
 Basic information
Release type: Hot Fix
Release date: 2009-12-31
OS update support: None
Technote: None
Documentation: None
Popularity: 425 viewed    downloaded
Download size: 69.75 MB
Checksum: 4227792466

 Applies to one or more of the following products:
Cluster Server Management Console 5.5 On RHEL5 x86-64
Cluster Server Management Console 5.5 On Solaris SPARC
Cluster Server Management Console 5.5 On Windows

 Obsolete patches, incompatibilities, superseded patches, or other requirements:

 Fixes the following incidents:

 Patch ID:

Readme file
Date: 2009-12-31
OS Version: 10
Etrack Incidents: 1927330
Errors/Problems Fixed:
High severity logs count disabled from summary panel 
Install/Uninstall Instructions:
Readme to apply the patch to disable logs count from status panel:
[Note: Follow the same instructions on both the VCS MC in the peer setup]
1.	Copy the patch in a temporary directory (PATCH_DISABLELOGS)
2.	Stop the VCS MC (execute ‘VCSMC_HOME/bin/vxcmcweb stop’ from command line)
	(where VCSMC_HOME is the installation directory of VCS MC)
3.	Go to the VCSMC_HOME/data/conf/ManagementServer.conf file. 
4.	Modify the ManagementServer.conf file by adding ‘enable.logcount.statuspane=false’ to the end of the file.
5.	Replace the existing cmc.war file with the one from the patch. Following are the steps to do that
	a.	Go to the directory VCSMC_HOME/VRTSweb/admin/root5
	b.	Delete directory ROOT5 and all its subdirectories
	c.	Take a backup of cmc.war (VCSMC_HOME/webapp/cmc.war)file by copying it to a temporary location (WARBACKUP). Make sure that the temporary location is other than VCSMC_HOME or its subdirectories
	d.	Copy the cmc.war from the patch location to VCSMC_HOME/webapp/cmc.war.
6.	Verify that the VCSMC_HOME/data/conf/ManagementServer.conf file has been modified and has the line ‘enable.logcount.statuspane=false’ in it.
7.	Start the VCS MC server (execute ‘VCSMC_HOME/bin/vxcmcweb start’  from command line)
8.	Login to the console. One should not see the High severity logs (the count is always shown as 0) in the summary panel now onwards. The text ‘High Severity Logs (1 Day)’will appear in italics too if the logs count is disabled.
9.	If one want to enable the logs count in the summary panel then do the following
	a.	Stop the VCS MC (execute ‘VCSMC_HOME/bin/vxcmcweb stop’ from command line)
	b.	Modify the VCSMC_HOME/data/conf/ManagementServer.conf file by changing the line as ‘enable.logcount.statuspane=true’
	c.	Start the VCS MC (execute ‘VCSMC_HOME/bin/vxcmcweb start’  from command line)