
 Basic information
Release type: Hot Fix
Release date: 2010-02-10
OS update support: None
Technote: TECH125700 - Hotfix to add new array support for Storage Foundation for Windows 5.1 GA
Documentation: None
Popularity: 3632 viewed    downloaded
Download size: 3.63 KB
Checksum: 860957962

 Applies to one or more of the following products:
Storage Foundation 5.1 On Windows 32-bit
Storage Foundation 5.1 On Windows IA64
Storage Foundation 5.1 On Windows x64

 Obsolete patches, incompatibilities, superseded patches, or other requirements:

 Fixes the following incidents:

 Patch ID:

Readme file
Date: 2010-01-19
OS: Windows
OS Version: Windows 2003, Windows 2008
Packages: 32-bit.reg, 64-bit.reg, update_tav.cmd
Etrack Incidents: 1940143
Errors/Problems Fixed: 1. Replace track alignment registry setting for "OPEN-V" arrays from 96 to 128.
2. Replace model names for some of the existing arrays
3. Add track alignment settings for new arrays
Fixes Applied for Products: SFW 5.1 (including RPs and SPs)
Install/Uninstall Instructions: 
1. Copy 3 files (update_tav.cmd, 32_bit.reg, 64_bit.reg) into a temporary folder (ex. c:	mp). 
2. Launch a command window
3. Navigate to temporaray folder
4. Execute 'update_tav.cmd'
Additional Notes: Storage Agent service need to be stopped and re-started for new 
settings to take effect.  Please note that stopping the Storage Agent 
(vxvm) service will cause the 'Volume Manager Disk Group' (VMDg) 
resources in a cluster environment (MSCS or VCS) to fault. If this 
hotfix is being applied to a server in an cluster, make sure any 
cluster groups containing a VMDg resource are taken offline or 
moved to another node in the cluster before proceeding.