
 Basic information
Release type: Hot Fix
Release date: 2010-10-08
OS update support: None
Technote: TECH140245 - VMDg / MountV resources fail to online or probe when Microsoft MS10-066 “Vulnerability in remote procedure call could allow remote code execution” is applied
Documentation: None
Popularity: 4063 viewed    downloaded
Download size: 66.29 KB
Checksum: 2230727652

 Applies to one or more of the following products:
Storage Foundation 5.0 On Windows IA64
Storage Foundation 5.0 On Windows x64
Storage Foundation HA 5.0 On Windows IA64
Storage Foundation HA 5.0 On Windows x64

 Obsolete patches, incompatibilities, superseded patches, or other requirements:

This patch requires: Release date
sfw-win64-5.0RP1a (obsolete) 2010-05-28

 Fixes the following incidents:

 Patch ID:

Readme file
Date: 2010-10-08
OS: Windows
OS Version: 2003
Packages: VxBridge.exe
Etrack Incidents: 2159443

Errors/Problems Fixed
This hotfix addresses an issue where storage related operations in a clustered environment fail due to the Microsoft Hotfix 982802.

After installing the Microsoft security update 982802 on clustered systems where SFW is used to manage storage, some of the storage related operations may fail.

- In a Veritas Cluster Server (VCS) environment, the cluster disk group resources (MountV, VMDg) do not come online on the nodes.
The Windows Event Viewer may contain the following events:
Event ID: 9515
Event Source: Agent Framework
Description: VMDg:nodename-VMDg:online:Init diskgroup : Unrecognized error code. 800706C6

Event ID: 31201
Event Source: RPC
Application "%vcs_home%\bin\VCSAgDriver.exe"
type VMDg with process id 2980 has failed to complete a COM/RPC call  because of an invalid message from server.

Here, %vcs_home% is typically C:\Program Files\Veritas\Cluster Server.

- In an Microsoft Cluster Server (MSCS) environment, the Volume Manager Disk Group resource creation may fail. Also, if the controlling node of the cluster becomes inactive, the quorum arbitration process may fail.

This issue occurs due to a failure in some of the cluster calls to VxBridge.exe on 64-bit Windows Server 2003 systems.

This issue is fixed in the SFW components. An additional memory buffer is allocated for the output parameters. This ensures that the arguments passed from VxBridge.exe reach the clients.

Fixes Applied for Products
Storage Foundation 5.0 RP1a for Windows
Storage Foundation and High Availability Solutions 5.0 RP1a for Windows

Install/Uninstall Instructions
This package contains the following compressed files: 

Operating System    Platform   File Name
Windows Server 2003 IA64

Download the appropriate hotfix file to a temporary location on your system.

Each compressed file includes the following updated file(s):

Filename     | Version 	       |  Windows 2003  |
VxBridge.exe |     |  x64, IA64     |

Before you begin
Before you proceed with the installation, take a backup of the following files:
- vxbridge.exe present in the %vmpath% directory.

Here the variable %vmpath% is the installation directory for Volume Manager, typically C:\Program Files (x86)\Veritas\Veritas Volume Manager 5.0.

To install the hotfix
For VCS, perform the following steps:

1. From one of the cluster nodes, switch all the online service groups to an alternate node.

2. Stop the Veritas High Availability Engine on the node.
Type the following on the command prompt:
hastop  –local  –force 

3. Stop Veritas VxBridge Service.
Type the following on the command prompt:
net stop vxbridge
4. Take a backup of vxbridge.exe present in the %vmpath% directory.
Here the variable %vmpath% is the default installation directory for Volume Manager, typically C:\Program Files (x86)\Veritas\Veritas Volume Manager 5.0.

5. Copy the extracted file, vxbridge.exe, to %vmpath% directory.
This will replace the existing version of the file.

6. Start the Veritas High Availability Engine on the node.
Type the following on the command prompt:

7. Repeat these steps on all the remaining cluster nodes.

For MSCS, perform the following steps:

1. From one of the systems, move all the online service groups to an alternate system.

2. Stop clussvc.
Type the following on the command prompt:
net stop clussvc

3. Stop Veritas VxBridge Service.
Type the following on the command prompt:
net stop vxbridge

4. Take a backup of vxbridge.exe present in the %vmpath% directory.
Here the variable %vmpath% is the default installation directory for Volume Manager, typically C:\Program Files (x86)\Veritas\Veritas Volume Manager 5.0.

5. Copy the extracted file, vxbridge.exe, to %vmpath% directory.
This will replace the existing version of the file.

6. Start clussvc.
Type the following on the command prompt:
net start clussvc

7. Repeat these steps on all the remaining systems.