The latest patch(es) : sfs-sles11_x86_64-5.7MP1 

 Basic information
Release type: P-patch
Release date: 2011-12-22
OS update support: None
Technote: None
Documentation: None
Popularity: 1655 viewed    downloaded
Download size: 221.81 MB
Checksum: 1475938002

 Applies to one or more of the following products:
FileStore 5.7 On SLES11 x86-64

 Obsolete patches, incompatibilities, superseded patches, or other requirements:

This patch is obsolete. It is superseded by: Release date
sfs-sles11_x86_64-5.7MP1 2012-08-31

 Fixes the following incidents:
2113729, 2161015, 2298820, 2361887, 2386454, 2424302, 2425092, 2427543, 2430417, 2436552, 2437951, 2440608, 2479932, 2482153, 2492501, 2492571, 2494482, 2497078, 2507930, 2509398, 2515988, 2516614, 2517248, 2517372, 2519161, 2519604, 2519608, 2519626, 2519836, 2519961, 2521562, 2523143, 2528038, 2528420, 2531687, 2532973, 2533065, 2533077, 2533096, 2533121, 2533186, 2533203, 2533466, 2536391, 2553341, 2553924, 2559677, 2559755, 2559898, 2564679, 2565641, 2565642, 2565644, 2566905, 2566948, 2568491, 2568970, 2568983, 2568993, 2571675, 2572047, 2572215, 2573147, 2576457, 2576779, 2576892, 2576898, 2577701, 2578034, 2578053, 2578054, 2578352, 2578736, 2578905, 2578991, 2579053, 2579067, 2582628, 2584280, 2584289, 2584415, 2585516, 2585525, 2585867, 2586962, 2587856, 2590243, 2591534, 2593653, 2593887, 2594253, 2595411, 2595544, 2595648, 2598662, 2598821, 2599171, 2599200, 2599685, 2600524, 2601033, 2601557, 2609145, 2609161, 2609296, 2609297, 2609303, 2609321, 2609336, 2609347, 2610631, 2610745, 2610974, 2611071, 2612159, 2615810, 2616268, 2616695, 2621291, 2623551, 2640325

 Patch ID:

Readme file
Date: 2011-12-23
OS Version: 11 SP1
Symantec FileStore 
5.7 P1 Patch Upgrade README

I.   Overview
II.  Upgrade procedure
III. Fixes in the new patch
IV.  Known issues
V.   New Features

PATCH NAME 		: FileStore-sles11_x86_64-patch-5.7P1.tar.gz
BASE PACKAGE NAME	: Symantec FileStore
CREATION DATE 		: 2011-12-23
CATEGORY 		: enhancement, performance issue

Symantec FileStore provides a scalable clustered storage solution. This document provides release information for the patch.

	1. Patch upgrade will cause service failover from one node to another which will take about 15 seconds. This will not impact NFS client mounts and replication jobs, but CIFS client mounts will need to connect again, and backup jobs need to be resumed as well after an upgrade. 
	2. For the above reason, it is recommended to stop CIFS, backup, and EV I/O loads during an upgrade.  
	3. The 5.7P1 patch can only be applied to the 5.7 GA release, not 5.6 releases.  
	4. Patch upgrade cannot be rollbacked once applied.

To install the patch:
1. Copy SFSFS-patch-5.7P1_rc7_2011_12_12.tar.gz to the FileStore master node at (/home/support/patches/) using the support login.
2. If fencing is enabled, turn off and remove I/O fencing before the upgrade:
	filestore> storage> fencing off
	filestore> storage> fencing destroy

3. Install the FileStore patch using the master login (CLISH):

    filestore>upgrade patch install scp://support@localhost:/home/support/patches/SFSFS-patch-5.7P1_rc7_2011_12_12.tar.gz
	The patch is installed on the slave nodes first followed by a system reboot. The master node is installed last followed 
	by a system reboot.

4. If fencing was enabled, enable it again.
5. Monitor and check the status of the FileStore cluster: 

   To check that the installation is complete, login to the master node again (switch to another node), and check that all the nodes are 
   in the RUNNING state:
    filestore> cluster show
    ------------       -----      -----------   -------- --------   -------- --------
    filestore_01       RUNNING          0.98       0.01     0.00       0.01     0.00 
    filestore_02       RUNNING          0.97       0.01     0.00       0.01     0.00 

    filestore_01# gabconfig -a
    GAB Port Memberships
    Port a gen  1128e02 membership 01
    Port b gen  1128e04 membership 01
    Port f gen  1128e0c membership 01
    Port h gen  1128e06 membership 01
    Port v gen  1128e08 membership 01
    Port w gen  1128e0a membership 01
Note: Please refer to the Symantec FileStore 5.7 Command-Line Administrator's Guide for information on the "support" 
	user login and more information about the patch installation.


Etrack Incidents: 2424302, 2594253, 2612159, 2585516, 2585525, 2573147, 2564679, 2425092, 2437951, 2507930, 2640325, 2609161, 2568983, 2593653, 2579053, 2584280, 2610745, 2523143, 2494482, 2533186, 2578905, 2584415, 2609303, 2533077, 2533065, 2599200, 2609347, 2578991, 2536391, 2533121, 2609297, 2609321, 2517248, 2609296, 2533466, 2609336, 2572047, 2479932, 2598662, 2578736, 2576457, 2611071, 2430417, 2576892, 2579067, 2576779, 2559755, 2427543, 2533203, 2578034, 2615810, 2601033, 2559898, 2519161, 2593887, 2595544, 2610974, 2298820, 2601557, 2568491, 2587856, 2591534, 2576898, 2599171, 2585867, 2519604, 2492501, 2528038, 2582628, 2609145, 2113729, 2492571, 2616695, 2519961, 2590243, 2533096, 2482153, 2586962, 2517372, 2515988, 2531687, 2532973, 2571675, 2566905, 2440608, 2599685, 2595411, 2621291, 2386454, 2623551, 2553924, 2572215, 2568970, 2568993, 2436552, 2559677, 2610631, 2577701, 2584289, 2519836, 2361887, 2565642, 2616268, 2553341, 2565644, 2519608, 2578054, 2521562, 2578053, 2528420, 2509398, 2578352, 2516614, 2565641, 2519626, 2497078, 2598821, 2595648, 2600524, 2566948, 2161015 

Errors/Problems Fixed:

2424302	            Filestore:Dedup Dedup run status not shown in showevents, snmp etc
2594253	            Unable to get "Storage> disk list" when the root device of different
2612159	            Update ftp packages
2585516	            Upgrade aslapm to VRTSaslapm-
2585525	            Upgrade vxvm to VRTSvxvm-
2573147	            FileStore: File Snap Cloning failure error: Virtual machine disk is not hosted on Symantec VirtualStore
2564679	            Display internal disk in "Storage> disk list" when there is a different number of internal disks per node in the cluster    
2425092	            FILESTORE: DEDUP: After the last file system is destroyed, the deduplication global config is lost. Should notify the user.       
2437951	            FileStore: Dedup: If the scheduler fails to get the local config file, any existing update is not picked up  
2507930	            SAVFL LiveUpdate java process hang while upgrading the virus definitions 
2640325	            Upgrade vxfs to VRTSvxfs-                       
2600298, 2609161	DEDUP: Change fsdedupadm ret code to reflect correct error
2568976, 2568983	Exclude local directories by default.
2593649, 2593653	FILESTORE: [Report] Duplicate events are sent when the management console is switched over
2579044, 2579053	FILESTORE: FTP Allows enabling "DAR" to a file system used as homedir_path for "FTP" configuration while ftp service is not enabled.
2584278, 2584280	FILESTORE: FTP: ftp set homedir_path should not use directory path belonging to replication target file system.
2611404, 2610745	FILESTORE: REPLICATION: Job failback on source while target was down gives unuseful warning message.
2523693, 2523143	FILESTORE[CIFS]: Provide error message if IP address is mentioned instead of hostname for domain controller, if security = domain.
2491220, 2494482	FileStore: Backup service fails completely unless an Enterprise Client license is installed on the NetBackup server.
2439257, 2533186	FileStore: FTP: AD support for ftp service
2578897, 2578905	FileStore: FTP: server status is a little slow in response
2584405, 2584415	FileStore: FTP: umask and other options for FTP
2609278, 2609303	FileStore: NBU: NBU client does not sync key files to other nodes
2439268, 2533077	FileStore: NDMP: ACLs not removed on recovery from backup stream
2439284, 2533065	FileStore: NDMP: Lutimes is supported from SLES11 onwards
2599193, 2599200	FileStore: NDMP: Performance of mmap read poor
2609346, 2609347	FileStore: NDMP: Use /proc/mounts instead of /etc/mtab
2578986, 2578991	FileStore: NFS: Share show response is slow
2536393, 2536391	FileStore: iSCSI: Deleted targets are not identified after rediscovery
2490271, 2533121	FileStore: iSCSI: If target being used by online FS or fencing, block offline/del/stop
2609294, 2609297	FileStore: iSCSI: discovery del does not remove sessions for portals that are not the same as the discovery address
2609316, 2609321	FileStore: iSCSI: iSCSI does not provide disks if the discovery address is not available during add node
2517261, 2517248	FileStore: iSCSI: iscsi config gets corrupted when multiple discovery addresses for the same portals are added
2609291, 2609296	FileStore: iSCSI: Login should not be attempted from a device that is not in the same subnet
2533463, 2533466	FileStore: iSCSI: Rediscover does not ask for new password after change on array
2609323, 2609336	FileStore: iSCSI: Target del does not delete the entry when a portal is provided as a command option
2572042, 2572047	FileStore: iSCSI: Target del ignores portal argument
2491214, 2479932	FileStore: Replication: Resync: Job resync timed-out at source as file list build is taking a long time at target.
2594901, 2598662	FileStore: AntiVirus: Unable to set yes/no values for Scan read/write & also for zipdepth.
2578803, 2578736	FileStore: Backup: Man page EXAMPLES need to be updated for Backup status & start.
2575014, 2576457	FileStore: NBU: Getting vcs error in CLISH when enabling SAN client.
2611384, 2611071	FileStore: Quota: Unable to enable Quota get message " ... cannot be turned on, reason unknown"
2431257, 2430417	FileStore: Master node fails to reboot; hangs at Magaraid_SAS.
2576888, 2576892	Filestore: ISCSI: Allows delete of the target even though fs is online.
2579062, 2579067	Filestore: ISCSI: After cluster delete and add fs_manager cluster is in FAULTED state for added node.
2578658, 2576779	Filestore: Storage: "Storage> scanbus force" is not importing the disk configuration when deleting the iscsi disk and adding it back.
2559751, 2559755	Filestore: Dedup: Schedule does not accept a specific value of */10
2427835, 2427543	Filestore: Support: Warning message must be given while collecting debug info if any file system is offline.
2533202, 2533203	Filestore: iscsi: iscsi stop fails if the target is online.
2555020, 2578034	Ip addr online gives wrong output when trying to online the console IP
2409249, 2615810	Network traffic optimization
2601659, 2601033	Remove misleading error message when debugging problem.
2572385, 2559898	Some rename operations are missed on application on target in incremental mode.
2522547, 2519161	Unnecessary to run the event agentlet after cluster add/delete/shutdown/remove commands
2593882, 2593887	[CIFS] "CIFS> share show" and "CIFS> share add" problems
2595543, 2595544	[CIFS] Net ads join timeout is not enough
2611434, 2610974	[FILESTORE] REPORT: Report showevents not showing any information.
2301859, 2298820	Antivirus> scan start could cause the node to hang when antivirus works with certain zip structures, such as nesting zip/tar-z etc.
2514530, 2601557	Netmask of replication IP is set as that of the first public NIC
2566996, 2568491	Resends notifications about events that have been already been processed.
2572444, 2587856	Root partition cosumes 105GB but there are not such large files or directories.
2590130, 2591534	Replication failed due to rsync error 12 and 30
2576889, 2576898	Russia DST is being abolished
2599168, 2599171	[NBU] preserve bp.conf at client stop/start
2590008, 2585867	When a job is running, importing the same license for replication leads to failure of the running job, and cannot recover the environment.
2520083, 2519604	Change the default timezone to Asia Shanghai timezone. After unexpected power off, the time jumped 8 hours
2496451, 2492501	Sub-domain user cannot display correctly when using trusted_domains
2426498, 2528038	Support similar functionality as NetApp vFiler
2491197, 2582628	Assign multiple VIP on one NIC
2609142, 2609145	Execute command "Storage> quota fs setdefault userquota softlimit numspace 100m" fail. Error info: SFS quota ERROR V-288-2330. The softlimit numspace must be less than the default hardlimit numspace.
2114340, 2113729	SFS: snapshot: Customer hopes user-visible snapshots. Users can access snapshot volumes.
2492569, 2492571	Use /tmp/liveupdate as workdir for AV Java liveupdate instead of using /tmp directly
2616987, 2616695	FILESTORE: Hit oops at vx_worklist_thr
2520061, 2519961	FILESTORE[DEDUP]: Duplicate processing failed. fsdedup.bin core generated.
2590239, 2590243	Fastresync became disabled after shrinking a striped-mirrored file system.
2489105, 2533096	FileStore: iSCSI: Command to modify tunables for iSCSI
2491163, 2482153	Filestore: Dedup: Status shows completed even though dedup exited for space constraints
2571940, 2586962	Filestore: Dedup: scheduler: Schedule is not loaded for the same day after unmounting and mounting the file systems
2518616, 2517372	Filestore: Dedup: scheduler: Scheduler does not pick scheduled job of every 12 hours
2517270, 2515988	Filestore: Storage: vxesd consumes 100% cpu
2586958, 2531687	Filestore: Dedup: scheduler: Schedule set for a 'n' day interval will be executed on 'n+1' day.
2532970, 2532973	If GUI server is not running, give warning when registering the vplugin.
2571672, 2571675	NASGW: NFS: NFS share add command does not ask for confirmation if directory/subdirectory/file sysytem is already shared over CIFS with conflicting options.
2566906, 2566905	Shared block aware dedup (scan and deduplication)
2584705, 2440608	VirtualStore performance discrepancy between CFS and standalone VxFS using NFS
2599683, 2599685	[CIFS] IP-based smb.conf change as per Samba 3.5.11 and above.
2595418, 2595411	[CIFS] Rewrite the minimum UID message
2596796, 2621291	FileStore5.7_SuSE11: After upgrading to SFS 5.7, two striped mirrored file systems, DV64-ESL1 & DV68_ESL1, are showing having only one disk, when there are many disks. "storage fs list DV64-ESL1" incorrectly shows this
2387108, 2386454	[FILESTORE] fsppadm: ERROR: V-3-26626: File change log IOTEMP and ACCESSTEMP index creation failure for /vx/fsvm with message argument list too long
2623548, 2623551	/var/log/sfsfs_event.log does not have antivirus scan job detecting virus info on node_01, but it detected virus info on node_02.
2552299, 2553924	"Cluster> reboot" failure because VCS remains at LEAVING state
2518550, 2572215	FILESTORE[GUI]: SFS_DB log fill up NLM file system
2525944, 2568970	Windows search causes rtvscand heavy load if AP is enabled
2568995, 2568993	[SAV] Provide option to toggle READ and WRITE operation scanning for performance improvement.
2197380, 2436552	Client cannot access CIFS normal share with netbios aliases
2556290, 2559677	Admin user will disappear if creating a CIFS local user whose name is the same as the admin user
2556310, 2610631	An invalid master password on the ISM and CLI
2572353, 2577701	Configuring default numspaces quotas for the user that had been configured. The hard quota configuration failed when the soft numspaces is lager than the default hard numspaces
2572362, 2584289	Cannot swith the virtual ip of backup to other nodes when unplugging the current node public NIC Line
2514607, 2519836	Lacking a message that tells user to restart ftp service after we change the ftp global settings
2362785, 2361887	Modify a virtual ip to another ip that is used by others. Can assign sucessfully and contains no incorrect prompt message
2535684, 2565642	The command of setall groupquota does not take effect if local group name starts with an underline
2590238, 2616268	The master user can login to system dir and create a new user in VxFS
2556318, 2553341	When fencing is on, the process hangs at 36 percent
2559939, 2565644	When user quota is 0, there is no unit behind, but the default quota has a unit when its value is 0
2520296, 2519608	When executing Network> nis show, the result is an error
2556336, 2578054	When deleting and creating a bond, bond virtual address is offline
2584694, 2521562	In Network> show information, interface bond3.409 shows an error; should be bond3.4094
2572619, 2578053	Pull out master node pubeth0 line, all virtual IP addresses fail over to other nodes, causing the load to become  unbalanced
2595596, 2528420	Enabling cifshomedir quota service causes the command to hang half an hour. Reproduce kswapd issue.
2509929, 2509398	System hangs for 60 minutes When executing "homedir show" when there are approx. 5000 homedir shares and cluster_mode is ctdb.
2572556, 2578352	In master node, create bond, fix bond VIP, VIP is not in uniformity
2517190, 2516614	vplugin shows offline VIP and NFS cannot mount in vCenter
2556307, 2565641	Run quota setgroup fails
2520194, 2519626	The message for the Vcenter_server name is in error
2425361, 2497078	Problems seeing EqualLogic array disks
2598782, 2598821	ctdb monitor is broken in single-node cluster
2595646, 2595648	Minor typo 'writable' in cifs_fsshared_rw().
2601639, 2600524	vplugin register does not allow fully-qualified domain user names

Incident: 2645314

Symptom: After a master node is upgraded to 5.7P1, install and add a new node to the cluster. This results in the RPM of sav and savap downgraded to a lower version on the new node.

1. Install 5.7 GA OS on a two-node cluster.
2. Install 5.7 on the master node. sav and savap version on the master node is savap-x64-1.0.11-19 and sav-1.0.11-19.
3. Second node is in the "Not installed" state.
4. Upgrade the master node to 5.7P1 patch version.
5. Install the slave node.
6. Add the node.
7. On the new slave node, the sav and savap version is lowered to sav-1.0.9-10 and savap-x64-1.0.9-10.

Workaround: Manually upgrade sav and savap on the slave node:
1. cd /root/symc/nasg/third_party_packages
2. rpm -Uvh sav-1.0.11-19.i386.rpm
3. rpm -Uvh savap-x64-1.0.11-19.x86_64.rpm

Incident: 2645764

Symptom: Deduplication failed with "AddBlock failed. Error = 110".

Description: AddBlock error 110 hits due to the low space in the file system. Low space might be caused by I/O on the file system or temporary space occupied by the deduplication.

Workaround: Free space in the file system and re-run the deduplication.

Incident 2640809 

Symptom: The Citrix XenDesktop CSV file location may be deleted upon a failover of the FileStore console or an upgrade of the FileStore software.

Description: During a FileStore software upgrade or a failover of the FileStore console, the Citrix XenDesktop CSV file may be deleted.

Workaround: The CSV file is generated on a storage directory that is erased when the FileStore software is upgraded or the FileStore console fails over to another node in the cluster. You should use the CSV file (or take a backup copy) as soon as the CSV file is generated by the Symantec Quick Clone Virtual Machine wizard.

Incidents 2624703, 2631108

Symptom: Previously deduplicated files (or portions of the files) overwritten by identical content remain unshared

Description: If a previously deduplicated file (or a portion of it) is overwritten by identical content, the overwritten portions become unshared. Future deduplication is unable to deduplicate the file (or the overwritten portion).

Workaround:  This is a known limitation. For full-file overwrites, the workaround is to first delete the file that is to be overwritten.

Incident 2428325

Symptom: Client cannot use netbios aliases to access a CIFS normal share

Description:  You cannot use netbios aliases to access CIFS shares. Alias 
configurations you entered with the CIFS> set alias CLI command are not 
recognized. The information you enter in the Settings > CIFS > Netbios Aliases 
section of the FileStore Management Console (GUI) is not recognized either.

Workaround: There is no workaround for this issue. This feature has been 

Incident: 2642055

Symptom: Cannot create a virtual machine clone using the Symantec Quick Clone Virtual Machine wizard.

Description: After rebooting the FileStore master node, you cannot create a virtual machine clone using the Symantec Quick Clone Virtual Machine wizard.

Workaround: After the upgrade is complete, you need to login (to all nodes of the cluster using the support login) and run
the following command:

$ rm -rf /opt/VRTSnasgw/esmweb/tomcat/webapps/svs/

Note: This step is required only if you have the VMware Virtual Center plug-in setup in your environment.

Incidents: 2586959, 2590104, 2531687, 2425201, 2533186, 2494482, 2584415, 

Automatic mapping of UNIX users from LDAP to Windows users. 
Previous to FileStore 5.7 P1, mapuser had to be entered for each 
user manually.

This change affects the CIFS> mapuser add command in the FileStore CLI.

To automatically map UNIX users from LDAP to Windows users, you need 
to do the following: 

a) Ensure that FileStore joins the LDAP domain using "network ldap".  
From the LDAP server, users and groups should be visible by using the 
"getent passwd" or "getent group" commands.
b) Ensure that FileStore joins the Windows AD domain using "cifs".
c) Use the wildcard mapping rule "CIFS> mapuser add * <AD Domain Name> *".
The effect is whenever a Windows domain user, say DOM\foobar, wants to access
CIFS shares, the CIFS server determines if there is a local (a non-Windows) user
also named foobar, and establishes the mapping between the Windows user and 
the non-Windows user.

The caveat is that the user name must match between the LDAP and AD domains. 

When you set a deduplication schedule, keep in mind the following: 

* If the hour value for a schedule is set as */N, then the deduplication scheduler picks up the schedule every Nth hour starting from 00:00 and ending at 23:00. The hour schedule resets at end of day. For example, if the hour value is */5, then the schedule time will be 00:00, 05:00, 10:00, 15:00, and 20:00 hours. On the next day, the schedule repeats at the same times.

* If day value for a schedule is set as */N, then the deduplication scheduler picks up the schedule every Nth day starting from the 1st day of the month and ending with the last day of the month. The day schedule resets at end of each month. For example, if the day value is */5, then the schedule day is on the  1st, 6th, 11th, 16th, 21st, 26th, and 31st days for a 31-day month. For the next month, the schedule repeats on the same days.

* For both the hour and day schedule, the * and */1 values are interchangeable. They indicate every hour and every day.

With FileStore 5.7P1, Citrix XenDesktop Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) customers can store their VDI images on FileStore. Refer to the "Using the Symantec Quick Clone Virtual Machine Wizard" online help for more information about configuring Citrix XenDesktop.

New option for Active Directory (AD) support in FTP.

FTP> set security ads

New Backup> netbackup sanclient commands:

Backup> netbackup sanclient enable|disable

New FTP> set commands: 

FTP> set umask file_umask:dir_umask

FTP> set chroot_users yes|no

FTP> set create_homedirs yes|no

New Storage> commands to modify tunables for iSCSI:

Storage> iscsi target attr showdefault
Storage> iscsi target attr showall
Storage> iscsi target attr show target-name
Storage> iscsi target attr setdefault attribute value
Storage> iscsi target attr setall attribute value
Storage> iscsi target attr set target-name attribute value


Starting with FileStore Release 5.7, the FileStore software and the operating system are provided as two separate packages. FileStore no longer supports a driver update disk (DUD) for hardware.

1. If the operating system cannot recognize your RAID controller for a local disk during installation, you need to visit your hardware vendor's website and get the corresonding DUD.

2. To update your hardware driver after OS installation, you can install the corresponding rpm on it. FileStore does not include the GCC complier in the OS.

Symantec has updated the OS kernel for FileStore to SLES If you encounter any driver issues, contact Symantec Technical Support.