
 Basic information
Release type: Hot Fix
Release date: 2011-08-08
OS update support: None
Technote: None
Documentation: None
Popularity: 6418 viewed    downloaded
Download size: 21.4 MB
Checksum: 3739591967

 Applies to one or more of the following products:
Enterprise Administrator 5.0MP3 On RHEL4 i686
Enterprise Administrator 5.0MP4 On RHEL4 i686
Enterprise Administrator 5.0MP3 On RHEL4 x86-64
Enterprise Administrator 5.0MP3 On RHEL5 i686
Enterprise Administrator 5.0MP3 On RHEL5 x86-64
Enterprise Administrator 5.0MP3 On SLES10 i586
Enterprise Administrator 5.0MP3 On SLES10 x86-64
Enterprise Administrator 5.0MP3 On SLES9 i586
Enterprise Administrator 5.0MP3 On SLES9 x86-64

 Obsolete patches, incompatibilities, superseded patches, or other requirements:

 Fixes the following incidents:

 Patch ID:

Readme file
Date: 03, Aug, 2011

OS: Linux

OS Version: RHEL 4/5, SLES 9/10

Etrack Incidents: 2372164

Errors/Problems Fixed:
   VEA service(vxsvc) running on port 2148 crashes and dumps core.

Fixes Applied for Products: 

Storage Foundation 5.0MP3 and any RP on 5.0MP3
Storage Foundation HA 5.0MP3 and any RP on 5.0MP3
Storage Foundation 5.0 MP4 and any RP on 5.0MP4
Storage Foundation HA 5.0MP4 and any RP on 5.0MP4

Overview of the Hotfix

Etrack - 2372164
SYMPTOM: VEA service(vxsvc) running on port 2148 crashes and dumps core.    

DESCRIPTION: Veritas Enterprise Administrator service (vxsvc) is prone to buffer overflows which may result in a crash.

RESOLUTION:  Code was modified to validate the data packets received over the network and reject the malformed packet(s).

Packages applied: VRTSobc33, VRTSob

Build Version: 3.3.1229.0

Install Instructions:
Instructions to apply the hotfix

   1. Stop vxsvc process using command: "/opt/VRTSob/bin/vxsvcctrl stop"
   2. Stop all vxpal agent processes using command: "/opt/VRTSobc/pal33/bin/vxpalctrl -a <agent name> -c stop"

Installing the Hotfix

   1. Download the patch of VRTSobc33, VRTSob to a tmp location
   2. Install the patch using following command
         rpm -U VRTSob-3.3.1229.0-0.i686.rpm
         rpm -U VRTSobc33-3.3.1229.0-0.i686.rpm

Additional Notes:
No reboot is required after installation or un-installation of these rpms.

Known issue 
