
 Basic information
Release type: Hot Fix
Release date: 2009-11-20
OS update support: None
Technote: None
Documentation: None
Popularity: 3237 viewed    downloaded
Download size: 340.1 KB
Checksum: 2346429967

 Applies to one or more of the following products:
Cluster Server Management Console 5.1 On RHEL4 i686
Cluster Server Management Console 5.1 On RHEL4 ppc64
Cluster Server Management Console 5.1 On RHEL4 x86-64
Cluster Server Management Console 5.1 On RHEL5 i686
Cluster Server Management Console 5.1 On RHEL5 x86-64
Cluster Server Management Console 5.1 On SLES10 i586
Cluster Server Management Console 5.1 On SLES10 x86-64
Cluster Server Management Console 5.1 On SLES9 i586
Cluster Server Management Console 5.1 On SLES9 ppc64
Cluster Server Management Console 5.1 On SLES9 x86-64
Cluster Server Management Console 5.1 On VMware ESX 3.0 i686

 Obsolete patches, incompatibilities, superseded patches, or other requirements:

 Fixes the following incidents:

 Patch ID:

Readme file
Date: 2009-10-01
OS: Windows, Solaris, Linux
OS Version: all
Etrack Incidents: 1650451
Errors/Problems Fixed:
Reliability fixes for VRTSWeb component used in VCSMC.

Install/Uninstall Instructions:

1.	Stop VCSMC (/opt/VRTScmcm/bin/vxcmcweb stop).

2.	Take backup of /opt/VRTScmcm/VRTSweb/catalina5/server/lib/vrtsserver.jar on another location

3.	Delete /opt/VRTScmcm/VRTSweb/catalina5/server/lib/vrtsserver.jar

4.	Copy new vrtsserver.jar file from scripts/ to /opt/VRTScmcm/VRTSweb/catalina5/server/lib/

5.	Start VCSMC (/opt/VRTScmcm/bin/vxcmcweb start).

NOTE : A dummy rpm has been created under the patches directory to allow the archive to happen.Hence the patches/VRTScmcc.rpm is just a dummy file.