
 Basic information
Release type: Hot Fix
Release date: 2009-11-18
OS update support: None
Technote: 337625
Documentation: None
Popularity: 550 viewed    downloaded
Download size: 453.15 KB
Checksum: 585420357

 Applies to one or more of the following products:
CommandCentral 5.1.1 On Solaris SPARC
CommandCentral 5.1.1 On Windows

 Obsolete patches, incompatibilities, superseded patches, or other requirements:

 Fixes the following incidents:

 Patch ID:

Readme file
README for CommandCentral 5.1.1 hotfix
VERITAS CommandCentral 5.1.1

Apply this hotfix on hosts where the CommandCentral 5.1.1 Management Server is 

Date: 2009-11-3

OS: Solaris, Windows

Etrack Incidents: 1846134

Errors/Problems Fixed:[
  VmwareExplorer does not discover HBA device driver versions of ESX servers (e1846134)

Install/Uninstall Instructions:


Windows Management Server:

1. Download the hotfix ("VRTSccs-F511001846134.tar.gz") to a temporary location 
   (for example, C:\Temp\HOTFIX).

2. To apply the hotfix, do the following:

   - Open an operating system console.

   - Type the following command to change to the HAL bin directory:
     (The following assumes that CommandCentral has been installed in the default 
      installation directory)
     cd C:\Program Files\VERITAS\CommandCentral Storage\HAL\bin

   - Type the following command:

     halsecurity login 
     You may have to provide the password for the admin account which is used 
     while logging in to the Console. The default password for this account is 
     'password' (without single quotes).
   - Type the following command to deploy the hotfix:
     <HAL bin directory>\perl  <HAL bin directory>\ C:\Temp\HOTFIX>\VRTSccs-F511001846134.tar.gz

3. After you deploy the hotfix, you can check the installation logs as follows:

   - To see the detailed logs, go to CommandCentral Storage Data directory.
     The default location is:
     C:\Program Files\VERITAS\CommandCentral Storage Data\Data\HAL\maint

     cd <HAL data directory>\Data\HAL\maint\VRTSccs-F511001846134\<time stamp>\output
     For example:

     C:\Program Files\VERITAS\CommandCentral Storage Data\Data\HAL\maint\VRTSccs-F511001846134\<time stamp>\output

   - Check if there are any errors in the stderr.txt file.
   - Check the detailed logs of hotfix application in the stdout.txt file.

4. Verify the hotfix version as follows:
   - Open the CommandCentral Storage version file.
     The default location is C:\Program Files\VERITAS\CommandCentral Storage\Version\cc_version.txt

   - Check the FIXID and other details which shows the HOTFIX number added with 
     all the details in cc_version.txt
     For example:

        DATE=Wed Oct 28 17:05:21 2009
        DESCRIPTION=VMware hotfix to discover the HBA driver version number

Solaris Management Server:

1. Download the hotfix ("VRTSccs-F511001846134.tar.gz") to a temporary location
   (for example, /tmp/HOTFIX).

2. To apply the hotfix, do the following:

   - Open an operating system console.

   - Type the following command to change to the HAL bin directory:

     (The following assumes that CommandCentral has been installed in the default 
      installation directory) 
     cd /opt/VRTSccs/VRTShal/bin

   - Type the following command:

     ./halsecurity login 
     You may have to provide the password for the admin account which is used 
     while logging in to the Console. The default password for this account is 
     'password' (without single quotes).
   - Type the following command to deploy the hotfix:
     <HAL bin directory>/perl <HAL bin directory>/ </tmp/HOTFIX>/VRTSccs-F511001846134.tar.gz

     For example:    
     ./perl /tmp/HOTFIX/VRTSccs-F511001846134.tar.gz

3. After you deploy the hotfix, you can check the installation logs as follows:

   - To see the detailed logs, go to CommandCentral Storage Data directory.
     The default location is /var/VRTSccs/data/VRTShal/maint/VRTSccs-F511001846134/<time stamp>/output
     cd <HAL data directory>/data/VRTShal/maint/VRTSccs-F511001846134/<time stamp>/output
     For example:

     cd /var/VRTSccs/data/VRTShal/maint/VRTSccs-F511001846134/20091107_18.24.50/output

   - Check if there are any errors in the stderr.txt file.
   - Check the detailed logs of hotfix application in the stdout.txt file.

4. Verify the hotfix version as follows:

   - Open the CommandCentral Storage version file.
     The default location is: /opt/VRTS/version/cc_version.txt
   - Check the FIXID which shows the HOTFIX number and other details.
     For example:

        DATE=Wed Oct 28 17:05:21 2009
        DESCRIPTION=VMware hotfix to discover the HBA driver version number