
 Basic information
Release type: Hot Fix
Release date: 2010-07-07
OS update support: None
Technote: None
Documentation: None
Popularity: 364 viewed    downloaded
Download size: 38.69 MB
Checksum: 221893659

 Applies to one or more of the following products:
FileStore 5.5 On SLES10 x86-64

 Obsolete patches, incompatibilities, superseded patches, or other requirements:

 Fixes the following incidents:
2054677, 2065947, 2066867, 2077251

 Patch ID:

Readme file

Veritas Storage Foundation Scalable File Server 
5.5 HF7 Patch Upgrade README

I.   Overview
II.  Fixes in the new patch
III. Known issues
IV.  Upgrade procedure

I. Overview
The Veritas Storage Foundation Scalable File Server provides a scalable clustered storage solution.

II. Fixes in new patch
Etrack Incidents: 2054677, 2065947, 2066867, 2077251
Errors/Problems Fixed: listed below
Issues Details:
	[SFS]CIFS group switch issue.(2054677)
	[Filestore][412-288-892]cifs server status of one node is OFFLINE|FAULTED and shares faulting shortly after "server start" is run. (2065947)
	Change CIFS share monitor interval and timeout to 300.(2066867)	
	NASGW:CIFS:Internal share entry for share is not shown in smb.conf or sometime it is shown on wrong node. (2077251)
III. Known issues
Please refer to sfs_relnotes.pdf section 5 " Known issues " for details about known issues.

IV. Upgrade Procedure
Step 1) Pre-Install Instructionis:
	Before installing the patch, please perform following steps:
	a) Login "support" account
	b) List out all the filesystem, those are mounted:
	   > mount -t vxfs | grep "type vxfs"
	c) Unmount all the filesystem from all the nodes:
	   > cfsumount  
	d) Make sure no FS remain mounted. Run follwoing command and nothing should be displayed
	   > mount -t vxfs | grep "type vxfs"
Step 2) Apply patch only. 
	a) Login through master
	   > su - master
	b) Go to patch install
	   > upgrade patch install 
Step 3) Check Status:
	As upgrade to HF7, admin should be able to see messages "Patch Installation of 5.5HF7 completed successfully" on the screen.
Step 4) Reboot the cluster:
	a) Login through master
	   > su - master
	b) Go to "cluster" section and do reboot
	   > cluster > reboot 
Check State:
	Once cluster comes up, verfify followiing:
	a)Please check the state of filesystems. And run below comamnd in case it is in FAULTED state.
	   >storage scanbus
	   >support services autofix