4.0MP2RP7.2 VRTSvxvm
The latest patch(es) : 4.0MP2RP8.1 VRTSvxvm 

 Basic information
Release type: Rolling Patch
Release date: 2007-06-08
OS update support: None
Technote: 289006
Documentation: None
Popularity: 805 viewed    downloaded
Download size: 18.97 MB
Checksum: 3402118176

 Applies to one or more of the following products:
Storage Foundation 4.0MP2 On Solaris 7 SPARC
Storage Foundation 4.0MP2 On Solaris 8 SPARC
Storage Foundation 4.0MP2 On Solaris 9 SPARC
Storage Foundation for DB2 4.0MP2 On Solaris 7 SPARC
Storage Foundation for DB2 4.0MP2 On Solaris 8 SPARC
Storage Foundation for DB2 4.0MP2 On Solaris 9 SPARC
Storage Foundation for Oracle 4.0MP2 On Solaris 7 SPARC
Storage Foundation for Oracle 4.0MP2 On Solaris 8 SPARC
Storage Foundation for Oracle 4.0MP2 On Solaris 9 SPARC
Storage Foundation for Sybase 4.0MP2 On Solaris 7 SPARC
Storage Foundation for Sybase 4.0MP2 On Solaris 8 SPARC
Storage Foundation for Sybase 4.0MP2 On Solaris 9 SPARC
Storage Foundation HA 4.0MP2 On Solaris 7 SPARC
Storage Foundation HA 4.0MP2 On Solaris 8 SPARC
Storage Foundation HA 4.0MP2 On Solaris 9 SPARC
Volume Manager 4.0MP2 On Solaris 7 SPARC
Volume Manager 4.0MP2 On Solaris 8 SPARC
Volume Manager 4.0MP2 On Solaris 9 SPARC
Volume Replicator 4.0MP2 On Solaris 7 SPARC
Volume Replicator 4.0MP2 On Solaris 8 SPARC
Volume Replicator 4.0MP2 On Solaris 9 SPARC

 Obsolete patches, incompatibilities, superseded patches, or other requirements:

This patch is obsolete. It is superseded by: Release date
4.0MP2RP8.1 VRTSvxvm 2007-10-17

This patch requires: Release date
4.0 MP2a 2005-06-01

 Fixes the following incidents:
602595, 847467, 934987, 960966, 960973, 960975, 960979, 960981, 960982, 960986, 960988, 961417, 962081, 972614

 Patch ID:

Readme file
Patch-ID# 119744-10
Keywords: VRTSvxvm 4.0MP2 PATCH
Synopsis: VRTSvxvm 4.0_MP2_RP7: Rolling Patch 7 for Volume Manager 4.0 MP2
Date: Apr/18/07

Solaris Release: 7, 8, 9

SunOS Release: 5.7, 5.8, 5.9

Topic: VRTSvxvm 4.0MP2_RP7

Unbundled Product: VERITAS Volume Manager

Unbundled Release: 4.0

Relevant Architectures: sparc

BugId's fixed with this patch: 6220218 6276433 6277202 6314821 6329397 6356064 6353085 6399283

Changes incorporated in this version: 

Patches accumulated and obsoleted by this patch:

Patches which conflict with this patch: 

Patches required with this patch: 115217-05

Obsoleted by:

Files included with this patch: 

Problem Description: 
Note: This patch is not necessarily scheduled or approved for integration in a future release.

Note: VERITAS Incident Numbers are included in parenthesis.  Etrack incidents
      begin with an "e" and itools incidents do not begin with an "e".

(e137964) Kernel I/O could hang because of a bug in volkiostart().
(e285297) Updates were made to modinfo and pstamp.
(e542443) Implemented on-demand resizing of the DMP event log buffer.
(e583513) vxconfigd could dump core in ddl_print_dmp_tree().
(e600447) The command "vxprivutil dumpconfig <disk>" showed the last platform as "0x0#bad".
(e624603) A panic could occur in vol_dcm_set_region() after a shrink operation on a VVR volume.
(e648364) DRL logging is performed twice if FMR as well as DRL logging is enabled on a volume.
(e792858) A kernel panic could occur in vxio when running a test case script.
(e793534) The EMC ASL (libvxemc) should ignore devices that have a non-zero peripheral qualifier.
(e804491) FastResync showed different behavior when attaching plexes to layered volumes.
(e841111) Attempting to use vxresize to shrink a disabled volume could result in data loss.
(e844743) A panic could occur in voliod_iohandle() if it tried to use previously freed sio.
(e935291) The DMP provider for VxMS did not return all active and passive paths.
(e960804) After a successful patch installation, the log output showed errors.
(e972613) Starting a volume produced vstat error V-5-1-4643 after deporting and importing its disk group.

(from 119744-09)

(e285297) Updates were made to modinfo and pstamp.
(e542443) Implemented on-demand resizing of the DMP event log buffer.
(e583513) vxconfigd could dump core in ddl_print_dmp_tree().
(e800336) The vxrecover command was enhanced for a CVM environment. 

(from 119744-08)

(e285297) Updates were made to modinfo and pstamp.
(e310154, e820401) A panic could occur at boot time when trying to synchronize a mirrored volume.
(e400506) A corrupted queue could occur when CFS was configured on a striped-mirror volume.
(e597804) A panic could occur in vol_cvol_bplus_walk() on a VVR Secondary.
(e601641) The "alloc" atribute to vxsnap did not work when creating space-optimized snapshots.
(e605865) Importing a disk group with many space-optimized snapshots failed with error V-5-1-587.
(e611603) There was a memeory leak in vxsnap.
(e631132) A panic could occur when running the VVR command "vxibc receive".

(from 119744-07)

(e285297) Updates were made to modinfo and pstamp.
(e370768) I/O and replication could hang in VVR due to race condition.
6399283 (e580832) vxvm4.0: vxdisk resize changed VTOC of the wrong LUN.
(e582739) The kmsg send and resend tunables were ignored after the introduction of new tunables.
(e590909) Faster plex detach and failover were implemented for mirrored volumes.
(e600227) Deporting a shared disk group took a long time if it contained CDS disks.

(from 119744-06)

(e285297) Updates were made to modinfo and pstamp.
(e496897) Incorrect LUN serial numbers were being returned for EMC Symmetrix devices on which SPC-2 had been set.

(from 119744-05)

6277202 A system would not boot if vxdiskadm was used to replace an encapsulated root disk with no B0 subdisk.
6353085 A node could panic if the "ucmmd" process was killed on the CVM master.
6356064 A node could hang when attempting to join a cluster.

(from 119744-04)

(e285297) Updates were made to modinfo and pstamp.
(e311664) vxconfigd and dmp could hang due to a problem in dmp_reconfig_update_cur_pri().
(e316380) vxvol could dump core when called by vxsnap.
(e319526) DMP path failover was not working for IBM FAStT900 arrays.
(e333917) The ping ioctl could hung during the reconfiguration when a mode left a cluster.
(e336192) A panic could occur in voldrl_unlog() when the "vxcache start" command was run.
(e380403) Incorrect LUN serial numbers were being returned for EMC DMX devices.
(e338867) The "vxplex att" command could dump core if ECOPY had been enabled on an array.
(e366447) Running "uadmin 2 0" on a 7-node CFS cluster caused it to hang.
(e392348) vxconfigd could dump core if a SAN cable was pulled out.
6329397 (e398147) Volume manager patch installation was not updating Array Policy Modules correctly.
6276433 (e414352) A system could not be booted from the replaced boot device.
(e419080) Error V-5-0-474 was seen from vxio and a panic could occur with VVR.
(e430841) The commands "vxdg flush" and "vxdg import" were slow when used with CDS disks.
(e430842) The command "vxdisk -o alldgs list" was slow.
(e431465) A delay while importing a shared disk group caused all disks to be reonlined unnecessarily.
(e498366) The volcvm_next_reconfig variable did not get reset in clusters with an older protocol version.
(e507463) VxVM could not see EMC disks due to an incorrect EMC_VCMDB_MASK value.
(e509707) There was a memory leak in vxnotify.
(e516247) Cluster resources could hang if a CFS master was shut down.
(e516252) A panic could occur in volcvm_gab_leave().
(e516256) An already joined member node attempting to join again could cause a spin lock not to be released.
(e523246) A panic could occur if a snapshot was resynchronized while a volume was being recovered.

(from 119744-03)

(e211810) The "vxdg split" command failed after pulling and then reconnecting a primary path cable.
(e285297) Updates were made to modinfo and pstamp.
(e324431) Deporting a shared disk group took a long time if it contained a large number of disks.
(e411140) A false SSB condition occurred on a master node if a slave and an array are brought down together.
(e411142) The takeover of a master node failed if even a single disk has stale PGR keys.
(e414743) An SSB condition could occur when using the command "vxdg adddisk" with an imported shared disk group.
6314821 (e419371) A long time was required to quiesce a CVM cluster.
(e422243) An SSB condition could be generated in a single-host environment.

(from 119744-02)

(e344873) DMP failover should use a new temporary state (NODE_SUSPECT) for all LUNs on a failed path.
(e374171) DMP should choose an available active path rather than a quiesced path for I/O.

(from 119744-01)

(e285297) Updates were made to modinfo and pstamp.
6220218 (e340590) Sun Cluster PGR keys were corrupted on a VERITAS Storage Foundation standard licensed system. 
(e356354) Importing a disk group failed if "vxdg upgrade" had set last_disk_offset to -1 in a disk media record.

Patch Installation Instructions:
For Solaris 7, 8, and 9 releases, refer to the manual pages for instructions on using 'patchadd' and 'patchrm'
scripts provided with Solaris. Any other special or non-generic installation instructions are described below
as special instructions. The following example installs a patch on a standalone machine:

        example# patchadd 119744-XX

The following example removes a patch from a standalone system:

        example# patchrm 119744-XX

For additional examples, see the appropriate manual pages.

Special Installation Instructions: 
Use the shutdown command to reboot the system after installing or uninstalling a patch:

	# shutdown -g0 -y -i6