
 Basic information
Release type: Hot Fix
Release date: 2010-07-16
OS update support: None
Technote: None
Documentation: None
Popularity: 569 viewed    downloaded
Download size: 6.54 MB
Checksum: 1560371926

 Applies to one or more of the following products:
Data Insight 1.0.1 On Windows

 Obsolete patches, incompatibilities, superseded patches, or other requirements:

 Fixes the following incidents:
2085992, 2089175

 Patch ID:

Readme file

OS: Windows

Etrack Incidents: 2085992, 2089175

Errors/Problems Fixed:

This point patch changes the default behavior of Data Insight 1.0.1. This new
default behavior has better performance characteristics and is highly
recommended for most customer environments that are running Data Insight 1.0.1.

You can now set the scanning schedule for a filer to "Never". Earlier, GUI
would not let you save a Filer with "Never" selected for scanning schedule.

Install/Uninstall Instructions:

With this patch:
1. By default, Data Insight will not register for READ, and CLOSE events from
   NetApp filers. This puts lesser load on the filer in case of peak traffic
   loads from 3rd party applications like Backups over CIFS.
2. By default, an OPEN event will be accounted as a READ event. This does not
   have an adverse effect for most consumer applications because consumer
   applications seldom write to a file before first reading it. This means OPEN
   will almost always be followed by a READ and then optionally by a WRITE. This
   change works in conjunction with the change mentioned in point 1.
3. By default, ACLs for files will not be fetched by the Scanner. In most 
   customer environments, ACLs are defined on folders and not on individual
   files. Not fetching file ACLs will improve Scanner performance and will
   put lesser load on the filer.

NOTE: This point patch changes the default behavior. If you need, you can 
customize Data Insight to behave differently as per your requirements. This is
covered later in the document.

Apply this point patch on all Data Insight servers.


C:\Program Files\Symantec\DataInsight\bin\collector.exe
C:\Program Files\Symantec\DataInsight\bin\fpolicyd.exe
C:\Program Files\Symantec\DataInsight\bin\idxwriter.exe
C:\Program Files\Symantec\DataInsight\bin\scanner.exe
C:\Program Files\Symantec\DataInsight\pdb\collector.pdb
C:\Program Files\Symantec\DataInsight\pdb\fpolicyd.pdb
C:\Program Files\Symantec\DataInsight\pdb\idxwriter.pdb
C:\Program Files\Symantec\DataInsight\pdb\scanner.pdb
C:\Program Files\Symantec\DataInsight\tomcat\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\classes\com\symc\matrix\util\MatrixProperties.class
C:\Program Files\Symantec\DataInsight\tomcat\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\classes\com\symc\matrix\commd\scheduler\CollectorJob.class
C:\Program Files\Symantec\DataInsight\tomcat\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\classes\com\symc\matrix\commd\scheduler\CollectorJob$1.class
C:\Program Files\Symantec\DataInsight\tomcat\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\classes\com\symc\matrix\commd\scheduler\CollectorJob$2.class
C:\Program Files\Symantec\DataInsight\tomcat\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\classes\com\symc\matrix\commd\scheduler\CollectorJob$3.class
C:\Program Files\Symantec\DataInsight\tomcat\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\classes\com\symc\matrix\commd\scheduler\Scanner$ScanACLMode.class
C:\Program Files\Symantec\DataInsight\tomcat\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\classes\com\symc\matrix\commd\scheduler\Scanner$ScanJob.class
C:\Program Files\Symantec\DataInsight\tomcat\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\classes\com\symc\matrix\commd\scheduler\Scanner$ScannerThread$1.class
C:\Program Files\Symantec\DataInsight\tomcat\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\classes\com\symc\matrix\commd\scheduler\Scanner$ScannerThread$2.class
C:\Program Files\Symantec\DataInsight\tomcat\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\classes\com\symc\matrix\commd\scheduler\Scanner$ScannerThread$3.class
C:\Program Files\Symantec\DataInsight\tomcat\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\classes\com\symc\matrix\commd\scheduler\Scanner$ScannerThread$4.class
C:\Program Files\Symantec\DataInsight\tomcat\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\classes\com\symc\matrix\commd\scheduler\Scanner$ScannerThread$5.class
C:\Program Files\Symantec\DataInsight\tomcat\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\classes\com\symc\matrix\commd\scheduler\Scanner$ScannerThread.class
C:\Program Files\Symantec\DataInsight\tomcat\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\classes\com\symc\matrix\commd\scheduler\Scanner.class
C:\Program Files\Symantec\DataInsight\tomcat\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\classes\com\symc\matrix\commd\scheduler\ScannerJob$1.class
C:\Program Files\Symantec\DataInsight\tomcat\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\classes\com\symc\matrix\commd\scheduler\ScannerJob.class
C:\Program Files\Symantec\DataInsight\tomcat\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\classes\com\symc\matrix\commd\scheduler\ScheduleManager.class
C:\Program Files\Symantec\DataInsight\tomcat\webapps\ROOT\ui (folder)

NOTE: Please keep a backup of the files  you are about to patch. This will be
required in case you want to rollback the hotfix.

NOTE2: Apply the patch on  the collectors first, followed by the indexers, and
the Management Server in the end.

For each Data Insight server including the Management Server, log onto the
server with Administrative privileges and perform the following 3 steps:

1. Stop Data Insight services:
From the command prompt, issue the following commands:

net stop DataInsightFpolicy
net stop DataInsightConfig
net stop DataInsightComm
net stop DataInsightWeb

NOTE: Depending on the type of Data Insight node, DataInsightWeb and/or 
DataInsightFpolicy services might or might not be present. Ignore error if the
service could not be stopped because it is not configured.

2. Patch files are present in the file: patches/
Unzip this file to a temporary location. The patch contains files for both 32bit
and 64bit installs. Select the appropriate folder based on the processor
architecture of your server. Files provided in the patch are in the same
directory hierarchy as those present on your system at:
"C:\Program Files\Symantec\DataInsight" (NOTE: This path could be different on
your setup).
Example: If you unzip patches/ to C:\temp, it will
create the following folders under C:\temp:
    ¦   +---bin
    ¦   +---pdb
    ¦   +---tomcat
If you are patching a 32 bit server, copy entire contents under
"C:\temp\1.0.1+e2085992\32" to
"C:\Program Files\Symantec\DataInsight", replacing the original files with those
from the patch. 
3. Start Data Insight services:
From the command prompt, issue the following commands:

net start DataInsightFpolicy
net start DataInsightConfig
net start DataInsightComm
net start DataInsightWeb

NOTE: Depending on the type of Data Insight node, DataInsightWeb and/or 
DataInsightFpolicy services might or might not be present. Ignore error if the
service could not be started because it is not configured.

Overriding the new default behavior:
If you need to override the new default behavior, carry out the steps mentioned
in sections below after applying the hotfix:

Configuring Data Insight to scan file ACLs:
If you want Data Insight to scan for file ACLs, perform the following steps on
the Management Server:

1. Log onto the Management Server machine with Administrative privileges.
2. From the command prompt, issue the following command:

cd "C:\Program Files\Symantec\DataInsight\bin"
configdb.exe -O -J scanner.get_acls -j dir_and_file

Configuring Data Insight to register for all filer events:
With this hotfix, Data Insight, by default, will not register for READ, and
CLOSE events from the NetApp filer. Instead, it will treat OPEN event as a READ
event. To override this behavior for a filer, and have Data Insight register for
explicit READ events, perform following steps:
NOTE: Registering for READ and CLOSE events will increase the number of events a
NetApp filer needs to send to the Data Insight collector. This can increase the
load on the filer.

1. On the Management server, issue the following command from a command prompt:

cd "C:\Program Files\Symantec\DataInsight\bin"
configdb.exe -o -T filer -k <filer_id> -J monitor.ops -j read, write, delete, create, rename, open, close

<filer_id> is the ID of the filer you wish to override. You must issue the above
command once for each filer that you need changed. To get the ID for a filer,
issue the following command from the command prompt:

cd "C:\Program Files\Symantec\DataInsight\bin"
configdb.exe -F

The 1st column in the output is the ID of the filer.

Additional Notes:
Please apply this Hotfix to Data Insight 1.0.1 only.