The latest patch(es) : sfs-sles10_x86_64-5.6RP1P4HF6 

 Basic information
Release type: Hot Fix
Release date: 2012-07-09
OS update support: None
Technote: None
Documentation: None
Popularity: 3824 viewed    downloaded
Download size: 792.4 MB
Checksum: 3769145954

 Applies to one or more of the following products:
FileStore 5.6 On SLES10 x86-64

 Obsolete patches, incompatibilities, superseded patches, or other requirements:

This patch is obsolete. It is superseded by: Release date
sfs-sles10_x86_64-5.6RP1P4HF6 2013-09-17

 Fixes the following incidents:
2826319, 2826327, 2826343, 2826358, 2826641, 2826644, 2829376, 2829408, 2830934, 2832506, 2832515, 2839812

 Patch ID:

Readme file
Date: 2012-07-04
OS Version: 10 SP3
Symantec FileStore 
5.6 RP1 P4 HF1 Patch Upgrade README

I.   Overview
II.  Upgrade procedure
III. Fixes in the new patch
IV.  Known issues
V.   New Features

PATCH ID                        : N/A
PATCH NAME                      : FileStore-sles10_x86_64-patch-5.6RP1P4HF1.tar.gz
BASE PACKAGE NAME               : Symantec FileStore
BASE PACKAGE VERSION            : 5.6
OBSELETE PATCHES                : N/A
SUPPORTED OS                    : SLES
CREATION DATE                   : 2012-07-04
CATEGORY                        : enhancement, performance issue
REBOOT REQUIRED                 : Yes
SUPPORTS ROLLBACK               : NO

Symantec FileStore provides a scalable clustered storage solution. This document provides release information for the patch.

After you have installed or synchronized a new Symantec FileStore patch into your cluster, the list of available commands may change. Please login again to the CLI to access the updated features. 

IMPORTANT: There is a downtime for the services during an upgrade. The actual downtime will be a little longer than it takes to reboot the system. To avoid data loss, Symantec recommends that customers stop I/O processing completely during a patch upgrade.  

After you apply this patch, you cannot uninstall it. The 5.6RP1P4HF1 patch can only be installed on 5.6 or 5.6 P1 or 5.6 P2 or 5.6 P3 or 5.6 RP1 or 5.6 RP1 P1 or 5.6 RP1 P2 or 5.6 RP1 P3 or 5.6 RP1 P4.

If upgrading is on replication source cluster
	1)	Pause the running jobs. 
	2)	Upgrade the cluster.
If upgrading is on replication target cluster
	1)	On target check "echo listfset | fsdb -t vxfs /dev/vx/rdsk/sfsdg/<replication target fs> | grep -w \"\" | wc -l"
		a.	If return 0. 
		b.	If job is in running state pause the job from source console.
		c.	Goto step 3
	2)	If above command return non zero, then
		a.	If job is in running state pause the job from soruce console.
		b.	Umount checkpoint first, cfsumount /vx/<destination fs checkpoint>  
		c.	Fsclusadm -v showprimary <destination fs>
		d.	Except filesystem primary node, run "hagrp offline <vrts_destination fs group> -sys <non primary node(s)>"
		e.	Once you ran "hagrp -offline" on non primary nodes. Run "vxumount -f -o mntunlock=VCS <destination fs>" on primary node. 
	3)	upgrade the cluster. After upgrade online filesystems which are offline in 2(b) and 2(d) steps. To do this run following commands after upgrade.
		a) Run this command on all nodes "hagrp -online <vrts_destination fs group> -sys <nodename>"
		b) cfsmount /vx/<destination fs checkpoint>

To install the patch:
1. Login as master:
   su - master
2. Start the patch install:
   upgrade patch install

IMPORTANT: Full upgrade instructions are included in the Symantec FileStore 5.6 Release Notes. Please note the following revisions
When you upgrade:

* Symantec recommends that you remove I/O fencing before upgrading any cluster node or exporting your current configuration. Use the Storage> fencing off command first followed by the Storage> fencing destroy command to remove I/O fencing. This step is not required, but it is suggested for a clean upgrade. 


Etrack incidents:
2826319, 2826327, 2826343, 2826358, 2826641, 2826644, 2829376, 2829408, 2830934, 2832506, 2832515, 2839812     
Errors/Problems Fixed:

2791975, 2826319 	after set "cifs share add FS share@vip", win2008r2 can't access to the FS, but it can be access after changing to LM/NTLM/NTLM2 enabled.
2749886, 2826327 	after "CLI>cluster reboot all", system keeps "nfs starting" status forever, and `CLI> nfs share show` shows some nfs share got faulted.	
2803487, 2826343	"replication job trigger" for files-60GB-in-total ends to Failed by "failed to allocate memory", system should keep job slowly instead of Failed.
2795559, 2826358 	CPU high load by smbd even after data copy stop.
2818807, 2826641 	fsck flag was set.
2765953, 2826644  	"cifs share add" command can not use ip option on 5.6RP1P2 env.
2829375, 2829376  	failed to switch normal mode to ctdb mode; getting CTDB core dumps.
2765968, 2829408 	shutdown time more takes when ctdb server faulted.
2830933, 2830934	Enhancement request for shutdown time shortening.
	 2832506  	Easy cifs monitor script by only monitor the shares and winbind process.
2669850, 2832515  	Postonline and postoffline CIFS server and share at the same time.	
	 2839812	CFS mount issues/VxVM.

Etrack incident: 2737179

SYMPTOM: manual scan cannot detect the virus file without file extension (e.g.11) when the "File excluded extension list" setting is empty. 

Description: This issue only happens on manual scan with the "File excluded extension list" setting is empty, this issue has been fixed in Auto-Protect scan, then we suggest you enable Auto-Protect to avoid this risk. If you do not want enable Auto-Protect since Auto-Protect scan brings some CPU consumption, 
you can use the workaround as below.

Resolution: the workaround is to keep at least one file extension in the "File excluded extension list" setting. you can set one unusual file extension to avoid this issue, for example "dummyextension", in fact, there should not be any file with such file extension.