
 Basic information
Release type: Hot Fix
Release date: 2010-02-16
OS update support: None
Technote: 345839
Documentation: None
Popularity: 559 viewed    downloaded
Download size: 19.59 MB
Checksum: 3560389743

 Applies to one or more of the following products:
CommandCentral 5.1.2 On Windows

 Obsolete patches, incompatibilities, superseded patches, or other requirements:

 Fixes the following incidents:
1510616, 1907351, 1910005, 1913191, 1923179, 1925753, 1929129, 1933475, 1935250, 1935460, 1937375, 1938641, 1944031, 1953488

 Patch ID:

Readme file
Date: 2010-02-15

OS: Solaris 8, Solaris 9, Solaris 10, Windows 2000 Server, Windows 2003 Server, Windows 2008 Server

Etrack Incidents: 1944031, 1510616, 1953488, 1923179, 1910005, 1937375, 1938641, 1929129, 1907351, 1913191, 1935250, 1935460, 1925753, 1933475

Errors/Problems Fixed:[
  Cannot detect the correlation between unidentified adapters and hosts when using agentless rules (e1944031)          
  Missing device handles not deleted from the database after the default purging period of seven days (e1510616)
  The "Allocation" bar includes a new capacity called "NAS Allocated" - see Note 1 below for more details (e1952870)
  No monitoring for Symmetrix arrays after you enable monitoring through the Edit Device Configuration wizard (e1923179)
  For backend Symmetrix arrays, incorrect data appears in the Array Overview and Total Online Storage charts (e1910005)
  When a device is configured by more than one explorer, the Console may display the wrong device status (e1929129)
  After upgrading to 5.1.1, the topology does not display the correct connections for virtual switches (e1907351)
  The Host Consumption report takes a long time to appear (e1913191)
  LUN icons indicate the wrong type of LUNs in several tables (e1935250)
  The Storage Pools table now indicates if LUNs allocated to storage pools are SAN, DAS, or mixed LUNs (e1935460)
  Path Management takes a long time to display the results in Storage Change Manager (e1925753)
  Monitoring does not work for Cisco switches - see Note 2 below for more details (e1933475)
  DMX4 Summary view in GUI is wrong (e1937375)
  Wrong numbers for DEVICE: Administrative & Virtualizer Source for EMC array Sym SID 80724 (e1938641)
  Vmware Reports: Fully support NFS based volumes (e1953488)

Install/Uninstall Instructions:
Instructions to apply the hotfix

A - Overview of the hotfix

Apply the hotfix (VRTSccsF512001950096) on the 5.1.2 Management Server

Supported operating systems include: 

  - Solaris 8, 9, and 10
  - Windows Server 2000, 2003, and 2008

B - Deploying the hotfix on a Windows Management Server

The examples in the following procedure assume that you installed 
CommandCentral on a 32-bit host in the default installation directory.

1. Copy to a temporary location. For
   example, to C:\Temp

2. Extract the file. After you extract it, the following
   files/directory are available - 

    - patches\
    - patches\VRTSccs-F512001950096.tar.gz
    - README (this file)

3. To apply the update, do the following:

   - Open an operating system console.

   - Change to the HAL bin directory:
       cd "\Program Files\VERITAS\CommandCentral Storage\HAL\bin"
   - Type the following command to deploy the update on the Management Server:

       perl C:\Temp\patches\VRTSccs-F512001950096.tar.gz

4. To verify the installation, you can check the installation logs as follows:

   - The detailed logs are stored in a directory under the
     "CommandCentral Storage Data" directory.

     The default location is:
       "C:\Program Files\VERITAS\CommandCentral Storage Data\Data\HAL\maint\VRTSccs-F512001950096\[TIME STAMP]\output"

     For example (note Timestamp is example only):
       cd "\Program Files\VERITAS\CommandCentral Storage Data\Data\HAL\maint\VRTSccs-F512001950096\20100208_16.43.33\output"

   - Check if there are any errors in the stderr.txt file.
   - Check the detailed logs of the hotfix application in the stdout.txt file.

5. Verify the updated version as follows:
   - Open cc_version.txt from the following directory:
     "C:\Program Files\VERITAS\CommandCentral Storage\Version\cc_version.txt"

   - Check the FIXID. It should appear as follows:

     DATE=Wed Jan 27 18:20:51 2010
     DESCRIPTION=5.1.2 HotFix: Jumbo Hotfix for CommandCentral Storage v5.1.2

C - Deploying the hotfix on a Solaris Management Server

The examples in the following procedure assume that you installed
CommandCentral on a 32-bit host in the default installation directory.

1. Copy the file ccs-sol_sparc-5.1.2HF512001950096u.2.tar.gz to a
   temporary location. For example, to /tmp and unpack it.

2. Unpack the file. After you extract it, the following
   files/directory are available - 

    - patches/
    - patches/VRTSccs-F512001950096.tar.gz
    - README (this file)

3. To apply the update, do the following:

   - Open an operating system console.

   - Change to the HAL/bin directory:
        cd /opt/VRTSccs/VRTShal/bin
   - Type the following command to deploy the update:
        ./perl /patches/VRTSccs-F512001950096.tar.gz

     For example:    
        ./perl /tmp/patches/VRTSccs-F512001950096.tar.gz

4. To verify the installation, you can check the installation logs as follows:

   - To see the detailed logs, go to the "CommandCentral Storage Data"

     The default location is: 
        /var/VRTSccs/data/VRTShal/maint/VRTSccs-F512001950096/[TIME STAMP]/output

     For example:
       cd /var/VRTSccs/data/VRTShal/maint/VRTSccs-F512001950096/20091211_15.39.49/output

   - Check if there are any errors in the stderr.txt file.
   - Check the detailed logs of the hotfix application in the stdout.txt file.

5. Verify the updated version as follows:

   - Open cc_version.txt from the following directory:
   - Check the FIXID. It should appear as follows:

        DATE=Wed Jan 27 18:20:51 2010
        DESCRIPTION=5.1.2 HotFix: Jumbo Hotfix for CommandCentral Storage v5.1.2 GUI & DB

Additional Notes:

Note 1
In the Host Virtualization Storage Summary chart, the "Allocation" bar 
(previously called "Claimed Status") includes a new capacity called 
"NAS Allocated". The "NAS Allocated" capacity includes the capacities 
of NFS-based storage pools. The Host Virtualization Summary chart appears 
in the Host Virtualization Summary report. 

Note 2
After you apply this hotfix, an additional step is required to correct 
the following issue:

Monitoring does not work for Cisco switches if the text entered in the 
"Cisco Switch IP Address or Name" field and "Configuration Name" field are 
different (e1933475)

For the Cisco switches affected by this issue, you need to remove the device 
configuration and then re-configure the switch for discovery. When you 
re-configure the switch for discovery, you can now enter text in the 
�Cisco Switch IP Address or Name� field and �Configuration Name� field that 
are different.

To remove the device configuration

1. Click Settings > Devices. 
2. In the Configured Devices Summary table, select the Cisco switch.
3. From the drop-down list, click Remove Device Configuration. Then, click Go.
4. In the Remove Device Configuration dialog box, click OK.

To re-configure the switch for discovery

1. From the Configured Devices Summary drop-down list, click Configure a New 
Device. Then, click Go. 
2. Follow the prompts in the wizard to configure the switch for discovery.