances. This includes 
   support of Microsoft SQL 2008 instances that run on a Storage Foundation 
   5.1 for Windows host. (1484095 and 1534401)

 - Discovery and monitoring of Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 instances. This 
   includes support of Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 instances that run on a 
   Veritas Cluster Server (VCS) cluster and a Microsoft Cluster Server (MSCS)
   cluster. (1534328 and 1599239)

   Note: CommandCentral Storage 5.0MP1-RP6 does not support scanning 
         Exchange Server 2007 instances with the Data Module.

 - Support for PCI-E HBAs on AIX. (1556931)

 - Support to install 5.0MP1-RP6 on AIX 6.1 hosts. (1601191)

 - Discovery of Hitachi Data Systems AMS2100 and AMS2500 series storage 
   arrays. (1544470)

 - Discovery of Symmetrix storage arrays from the remote SYMAPI server to
   which the array is locally attached. (1531798)

Section 4: Issues fixed

4.A - Management Server

The following fixed issues affect the Management Server:

Incident	Description
1278654		An alert states that a NetApp unified storage system is 100% 
		used, but the alert does not indicate the volume that has 
		reached the 100% threshold.
1444244		The File Aging Detail report does not display data for all 
		managed hosts.
1471688		After scoping File and Directories or User reports to Managed 
		Directories/Shares, data does not display in the reports. 
		Additionally, User reports do not include the "NetApp Unified 
		Storage Volume" scope.
1502306		For Files and Directories reports, the list of objects for the 
		scope incorrectly includes NetApp aggregates.
1502319		If you scope Files and Directories reports or User reports to 
		Managed Directories/Shares, then the report's title displays as 
		null and no data displays in the report.
1505677		The Overview pane for a NetApp MultiStore Virtual System does 
		not show the quotas created on volumes.
1510454		In Settings > Management Server > Users, the Users table should 
		list the user name for a logged in NT user even if that user 
		does not have any user management rights.
1511497		The number of Oracle instances in the Managing Summary pane 
		does not match the number of instances in the Oracle Summary 
		table if any clustered Oracle instances are offline.
1511533		In the Topology Map, connectivity links for user-created 
		enclosures incorrectly display as red (undiscovered).
1511939		In the Application Growth Summary report, if you click 
		"To Table", the window does not display all of the rows in the 
1513428		Port faults do not show up for all Brocade firmware versions.
1518552		When you view a storage array's object dependency group, an 
		error displays in the Console if one of the hosts consuming 
		storage from the array has multiple types of databases 
		configured--for example MS SQL and Sybase.
1519356		A negative capacity displays for an HDS storage array's LDEV.
1519949		Database upgrade may fail during installation of 5.0MP1-RPx 
		if the database takes too long to stop.
1522054		In the Create Ad hoc Report wizard, an error displays when you 
		click Help in the Preview panel.
1523373		After you edit projection settings ("Number of projection 
		points to display" and "Number of historical points to use"), 
		the projection charts do not display the number of data points 
		entered in the projection settings.
1526312		When customizing the File Type Usage report, in the Customize 
		and Save dialog box, the Scope drop-down list should only 
		include Managed Directories/Shares.
1527436		After the Symantec Web Server restarts, a user's email address 
		disappears if the user account is not part of the CommandCentral 
		Storage domain (cc_users)--for example, when the account is an
		NT or LDAP account.
1528498		If a managed host has been assigned a new unique host identifier 
		(UUID), the managed host table displays multiple entries for the 
		same managed host.
1530032		In the Duplicate Files Summary report, you cannot scope the 
		report to single objects--for example, NetApp unified storage 
1532679		The global topology map and the host and array topology maps 
		take a long time to load when there are a large number of 
		switch ports in the enterprise.
1534914		The name of a Hitachi LDEV does not display in the format XX:XX
1535217		Rebooting a Management Server that does not have any enabled 
		network cards causes CommandCentral Storage services to be 
		unreachable from managed hosts even after network cards are 
1535220		The Central HAL Manager (CHM) agent locator fails to detect 
		when database connection was lost.
1537273		Added the ability to store multiple IP addresses for hosts. 
		This alleviates the issue where alerts would report that a host 
		was unreachable via IP because CommandCentral Storage pinged the 
		only IP address stored for that host, which could be a private 
		IP address when the host belongs to a cluster.
1537323		When you customize the Unified Storage Performance Detail report 
		and include all of the collectors in the Statistics table, then 
		data is not available for some charts.
1537895		For Brocade switches, the value for the attribute "Has Bundle 
		Support" is "No" even if the switches are enabled and configured 
		for ISL trunking.
1538028		Discovery of a NetApp unified storage device fails if the 
		NetApp unified storage device does not have a multi-store 
		license and quote targets are set on the quota.
1538113		Due to the large size of the CommandCentral Storage database, 
		the high number of objects that CommandCentral Storage 
		monitors, and the high number of alerts present, the following 
		issues may occur: when you attempt to log in to the Console, 
		the log in takes longer than usual or is unsuccessful; a 
		licensing error appears in the Console; and pages in the 
		Console take a long time to load. If you restart the database 
		and the Alert Manager, the issues go away and then reappear 
		after a few days.
1538272		Alerts state that the "vrtsweb" process is not running even 
		though the process is running correctly. Additionally, alerts 
		state that the "webappsvc" is not running, which is erroneous 
		because the process no longer runs in CommandCentral Storage.
1539825		The Storage Consumption report includes virtual devices in the 
		calculation of capacities, which results in incorrect capacities.
1539865		If a quota on a volume/qtree has multiple users associated 
		with it, then CommandCentral Storage displays only one quota 
1541970		For an LDEV on a Hitachi array, if the LDEVs LBA is greater 
		than 32-bits, the value for the LBA displays incorrectly in 
		the Console.
1542405		Due to memory leaks, the memory consumption of the NetApp 
		explorer might increase.
1544496		For Hitachi WMS arrays, CommandCentral Storage does not display 
		the connectivity between the array and the host that is 
		consuming storage from the array.
1544629		A storage array's Overview pane takes a long time to load if 
		there are a large number of ports in the Storage Usage by Ports 
1556940		If you add a page within the Monitoring pane to your Favorites 
		list, and then try to load the page, an error displays.
1587253		When you view the Web Engine Settings pane (Settings > 
		Management Server > Web Engine), a value does not display for 
		the CSV delimiter option.
1592285		When you create a custom attribute on a user-created enclosure 
		or generic group, the attributes are not available in tables.
1598568		The array explorer may crash while discovering HP EVA storage 
1602806		Improper discovery and correlation of host to LUN information 
		for EMC DMX arrays with microcode 5771 or later.
1652453		Due to memory leaks, the memory consumption of the Brocade 
		explorer might increase.
1672007		Due to memory leaks, the memory consumption of the McDATA 
		explorer might increase.

4.B - managed host

The following fixed issues affect the managed host:

Incident	Description
1173440		CommandCentral Storage cannot correlate an Oracle tablespace's 
		file name to the underlying storage when the file name includes 
		special characters. As a result, LUNs and device handles do not 
		display in the Console.
1260379		Install or upgrade of the managed host fails on 64-bit 
		Microsoft Cluster Server hosts.
1502517		The HBA explorer causes the AIX SCSI driver to log the error 
		FSCI_ERR6 when the explorer tries to obtain a list of target 
1512485		NetApp scans may fail because the "Profiling" option is enabled 
		by default in the Data Module's configuration file 
1522558		Mail scans of a clustered Microsoft Exchange server may fail 
		with the error "session ID not found".
1528408		CommandCentral Storage does not discover the patch version of 
		Veritas NetBackup instances that run on Windows.
1528763		File scans and NetApp scans may fail because the "Profiling" 
		and "Performance Monitoring" options are enabled by default in 
		the Data Module's configuration file (dmexplorer.conf).
1538290		On Windows hosts, alerts state that "PBX is not running" even 
		if the service is running.
1539762		Security vulnerabilities in HAL\bin\Krb5_32.dll
1540709		After a successful scan of a clustered Exchange server on a 
		Microsoft Cluster Server, CommandCentral Storage reports that 
		no data is available for mailboxes.
1589121		In the Explorers table, an incorrect version may display 
		for explorers that run on Linux managed hosts.
1591536		The Simple Instrumentation Collection Layer (SICL) may crash 
		when the Alert Manager restarts.
1592901		Cannot push hotfixes to Windows hosts with short names disabled 
		in the file system.
1593282		The LHM job manager lacks support for parameters that contain 
		spaces. Because of this, logs cannot be pulled up from Windows 
		hosts with short names disabled.

4.C - Management Server and managed host

The following fixed issues affect both the Management Server and managed host:

Incident	Description
1530024		During install, a message warns about not having permissions on 
		the /var/tmp or /tmp directories and bails out of SGID is set 
		or if links are created in place of actual directories.
1630426		In the Data Module's configuration file (dmexplorer.conf), 
		the values for the DISABLE_PROFILING flag are incorrect as "1" 
		means enable profiling and "0" means disable profiling.
1631622		Rolling patch fails to install on a Solaris 10 host with the 
		error message "exit code 48 is unable to update the patch-finish 

Section 5: Known issues/limitations

5.A - Windows

1. Installation of 5.0MP1-RP6 is not supported on Windows Server 2008 hosts with 
   64-bit domain controllers.

2. On Windows Server 2008 hosts, the Array Management and NetApp Unified Storage Discovery 
   capabilities are not supported. You can install these capabilities, but they will 
   not function. If you do not install these capabilities, when you upgrade to a later 
   version of CommandCentral Storage, you will not have the option to enable these 

   If you might use these capabilities in a later version of CommandCentral Storage,
   we recommend that you install them in 5.0MP1-RP6.

   If you need to use these capabilities for 5.0MP1-RP6, install the managed host on 
   a host that does not have the Windows Server 2008 operating system. For more information 
   about supported operating systems, refer to the CommandCentral Storage Release Notes.

   Product documentation is available on the Symantec Technical Support web site:

3. On 64-bit Windows Server 2008 hosts, the Data Module is not supported. You can install 
   this module, but it will not function. If you do not install this module, When you 
   upgrade to a later version of CommandCentral Storage, you will not have the option to 
   enable the module.

   If you might use the Data Module in a later version of CommandCentral Storage, we 
   recommend that you install the module in 5.0MP1-RP6.

   If you need to use the Data Module for 5.0MP1-RP6, we recommend that you install the 
   managed host on a host that does not have the 64-bit Windows 2008 operating system. 
   For more information about supported operating systems, refer to the CommandCentral 
   Storage Release Notes.

   Product documentation is available on the Symantec Technical Support web site:

4. After you upgrade the Agent Push Install Utility to MP1-RP6, when you use the 
   Agent Push Install Utility to install or upgrade a managed host on a Windows Server
   2008 host, the following message may display:

     Error: 127, Could not load dll, \\<host_name>\C$\Windows\system32\msi.dll
     CommandCentral Push Install Utility is unable to locate Windows Installer on the host.
     Installation process might fail.

   You can ignore this message and proceed with installation.

5. After you upgrade the Agent Push Install Utility to 5.0MP1-RP6, when you use the Agent
   Push Install Utility to uninstall a managed host from a 64-bit Windows Server 2008 
   host, the following message appears:

     The Data Module is not supported on 64-bit Windows 2008 hosts. You can install this 
     module, but it will not function. If you do not install this module, when you upgrade 
     to a later version of CommandCentral Storage, you will not have the option to enable 
     this module. For more information, see the README for Veritas CommandCentral(TM) 
     Storage 5.0 MP1 Rolling Patch 6.

   You can ignore this message and proceed with the uninstall.

6. After you install this rolling patch on a Windows 2000 Management Server, a message
   may prompt you to restart the host for the configuration changes to take effect. 
   You can ignore this message. A reboot is not required.

5.B - UNIX

1. When you install this rolling patch on a Solaris Management Server, the 
   following may occur:

   - An error message states that some patches failed to install

   - In the install log file (the log with the .log file extension), for the
     patchadd command that corresponds to the patch ID that failed to install, 
     the error message "exit code 48 is unable to update the patch-finish service" 


   1. Install Solaris patch 119254-59 or a higher equivalent.

   2. Copy /var/sadm/pkg/<PKG>/pkginfo to /opt/VRTS/install/logs

	`cp /var/sadm/pkg/<PKG>/pkginfo /opt/VRTS/install/logs/pkginfo.bak`

	where <PKG> is the name of the package to which the failed patch belongs. 
	The name of the package displays at the end of the rolling patch install.
	Additionally, the patches and the packages to which they belong are listed 
	in this README.

   3. Edit pkginfo.bak by doing the following:

	- In the line that contains "PATCHLIST=" delete the entry of the failed <patchID>

	- Remove the line that contains "SUNW_PATCHID=<patchID>"

	where <patchID> is the patch ID that failed to install with error code 48

   4. If present, delete the directory /var/sadm/pkg/<PKG>/save/<patchID>

   5. Restart installation of this rolling patch.

2. On Red Hat Linux 5.0 hosts, the Array Management and NetApp Unified Storage Discovery 
   capabilities are not supported. You can install these capabilities, but they will 
   not function. If you do not install these capabilities, when you upgrade to a later 
   version of CommandCentral Storage, you will not have the option to enable these 

   If you might use these capabilities in a later version of CommandCentral Storage,
   we recommend that you install them in 5.0MP1-RP6.

   If you need to use these capabilities for 5.0MP1-RP6, install the managed host on 
   a host that does not have the Red Hat Linux 5.0 operating system. For more information 
   about supported operating systems, refer to the CommandCentral Storage Release Notes.

   Product documentation is available on the Symantec Technical Support web site:

5.C - Cross platform

1. In previous versions of CommandCentral Storage, when you filter alerts 
   (Monitoring > Alerts, and then choose Filter from the drop-down list), the filtering 
   criteria remains in effect until all users using the filter criteria end their current 
   Console sessions. In 5.0MP1-RP6, the filtering criteria remains across all Console 
   sessions. It does not reset after all users log out.

   For example, if you filter the Alerts table to show only critical alerts, that filter 
   criteria remains even after you and all other users log out. Additionally, the filtering 
   criteria remains even if you unselect the criteria from the Filter Alerts dialog box; 
   for example, if you unselect "Critical". In other words, the filter criteria successfully 
   removes from the Console, but the cache of the criteria remains so the filter is still 

   Because CommandCentral Storage retains the alert filters, adding multiple filters can 
   affect the performance of CommandCentral Storage. We recommend that you limit the number 
   of filters that you add to one or two.

   If you want to clear alert filters, you need to restart the Alert Manager (VxAM).

   To restart the Alert Manager

   On Solaris, type the following commands: 

	/opt/VRTS/bin/vxccs stop vxamd
	/opt/VRTS/bin/vxccs start vxamd

   On Windows, open Windows' Services utility and stop and start the Alert Manager.

Section 6: Accessing the latest Hardware and Software Compatibility List

You can access the most recent CommandCentral Storage 5.0/5.0 MP1 Hardware and 
Software Compatibility List at the following location: