
 Basic information
Release type: Rolling Patch
Release date: 2012-05-28
OS update support: None
Technote: None
Documentation: None
Popularity: 800 viewed    downloaded
Download size: 149.03 MB
Checksum: 2822296087

 Applies to one or more of the following products:
Data Insight 3.0 On Windows 32-bit
Data Insight 3.0 On Windows 64-bit

 Obsolete patches, incompatibilities, superseded patches, or other requirements:

 Fixes the following incidents:
2664104, 2667082, 2679112, 2679984, 2682736, 2688203, 2694320, 2694512, 2695051, 2695175, 2695177, 2695182, 2696108, 2702352, 2713429, 2714886, 2715986, 2718069, 2721772, 2722392, 2724884, 2725084, 2726096, 2728354, 2728358, 2729511, 2730300, 2734444, 2735637, 2735657, 2736029, 2738827, 2739025, 2741011, 2742488, 2744472, 2745991, 2746526, 2748820, 2748843, 2750130, 2752175, 2758201, 2758272, 2760796, 2765879, 2772837, 2774466, 2775422, 2775486, 2780123, 2780932, 2781708, 2784557, 2784567, 2785795, 2787265, 2788647, 2790237, 2792305, 2796751, 2799641

 Patch ID:

Readme file

OS: Windows/Linux

Etrack Incidents: 2799641, 2758201, 2765879, 2748843, 2748820, 2752175, 2775486, 
2775422, 2758272, 2772837, 2750130, 2760796, 2774466, 2713429, 2784557, 2784567, 
2781708, 2780123, 2788647, 2790237, 2780932, 2785795, 2787265, 2796751, 2792305, 
2744472, 2714886, 2718069, 2730300, 2688203, 2734444, 2722392, 2695182, 2696108, 
2721772, 2715986, 2667082, 2735637, 2735657, 2695177, 2738827, 2729511, 2694320, 
2728354, 2728358, 2725084, 2736029, 2694512, 2695051, 2679112, 2724884, 2726096, 
2702352, 2742488, 2741011, 2682736, 2746526, 2739025, 2745991, 2679984, 2664104, 

Errors/Problems Fixed:

Issues fixed in 3.0RP2:

2799641	- For shares with multi-byte character names, Scan all shares feature does not start the scan 
operation and fails to add the share to scan queue if an individual share is selected for scan; exits 
with error "Share could not be added to scan queue. Object with ID xx not found"
2758201	- On Monitored Shares page, sorting by MSUID field did not sort the list by the share ID
2765879	- IndexWriter should not create index directory for DFS shares

2748843	- For a leap year, the op-count bucket changes in the Access Pattern map, if 29th Feb is included 
in the date range

2748820 - In the Access Pattern map, FEB-29th shows different audit event count for different time intervals

2752175	- Not able to get "Created By" for link events and "Last Modifier" for file

2775486	- Show only applicable operations on the toolbar for DFS filers - remove Edit and Disable operations

2775422	- The index log files related to particular shares (or filer) should get included while downloading logs
2758272	- Collector crashes when the raw audit files have identical create events

2772837	- Index failure, error code: 203 when Path / appears as file instead of directory

2750130	- For large reconfirm-dbs idxwriter is very slow/stuck in processing

2760796	- NFSUserMappingJob downloads local users for every VxFS snapshot file

2774466	- Error when kicking off scans from the GUI; Scans could not be scheduled

2713429	- Scanning certain shares could take excessive time in certain scenarios

2784557	- Additional logging required when compressing report files during upgrade to know the upgrade progress

2784567	- Delete unwanted report run folders during upgrade to reduce compression time

2781708	- If you use the fg.exe CLI to delete a file group other than the highest numbered file group, 
then any file group report that you run will fail

2780123 - CSV file column values get distorted when comma is present in field values
2788647 - Path name is truncated in Permission report (in the pdf format)
2790237 - VolInfoJob on Winnas agent is in hanging state

2780932	- Scan Resync should gracefully skip older scan-files from 2.5 which do not have scaninfo table
2785795	- mxcustodian.exe not working with groupscript -- SCRIPT_EXECUTION_FAILED returned for paths

2787265 - Path permission report should not report deleted paths

2796751	- Incremental scanner puts all verified paths in uerror table instead of putting those in 
ferror/derror tables

2792305 - Consumption by Owner and Consumption by File Group and Owner reports are failing for a given share

Issues fixed in 3.0RP1:

2744472 - Path Permissions report does not return expected output when a specific 
user or group is selected in the Configuration section

2714886 - Special characters such as "'" in report name prevent display of report
output from console

2718069 - Issue with emailing report outputs
2730300 - Inactive Users report is slow

2688203 - report.exe consumes large amount of memory when running Access Detail Path report

2734444 - Path Activity report crashes if there is no activity in the share/path

2722392 - Collector is not receiving events from some shares on EMC Celerra devices
2695182 - Getting status "SUCCESS" instead of "PARTIAL SUCCESS" if report.exe fails 
on Management Server
2696108 - Custom attribute discovery does not work for Active Directory on Windows Server 2003 systems

2721772 - Owner computation differs for Query daemon and report.exe 

2715986 - Consumption by File Group report is slow

2667082 - Inactive Data by File Group report for DFS takes long time and large amount
of memory

2735637 - Improve performance of Inactive Folders report

2735657 - Improve performance of Inactive Data by Owner report

2695177 - report.log for report run and merge steps does not get created in report log 
run folder

2738827 - VxFS filer should not have "Register for explicit READ events" and 
"Enable Storage Utilization Analytics" options

2729511 - Indexer changes to handle security events from NetApp

2694320 - NFS path permissions view does not show member count for group
2728354 - Edit Clustered WinNAS filer: Displays the message "One or more mandatory fields
are incomplete. Please fill in all fields and try again"

2728358 - Clustered WinNAS filer: When a share is added manually (Using Add a new share box), 
scan fails, because the share is saved in configdb as "clusterFSname@sharename"

2725084 - Export functionality not working for monitored shares table

2736029 - Collector and fpolicy performance improvements

2694512 - Exclude rules of CIFS prefix pattern type for access events doesnt work

2695051 - installcli doesn't accept Local System credentials for scanner
2679112 - Widget to select 'Whether to email individual custodians' is not intuitive 
in report creation wizard

2724884 - Mxdfsscan fails to export DFS link pointing to shares on 
Windows File Servers and EMC Celerra devices
2726096 - If February 29 is between the start and end dates, the dates in pattern map 
get misaligned causing inconsistency in pattern map and audit logs

2702352 - Problems while displaying custodians for DFS paths in Custodian Summary report

2742488 - Monitored Shares report should filter out NFS shares and 
SharePoint Site Collections

2741011 - Consumption by Department report is slow and uses large amount of memory

2682736 - Folder overview page is slow
2746526 - Data Insight should periodically purge folders for DLP reports if DLP has not 
sent explicit request to purge those

2739025 - In User Permissions tab, select resource popup shows CIFS style path for NFS shares

2745991 - Error code 19 is returned when updating an index with audit information for a share

2679984 - report.exe consumes large amount of memory

2664104 - When fppolicy service is stopped and a folder /foo/bar is deleted and a file bar 
is created under /foo, scan resync does not work

2695175 - Exclude scan rule does not work for \\filername\sharename/exlcudepath for CIFS and NFS

Known issues :
2798926 - Internet Explorer will show a warning "Do you want to stop script" on Monitored Shares page if a 
filer has more than 7000 shares.

Install/Uninstall Instructions:

Apply this rolling patch on all Data Insight servers with version 3.0 or 3.0RP1.

NOTE: Please keep a backup of the Data Insight files in Installation directory. This will be
required in case you want to manually rollback the patch.

High Level Steps:
1. Apply the rolling patch on Management Server first, followed by all Worker Nodes.
2. Next, apply patch to Windows File Server agents (if applicable).

Patching Data Insight Management Server and Worker Nodes:
1. Log onto each server with Administrative privileges.
2. Unzip the patch files to a temporary folder. In this folder, locate the rolling
   patch installer for the appropriate OS architecture. The installer is called
   Symantec_DataInsight_windows_30RP2_3_0_0_4003_x64.exe for 64 bit Windows OS,
   Symantec_DataInsight_windows_30RP2_3_0_0_4003_x86.exe for 32 bit Windows OS and for 64 bit Linux OS.
3. Launch the installer executable to install the rolling patch.

Patching Data Insight Windows File Server agents:
1. Unzip the patch files to a temporary folder. In this folder, locate the rolling
   patch installer bundles for Windows File Server agents. The agent bundle is called for 64 bit OS and for 32 bit OS.
2. Log into the Management Console with Server Administrator privilege and upload the 
   agent bundles to the appropriate collector worker nodes using "Agent Uploader" page
   in the Settings tab.
3. Navigate to Filer details page for each configured Windows File Server in the Settings
   tab and click on "Upgrade Agent" button available on the top of the page. This option
   is only visible if you have enabled the option to let Data Insight install/upgrade
   agent for this filer.
4. Alternately, to manually patch a Windows File Server agent, log onto the Windows File
   Server machine with Administrative privileges, unzip the agent installer bundle in a
   temporary location, and launch the patch installer. The patch installer is called
   Symantec_DataInsight_windows_winnas_30RP2_3_0_0_4003_x64.exe for 64 bit OS,
   and Symantec_DataInsight_windows_winnas_30RP2_3_0_0_4003_x86.exe for 32 bit

Additional Notes:
1. At this time, automated roll back of patch is not supported. To roll back the
   patch manually:
   a. Remember to take a backup of original files before you install the rolling patch.
   b. To roll back the patch, stop all Data Insight services, overwrite the patched 
      files with original files from backup, and restart services.
2. To confirm if a system has been patched, check the version of Data Insight using
   "Add/Remove Programs" applet in the Control Panel.