
 Basic information
Release type: Hot Fix
Release date: 2009-12-15
OS update support: None
Technote: None
Documentation: None
Popularity: 441 viewed    downloaded
Download size: 70.81 MB
Checksum: 2324762684

 Applies to one or more of the following products:
Cluster Server Management Console 5.5.1 On RHEL5 x86-64
Cluster Server Management Console 5.5.1 On Solaris SPARC
Cluster Server Management Console 5.5.1 On Windows

 Obsolete patches, incompatibilities, superseded patches, or other requirements:

 Fixes the following incidents:

 Patch ID:

Readme file
Date: 2009-12-16
OS Version:WIN 2003 Server/ Solaris 5.10 / RHEL 5_U2
Etrack Incidents: 1920958
Errors/Problems Fixed:
Fixed the issue of global clusters of more than 2 clusters, there should be a pull-down menu for the remote clusters and they should be arranged in the order of priority

Install/Uninstall Instructions for Windows:
Readme to apply the patch take action for GCO cluster fault alerts:
1.	Copy the patch in a temporary directory (PATCH_TAKEACTION)
2.	Stop the VCS MC (execute ‘net stop cmcweb’ from command line)
3.	Replace the existing ROOT5.war file with the one from the patch. Following 
      are the steps to do that
	a.	Go to the directory VCSMC_HOME\VRTSweb\admin\root5(where VCSMC_HOME 
                is the directory where the VCS MC has been installed)
	b.	Delete directory ROOT5 and all its subdirectories
	c.	Take a backup of ROOT5.war file by copying it to a temporary  
            location (WARBACKUP). Make sure that the temporary location is other  
            than VCSMC_HOME or its subdirectories
	d.	Copy the ROOT5.war from the patch location to 
4.	Start the VCS MC server(execute ‘net start cmcweb’ from command line)
5.	Login to the console. 


Install/Uninstall Instructions for SOLARIS/LINUX:
Readme to apply the patch take action for GCO cluster fault alerts:

1.	Copy the patch in a temporary directory (PATCH_TAKEACTION)
2.	Stop the VCS MC (execute ‘VCSMC_HOME/bin/vxcmcweb stop’ from command line, Typically VCSMC_HOME will be /opt/VRTScmcm.)
3.	Replace the existing ROOT5.war file with the one from the patch. Following 
      are the steps to do that
	a.	Go to the directory VCSMC_HOME/VRTSweb/admin/root5 (where VCSMC_HOME 
            	is the directory where the VCS MC has been installed)
	b.	Delete directory ROOT5 and all its subdirectories
	c.	Go to the directory VCSMC_HOME/VRTScmcm/webapp 
	d.	Take a backup of cmc.war file by copying it to a temporary  
            	location (WARBACKUP). Make sure that the temporary location is other  
            	than VCSMC_HOME or its subdirectories
        e.	Copy the ROOT5.war from the patch location and rename it to cmc.war in the directory 
4.	Start the VCS MC server(execute ‘VCSMC_HOME/bin/vxcmcweb start’ from command line)
5.	Login to the console.