The latest patch(es) : sfha-win_x64-CP14_SFWHA_60 

 Basic information
Release type: P-patch
Release date: 2012-08-29
OS update support: None
Technote: TECH191975 - Storage Foundation for Windows High Availability, Storage Foundation for Windows and Veritas Cluster Server 6.0 Cumulative Patches
Documentation: None
Popularity: 927 viewed    downloaded
Download size: 35.85 MB
Checksum: 4270196735

 Applies to one or more of the following products:
Storage Foundation HA 6.0 On Windows x64

 Obsolete patches, incompatibilities, superseded patches, or other requirements:

This patch is obsolete. It is superseded by: Release date
vcs-win_x64-CP11_SFWHA_60 (obsolete) 2014-02-24
vcs-win_x64-CP10_SFWHA_60 (obsolete) 2014-01-06
vcs-win_x64-CP9_SFWHA_60 (obsolete) 2013-09-26
vcs-win_x64-CP8_SFWHA_60 (obsolete) 2013-08-26
vcs-win_x64-CP7_SFWHA_60A (obsolete) 2013-07-29
vcs-win_x64-CP6_SFWHA_60 (obsolete) 2013-06-24
vcs-win_x64-CP5_SFWHA_60 (obsolete) 2013-04-29
vcs-win_x64-CP4_SFWHA_60 (obsolete) 2013-02-26
vcs-win_x64-CP3_SFWHA_60 (obsolete) 2012-09-24

 Fixes the following incidents:
2593039, 2650336, 2677127, 2695917, 2704183, 2705769, 2715104, 2722108, 2730657, 2740833, 2744349, 2752096, 2755133, 2761898, 2762153, 2763375, 2783096, 2786159, 2791125, 2810516, 2845295, 2856969, 2862335, 2869461, 2871478, 2877405, 2885211

 Patch ID:

Readme file
Date: 2012-08-27
OS: Windows
OS Version: 2008, 2008 R2

Architecture/OS  Windows Server 2008 / 2008 R2
x64 	         CP2_SFWHA_60_W2k8_x64.exe

Etrack Incidents: 
2715104, 2763375, 2705769, 2650336, 2704183, 2695917, 2722108, 2730657, 2762153, 2740833, 2761898, 2752096, 2744349, 2677127, 2783096, 2810516, 2755133, 2845295, 2593039, 2869461, 2877405, 2871478, 2885211, 2791125, 2856969, 2786159, 2862335

Fixes Applied for Products
Storage Foundation and High Availability Solutions (SFW HA) 6.0 for Windows

Install instructions
Download the appropriate cumulative public patch (CP) executable file to a temporary location on your system. You can install the CP in a verbose mode or in a non-verbose mode. Instructions for both options are provided below.

Each cumulative public patch includes the individual hotfixes that contain enhancements and fixes related to reported issues.
See "Errors/Problems Fixed" section for details.

Before you begin
[1] Ensure that the logged-on user has privileges to install the CP on the systems.

[2] One or more hotfixes that are included with this CP may require a reboot.
Before proceeding with the installation ensure that the system can be rebooted.

[3] Symantec recommends that you close the Cluster Manager (Java Console) and the Veritas Enterprise Administrator (VEA) Console before installing this CP.

[4] Ensure that you close the Windows Event Viewer before proceeding with the installation.

[5] Before installing CP2, ensure that the Startup type of the VCS Authentication Service is set to Automatic. This is applicable only if you have configured a secure cluster and installed CP1 or Agent Pack 2Q2012 on your system. 

To install in the verbose mode
In the verbose mode, the cumulative public patch (CP) installer prompts you for inputs and displays the installation progress status in the command window.

Perform the following steps:
[1] Double-click the CP executable file to extract the contents to a default location on the system.
The installer displays a list of hotfixes that are included in the CP.
On 64-bit systems, the hotfixes executable files are extracted to:
"%commonprogramfiles(x86)%\Veritas Shared\WxRTPrivates\<CPName>"

The installer also lists the hotfixes that require a reboot of the system after the installation. If system reboot is not an option at this time, you can choose not to install these hotfixes. In such a case, exit the installation and then launch the CP installer again from the command line using the /exclude option.
See "To install in a non-verbose (silent) mode" section for the syntax.

[2] When the installer prompts whether you want to continue with the installation; type Y to begin the hotfix installation.
The installer performs the following tasks:
	- Extracts all the individual hotfix executable files
	  On 64-bit systems the files are extracted at %commonprogramfiles(x86)%\Veritas Shared\WxRTPrivates\<HotfixName>
	- Runs the pre-install tasks
	- Installs all the hotfixes sequentially
	- Runs the post-install tasks
The installation progress status is displayed in the command window.

[3] After all the hotfixes are installed, the installer prompts you to restart the system.
Type Y to restart the system immediately, or type N to restart the system later. You must restart the system for the changes to take effect.

Note that the installer prompts for a system restart only if hotfixes that require a reboot are included in the CP and are installed.

To install in the non-verbose (silent) mode
In the non-verbose (silent) mode, the cumulative public patch (CP) installer does not prompt you for inputs and directly proceeds with the installation tasks. The installer displays the installation progress status in the command window.

Use the VxHFBatchInstaller.exe utility to install a CP from the command line.
The syntax options for this utility are as follows:

vxhfbatchinstaller.exe /CP:<CPName> [/Exclude:<HF1.exe>,<HF2.exe>...] [/PreInstallScript:<>] [/silent [/forcerestart]]

	- CPName is the cumulative public patch executable file name without the platform, architecture, and .exe extension.
For example, if CP executable file name is CP2_SFWHA_60_W2K8_x64.exe, specify it as CP2_SFWHA_60.

	- HF1.exe, HF2.exe,... represent the executable file names of the hotfixes that you wish to exclude from the installation. Note that the file names are separated by commas, with no space after a comma. The CP installer skips the mentioned hotfixes during the installation.

	- is the Perl script that includes the pre-installation steps. These steps forcefully kill the required services and processes in case a graceful stop request does not succeed.
    Symantec recommends that you use this option and script only in case the CP installer fails repeatedly while performing the pre-installation tasks.

	- /silent indicates the installation is run in a non-verbose mode; the installer does not prompt for any inputs during the installation.

	- /forcerestart indicates that the system is automatically restarted, if required, after the installation is complete.

Perform the following steps:
[1] From the command prompt, navigate to the directory where the CP executable file is located and then run the file to extract the contents to a default location on the system. The installer displays a list of hotfixes that are included in the CP.
	- On 64-bit systems, the hotfixes executable files are extracted to:
	  "%commonprogramfiles(x86)%\Veritas Shared\WxRTPrivates\<CPName>"

The installer also lists the hotfixes that require a reboot of the system after the installation. If system reboot is not an option at this time, you can choose not to install these hotfixes. In such a case, launch the CP installer from the command line using the /exclude option.

[2] When the installer prompts whether you want to continue with the installation; type N to exit the installer.

[3] In the same command window, run the following command to begin the CP installation in the non-verbose mode:
vxhfbatchinstaller.exe /CP:<CPName> /silent

For example, to install a SFW HA 6.0 x64 CP for Windows Server 2008, the command is:
vxhfbatchinstaller.exe /CP:CP2_SFWHA_60 /silent

The installer performs the following tasks:
	- Extracts all the individual hotfix executable files
          On 64-bit systems the files are extracted at %commonprogramfiles(x86)%\Veritas Shared\WxRTPrivates\<HotfixName>
	- Runs the pre-install tasks
	- Installs all the hotfixes sequentially
	- Runs the post-install tasks
The installation progress status is displayed in the command window.

[4] After all the hotfixes are installed, the installer displays a message for restarting the system.
You must restart the system for the changes to take effect.

Note that the installer prompts for a system restart only if hotfixes that require a reboot are included in the CP and are installed. The installer automatically restarts the system if you had specified the /forcerestart option in step 3 earlier.

VxHFBatchInstaller usage examples:
[+] Install CP in silent mode, exclude hotfixes HotFix_6_0_00001_2763375_w2k8_x64.exe and Hotfix_6_0_00002_362_2705769_w2k8_x64.exe:

vxhfbatchinstaller.exe /CP:CP2_SFWHA_60/Exclude:HotFix_6_0_00001_2763375_w2k8_x64.exe, Hotfix_6_0_00002_362_2705769_w2k8_x64.exe /silent

[+] Install CP in silent mode, restart automatically:

vxhfbatchinstaller.exe /CP:CP2_SFWHA_60 /silent /forcerestart

Errors/Problems Fixed
The fixes and enhancements that are included in this cumulative public patch (CP) are as follows:

[1] Hotfix name: Hotfix_3_4_531_0_2715104

VEA GUI prompts for login credentials when a logged-in user or domain administrator connects to VEA server.

In Veritas Storage Foundation for Windows 6.0, this issue occurs when a logged-in user or domain administrator connects to a Veritas Enterprise Administrator (VEA) server through the VEA GUI. The VEA GUI prompts for login credentials each time the user connects to a VEA server. 
This happens if the DCOM-based authentication in VEA GUI fails and the existing 32-bit midlman.dll for VEA server cannot be loaded into the 64-bit VEA VxSVC service.

The DCOM-based authentication is enabled in VEA GUI and, in addition to the 32-bit midlman.dll, a 64-bit midlman64.dll is added for the server component so that it is loaded into VxSVC service.

This hotfix is applicable to server components only. A separate hotfix is available for client components. Contact Symantec Technical Support for more details.

Binary / Version:
midlman64.dll / 3.4.531.0 
ci.jar	/  
cicustom.jar / 
obCommon.jar / 
OBGUI.jar /


[2] Hotfix name: HotFix_6_0_00001_2763375

The Fire Drill, Disaster Recovery, and Quick Recovery wizards, and the Solutions Configuration Center did not support Microsoft SQL Server 2012.

Need to provide support for SQL Server 2012 in the Fire Drill, Disaster Recovery, and Quick Recovery wizards, and the Solutions Configuration Center. 

Added support for SQL Server 2012 in the Fire Drill, Disaster Recovery, and Quick Recovery wizards, and the Solutions Configuration Center.

Note 1: For the Quick Recovery wizard to function properly with SQL Server 2012, you must apply Hotfix_6_0_00011_363_2744349 along with this hotfix.
Note 2: This hotfix is applicable to server components only. A separate hotfix is available for client components. Contact Symantec Technical Support for more details.

Binary / Version:
DRPluginProxy.dll / 6.0.00001.713
FireDrillStep.dll / 6.0.00001.713
qrpages.dll / 6.0.00001.713
QuickRecovery.dll / 6.0.00001.713
CCFEngine.exe.config / NA


[3] Hotfix name: Hotfix_6_0_00002_362_2705769

The Quick Recovery Configuration Wizard fails to create snapshot schedules on ApplicationHA-managed node.

When Veritas Storage Foundation for Windows (SFW) 6.0 is installed on the Symantec ApplicationHA 6.0 managed node, the Quick Recovery Configuration Wizard fails to create snapshot schedules for the application.

The wizard displays the following error messages:
- Failed to Create, Modify or Delete volume settings for one or more schedules
- Failed while getting cluster related information for the application

The VxSnapSchedule.dll file has been updated to address the issue.

Binary / Version:
VxSnapSchedule.dll / 6.0.00002.362 


[4] Hotfix name: Hotfix_6_0_00003_2650336

This hotfix addresses an issue related to the VCS PrintSpool agent where information about printers that were newly added in the virtual server context is lost in case of a system crash or unexpected failures that require a reboot.

The PrintSpool agent stores printer information to the configuration during its offline function.
Therefore if printers are added in the virtual server context, but the printspool resource or the printshare service group is not gracefully taken offline or failed over, the new printer information does not get stored to the disk.
In such a case, if the node where the service group is online hangs, shuts down due to unexpected failures, or reboots abruptly, all the new printer information is lost.
The printshare service group may also fail to come online again on the node.

This issue has been fixed in the PrintSpool agent.
A configurable parameter now enables the agent to save the printer information periodically.

A new attribute, 'SaveFrequency', is added to the PrintSpool agent.
SaveFrequency specifies the number of monitor cycles after which the PrintSpool agent explicitly saves the newly added printer information to the cluster configuration. The value 0 indicates that the agent does not explicitly save the information to disk.
It will continue to save the printer information during its offline function.
The default value is 5.

Binary / Version:
PrintSpool.dll /
PrintSpool.xml / NA


[5] Hotfix name: Hotfix_6_0_00004_364_2704183

In some cases, Microsoft Failover Cluster disk resources fault when a disk group comes online.

In some cases, while importing a disk group, Storage Foundation for Windows (SFW) clears the reservation of all the disks except those belonging to the imported disk groups. It also clears the reservation of offline  and basic disks. However, Microsoft Failover Cluster disk resources, which contains the basic disks, do not try to re-reserve the disks and, therefore, they fault.
The following are some of the scenarios in which this may happen:
1. A new disk group is created.
2. The Veritas Enterprise Administrator (VEA) VxSVC service on a node or the node itself crashes, and a failover is triggered.
3. The storage is disconnected from one of the nodes and a failover is triggered.

For the first scenario above, no reservation clearing is required, and it has been fixed. For the other scenarios where reservations need to be cleared, SFW skips the disks that are offline or basic.

Binary / Version:
vxconfig.dll / 


[6] Hotfix name: HotFix_6_0_00006_2695917

This hotfix addresses an issue where the VCS engine log is flooded with information messages in case a of network congestion.

MOMUtil.exe is a VCSAPI client. It uses VCS APIs to get information from VCS and present that to SCOM Server. 
MOMUtil.exe is invoked after every 5 minutes as part of VCS monitoring. 
This connects to the VCS Cluster running on the system and tries to fetch the information to display the current status of service groups. 
In case of a network congestion, the engine is unable to send the data to the client immediately. 

In this scenario, the following information message is logged after every 5 minutes:
Could not send data to peer MOMUtil.exe at this point; received error 10035 (Unknown error), will resend again

The engine successfully sends data to the client (MOMUtil.exe) after some time. By this time, the engine log is flooded with the information messages.

The engine has been modified to print the information messages as debug messages. 
So the messages will appear in the engine log only if DBG_IPM debug level is set.

If you need to log the information messages in the engine log, run the following command to set the debug level DBG_IPM:
halog -addtags DBG_IPM

Binary / Version:
had.exe /
hacf.exe / 


[7] Hotfix name: HotFix_6_0_00007_2722108

This hotfix addresses an issue related to the VCS FileShare agent wherein non-scoped file shares are not accessible using virtual server name or IP address if NetBIOS and WINS are disabled.

VCS FileShare and Lanman agents can support non-scoped file shares on Windows Server 2008 and 2008 R2 systems if the DisableServerNameScoping registry is created and set to 1.

The VCS FileShare agent depends on NetBIOS and DNS to resolve the virtual name.
If NetBIOS and WINS are disabled and the DNS is not updated, the agent is unable to resolve the virtual name. 

This may typically occur when the file share service groups are configured to use localized IP addresses.
When the service group is switched or failed over, the virtual name to IP address mapping changes.
In such a case if WINS database and the DNS are not updated, the agent is unable to resolve the virtual name.
As a result the fileshare resources fault and the shares become inaccessible.

The following message is seen in the agent log:
VCS INFO V-16-10051-10530 FileShare:<servicegroupname>:online:Failed to access the network path (\\virtualname)

The FileShare agent is enhanced to address this issue. 
The FileShare agent behavior can be controlled using the following registry keys:
- HKLM\SOFTWARE\VERITAS\VCS\BundledAgents\Lanman\__Global__\DisableServerNameScoping
Set the DisableServerNameScoping key to enable non-scoped file share support.

- HKLM\SOFTWARE\VERITAS\VCS\BundledAgents\Lanman\__Global__\DisableStrictVirtualNameCheck
Set the DisableStrictVirtualNameCheck key to have the FileShare agent make the file shares accessible irrespective of whether or not the virtual name is resolvable.

You must manually create these registry keys after installing this hotfix.
See the topic "Setting the DisableServerNameScoping and DisableStrictVirtualNameCheck registry keys" in this readme for more details.

- The registry key DisableVirtualNameCheck will take effect only if DisableServerNameScoping key value is set to 1. 
- This FileShare agent behavior is applicable only for non-scoped file shares.
- In the earlier procedure you created these registry keys at the global level.
If there are multiple file share service groups that are to be used in the non-scoped mode, you may have to create these registry keys manually for each virtual server and then set the values.
You must create these keys at the following location:
Here <VirtualName> should be the virtual computer name assigned to the file share server. This is the VirtualName attribute of the lanman resource in the file share service group.
- In case these registry parameters are configured at a global level and also configured for individual file share virtual servers, the registry settings for
individual virtual servers takes precedence.
- You must create this key only for lanman resources that are part of VCS file share service groups. Configuring this key for lanman resources that are part of
other VCS service groups may result in an unexpected behavior.

Binary / Version:
Fileshare.dll /


[8] Hotfix name: Hotfix_6_0_00007_362_2730657a

This hotfix addresses an issue where volumes created on LUNs exposed from a Hitachi Open-V array are not track aligned.

LUNs belonging to a Hitachi array are being discovered by SFW with ProductID as OPEN instead of OPEN-V.
This causes track alignment to ignore the arrays and set  the Veritas Disk ID and Product ID (VDID/PID) as DEFAULT. 
The track alignment is set to the default offset of 64 instead of the recommended value of 128.
As a result volumes created on this array are not track aligned.

This issue has been addressed in the SFW binary Hitachi.dll that discovers Hitachi arrays.
SFW now correctly discovers and identifies Hitachi Open-V arrays.

Binary / Version:
Hitachi.dll /


[9] Hotfix name: Hotfix_6_0_00009_362_2761898

VCS does not support local attached storage in RDC\ GCO DR with single node cluster environments.

The VCS VMDg agent works only with clustered dynamic diskgroups, and is designed to use SCSI reservations. 
In some environments, SCSI support might not be available with certain local attached storage. 
There are a few common HA/DR configuration scenarios with non-SCSI storage, such as:
- Replicated Data Cluster (RDC) configuration
- Global Cluster Option (GCO) Disaster Recovery (DR) configuration with single node clusters at each site

Hence VMDg agent cannot be an acceptable solution.

In either of these common scenarios, the hotfix should help to accommodate a local, non-SCSI storage configuration based on the type of storage utilized, including:
- Local/DAS that do not support SCSI
- Use of Internal PCI-based SSD drives that do not support SCSI

The two hotfixes, Hotfix_6_0_00009_362_2761898 and HotFix_6_0_00008_2762153, contain a new VCS agent called VMNSDg (Volume Manager Non-Shared Diskgroup), which will help you in managing dynamic disk groups created on non-shared storage that work without reservation.
Hotfix_6_0_00009_362_2761898 is the SFW Hotfix. It provides the necessary Volume Manager interfaces that the new VMNSDg agent can use.

While installing the Hotfixes, you must install the SFW Hotfix (Hotfix_6_0_00009_362_2761898) first, and then the SFW HA Hotfix (HotFix_6_0_00008_2762153).

Binary / Version:
cluscmd.dll /
cluster.dll /
cluster_msgs.dll /
vras.dll /


[10] Hotfix name: HotFix_6_0_00008_2762153

VCS does not support local attached storage in RDC\ GCO DR with single node cluster environments.

The VCS VMDg agent works only with clustered dynamic diskgroups, and is designed to use SCSI reservations. 
In some environments, SCSI support might not be available with certain local attached storage. 
There are a few common HA/DR configuration scenarios with non-SCSI storage, such as:
- Replicated Data Cluster (RDC) configuration
- Global Cluster Option (GCO) Disaster Recovery (DR) configuration with single node clusters at each site

Hence VMDg agent cannot be an acceptable solution.

In either of these common scenarios, the hotfix should help to accommodate a local, non-SCSI storage configuration based on the type of storage utilized, including:
- Local/DAS that do not support SCSI
- Use of Internal PCI-based SSD drives that do not support SCSI

The two hotfixes, Hotfix_6_0_00009_362_2761898 and HotFix_6_0_00008_2762153, contain a new VCS agent called VMNSDg (Volume Manager Non-Shared Diskgroup), which will help you in managing dynamic disk groups created on non-shared storage that work without reservation.
HotFix_6_0_00008_2762153 is the SFW HA Hotfix. It packages the VMNSDg agent and its supporting VCS files.

Binary / Version:
vcs_w2k3bagents_msgs_en.dll /
VCSConfig.dll /
VMNSDg.dll /


[11] Hotfix name: Hotfix_6_0_00008_362_2740833

VxSVC service fails to start because DDLProv provider does not load.

This issue occurs when the VEA VxSVC service is loading the SFW providers during startup. During this, the DDLProv provider fails to load while copying the SCSI mode page 0x31 response for the connected Fujitsu DX400 disks.
This happens because of the provider's incorrect buffer size.

This issue has been resolved by modifying the buffer size of the DDLProv provider. 

Binary / Version:
ddlprov.dll / 


[12] Hotfix name: Hotfix_6_0_00010_363_2752096

Memory leak occurs in the SFW components vxvds.exe, vxvdsdyn.exe; the vxvdsdyn.exe component crashes.

This issue occurs if you repeatedly perform the create and delete volume operations multiple times. 
Because of this, memory leak occurs in the VDS Dynamic software provider (vxvds.exe) and Super VDS provider  (vxvdsdyn.exe) components. 
Also, the Super VDS provider (vxvdsdyn.exe) component crashes.

Most of the memory leak issues have been fixed in the vxvds.exe and vxvdsdyn.exe components. 
The components have been updated to address the memory leak issue. 
Also, the vxvdsdyn.exe component has been updated so that it does not crash.

Binary / Version:
vxcmd.dll / 6.0.00010.363   
vxvds.exe / 6.0.00010.363
vxvdsdyn.exe / 6.0.00010.363 
mount.dll / 6.0.00010.363
vxvm.dll / 6.0.00010.363   


[13] Hotfix name: Hotfix_6_0_00011_363_2744349

This hotfix addresses several issues where SFW snapshot and scheduling operations fail for Microsoft SQL Server 2012 databases.

The following SFW issues may occur for SQL Server 2012 databases: 
- While running the restore operation with the automatic log replay, the vxsnap command fails to bind to the SQL Server instance and as a result the restore operation is unable to complete and the SQL database remains in the restoring state. 
The following error is logged: Failed to complete the operation V-76-58657-1059: 
Error trying to bind to the SQL Server Instance. This issue occurs because SFW is unable to discover a change in a SQL registry value created during SQL Server installation.
- Schedules created using the Quick Recovery (QR) Configuration Wizard fail to execute. 
- Schedules created using the Quick Recovery (QR) Configuration Wizard or the Veritas Enterprise Administrator (VEA) are not replicated across cluster nodes.

Resolution: These issues have been fixed in the updated SFW binaries. 
For the changes in this hotfix to take effect, ensure that the [NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM] account is granted "sysadmin" server role (from SQL Management Studio Console).

Binary / version:
vssprov.dll / 6.0.00011.363
vxsnapschedule.dll / 6.0.00011.363 
vxschedservice.exe / 6.0.00011.363


[14] Hotfix name: Hotfix_6_0_00001_362_2677127

This hotfix addresses an issue related to the SFW component, mount.dll, that causes the Veritas Enterprise Administrator (VxSvc) Service to crash if pagefile is not configured.

This issue occurs when the VxSVC service starts without a configured pagefile.
The vxsvc.exe service crashes because of an exception in mount.dll.

VxSvc service used to crash because an empty string variable was passed to free function. 
The component has been updated to address the issue.

Binary / Version:
mount.dll / 6.0.00001.362


[15] Hotfix name: Hotfix_6_0_00015_362_2783096

The Storage Migration Wizard pages appear truncated.

This hotfix addresses an issue where the Storage Migration Wizard pages appear truncated, as a result it is not possible to perform the storage migration tasks using the wizard.
This issue is observed on operating systems where the locale is set to Japanese.

Resolution: The hotfix fixes the Storage Migration Wizard binaries. 

Binary / Version
VxVmCE.jar / NA


[16] Hotfix name: Hotfix_6_0_00016_362_2810516

Snapback operation causes too many blocks to resynchronize for the snapback volume.

During a snapback operation, SFW determines the blocks to be synced using the Disk Change Object (DCO) logs, which maintain information about the changed blocks. It syncs all the changed blocks from the original volume to the snapback volume and, because of a bug, also updates the DCO logs so that the resynced blocks appear modified on the original volume.
Now, if there is another volume on which a snapback operation needs to be performed, then it copies extra blocks on the new snapback volume.

For example, consider the following scenario:
1. Create two snapshots of volume "F" (snapshots "G" and "H").
2. Make "G" writable, and copy files to "G".
3. Snapback "G" using data from "F".
4. Snapback "H" using data from "F".

In the above scenario, in Step 4, there should be nothing to resynchronize as no changes are made to "F" and "H".
However, it is observed that the number of blocks to be synchronized is the same as in Step 3.
This is because the blocks resynced in Step 3 are treated as modified. This causes the extra blocks to be resynced.

Resolution: For a snapback operation, corrected the DCO log handling to not treat the resynced blocks as modified.

Binary / Version
vxio.sys /
vvxconfig.dll /


[17] Hotfix name: Hotfix_6_0_00017_362_2845295

VxSVC service crashes during disk group import and during the subsequent restart.

This issue occurs while trying to import a disk group. The maximum buffer size value of the "LastUpdatedDgList" key is set to 1024 at the following registry path: HKLM\SOFTWARE\VERITAS\VxSvc\CurrentVersion\VolumeManager\CBR If you have several disk groups with lengthy names and the combined length of all the disk group names is greater than 1024, then it results in a buffer overrun in the Volume Manager for Windows (vxvm) provider specific to the VxCBR code. Because of this, the Veritas Storage Foundation for Windows (VxSVC) service crashes. The service crashes again when you try to restart it.

This issue has been resolved by allocating buffer dynamically.

Binary / Version:
vxvm.dll / 6.0.00017.362


[18] Hotfix name: Hotfix_6_0_00018_362_2593039

Provisioned size of disks is reflected incorrectly in striped volumes after thin provisioning reclamation.

This hotfix addresses an issue where thin provisioning (TP) reclamation in striped volumes shows incorrect provisioned size for disks. This issue is observed on Hitachi and HP arrays.

This issue has been fixed by increasing the map size for striped volumes.

Binary / Version:
vxconfig.dll / 6.0.00018.362


[19] Hotfix name: Hotfix_6_0_00019_362_2869461

Veritas VDS software provider log file grows to a very large size.

This hotfix addresses an issue where the Veritas Virtual Disk Service (VDS) software provider keeps logging in the log file without checking its size or recycling it.  This results in a very large log file. 

The hotfix fixes the issue with the help of the following two registry keys that tune the VDS software provider logging:

1. MAXSIZE gives the maximum size of an individual log file in KB units. A backup log file is created when the log file exceeds the default size. The default value of MAXSIZE is 16384 KB. However, you can customize the default value by running the command Regedit to open the registry editor. Locate the MAXSIZE of the VDS software provider in the registry under the following key:

2. MAXFILES gives the maximum number of log files that can be present at a time.
The old log files are deleted once they exceed the limit of maximum number of files. The default value of MAXFILES is 5. However, you can customize the default value by running the command Regedit to open the registry editor. Locate the MAXFILES of the VDS software provider in the registry under the following key:

The Veritas VDS software provider logs are found at:
Location: %vmpath%/log
Filenames: vxvds.log and vxvdsdyn.log

Binary / Version:
vdsprovutil.dll / 6.0.00019.362

[20] Hotfix name: Hotfix_6_0_00020_362_2877405

svchost.exe crashes because of a fault in shsvcs.dll.

This hotfix addresses the issue where svchost.exe crashes because of a fault in shsvcs.dll. This issue occurs when shsvcs calls COM interface to query disk extents, causing the WMI and Hardware shell detection services to terminate unexpectedly.

The hotfix fixes the binaries that caused svchost.exe to crash.

Binary / Version:
vxvds.exe / 6.0.00020.362 
vxvdsdyn.exe / 6.0.00020.362


[21] Hotfix name: Hotfix_6_0_00022_362_2871478

Volume shrink operation in SFW does not work correctly for the "New volume size" option.

In Storage Foundation for Windows (SFW), this issue occurs if you are using the "New volume size" option of the online volume shrink feature. When you provide the new size for the volume in the "New volume size" box, the volume shrink operation incorrectly shrinks the volume by the new volume size instead of shrinking it by the difference of the current and the specified new size of the volume.

This issue has been resolved by correcting the online volume shrink functionality.

Binary / Version:
VxVmCE.jar / NA


[22] Hotfix name: Hotfix_6_0_00023_362_2885211

In some cases, Windows prompts to format the volume created using VEA.

In SFW, while creating a volume using the New Volume Wizard from the Veritas Enterprise Administrator (VEA), if you choose to assign a drive letter or mount the volume as an empty NTFS folder, then Windows wrongly prompts to format the volume. This happens because, as part of volume creation, SFW creates RAW volumes, assigns mount points, and then proceeds with the formatting of volumes. Therefore, mounting RAW volumes explicity causes Windows to display the volume format dialog box. However, the volume is successfully created, and you can close the dialog box displayed by Windows and access the volume.

This issue has been resolved. SFW now assigns drive letters or mount paths only after the volume formatting task is completed.

Binary / Version:
vxvm.dll / 6.0.00023.362


[23] Hotfix name: Hotfix_3_4_545_0_2791125

Memory leak occurs in the SFW component vxsvc.exe.

This issue occurs in SFW when you perform an action repeatedly and multiple times. Because of this, memory leak occurs in actionprovider.dll and, therefore, in vxsvc.exe.

This issue has been resolved by fixing the memory leak in actionprovider.dll and deleting the event notification jobs immediately on completion. 

Binary / Version:
vxvea3.dll / 3.4.545.0 
actionprovider.dll / 3.4.545.0


[24] Hotfix name: HotFix_6_0_00010_2856969

This hotfix addresses two issues related to the VCS MountV agent where the RegRep resources configured on MountV resources fail to come online, and mount point folders remain accessible even after MountV takes the volumes offline.

The following issues are observed with the VCS MountV agent:

Issue 1: 
The Regrep resource performs file system operations (for example, createdir, write-to-file) on the mount point on which it is configured. During an Online operation of the service group, though the MountV resource reports ONLINE, the RegRep resource fails to perform the file system operations with an error (Device Not Ready).
Analysis indicates that the file system was not fully usable even after a successful mount operation.

Issue 2:
The MountV agent can mount a volume as an NTFS folder. If this volume is unmounted, the folder remains accessible for writes by users and processes. 
This creates an open handle that can cause the MountV online operation to fail on the failover target node.

These MountV agent issues are addressed as follows:

Issue 1:
An additional file system check has been implemented in the MountV agent. 
This check ensures that the file system is accessible and usable after the mount file system operation succeeds.

Issue 2:
This hotfix adds a new attribute, BlockMountPointAccess, which defines whether the agent blocks access to the NTFS folder that is used as a folder mount point after the mount point is unmounted.
For example, if C:\temp is used as a folder mount for a volume, then after the mount point is unmounted, the agent blocks access to the folder C:\temp.
The value True indicates that the folder is not accessible. The default value False indicates that the folder is accessible.

Note: This hotfix is applicable only to non-VVR environments. If VVR is configured, then the folder will be accessible irrespective of the value of the BlockMountPointAccess attribute.

Binary / Version:
MountV.dll / 6.0.00010.502
MountV.xml / -


[25] Hotfix name: HotFix_6_0_00011_2786159

This hotfix addresses an issue related to the VCS Cluster Manager (Java Console) where a service group switch or failover operation to the secondary site fails due to a user privilege error. 

This issue occurs in secure clusters set up in a disaster recovery (DR) environment. When you switch or failover a global service group to the remote site, the operation fails with the following error:
Error when trying to failover GCO Service Group. V-16-1-50824 At least Group Operator privilege required on remote cluster.

This error occurs even if the user logged on to the Java Console is a local administrator, which by default has the Cluster Administrator privilege in the local cluster.

This issue occurs because the local administrator is not explicitly added to the cluster admin group at the remote site. During a switch or a failover, the Java Console is unable to determine whether the logged-on user at the local cluster has any privileges on the remote cluster and hence fails the operation.

If you use the Java Console to grant the local administrator with operator or administrator privileges to the remote cluster, the Java Console only assigns guest privileges to that user.

This issue is fixed in the Java Console. The Java Console now allows you to assign the local administrator at the local cluster with cluster admin or cluster operator privileges in the remote cluster.
This change is applicable only on Windows.

Binary Name / Version
VCSGui.jar / NA

[26] Hotfix name: Hotfix_6_0_00012_2862335

After a reboot of the passive node, all the disk groups which are marked with fast failover, remain in deported none state.

Fast failover improves the failover time for the storage stack configured in service groups in a clustered environment.

During normal failover, SFW performs a complete disk group deport operation on the active node followed by a Read/Write import operation on a passive node. 
With fast failover, instead of performing deport and import operations, SFW now performs only a mode change for the disk group. The disk group state on the passive node is changed from Read-Only to Read/Write.

A mode change (Read-Only to Read/Write) is a much faster operation compared to a full deport and import (Deport None to Import Read/Write) and thus results in faster disk group failovers.

But after a reboot of the passive node, sometimes all of the disk groups which are marked with fast failover, may remain in Deport None state. This causes the failover to take more time than a fast failover. 

This issue has been fixed in this hotfix. Even after the reboot of the passive node, the disk groups marked for fast failover will now be in the Read-Only state.

Binary / Version:
VMDg.dll / 6.0.00012.503

Known issues
The following section describes the issues related to the individual hotfixes that are included in this CP:

[1] Hotfix_6_0_00009_362_2761898 and HotFix_6_0_00008_2762153

- These Hotfixes are not qualified for the Microsoft Hyper-V guest operating systems.
- Fast failover and Intelligent Monitoring Framework (IMF) are not supported.
- To install or uninstall a Hotfix using the Hotfix installer, the corresponding VxHF.exe or VxHFW.exe must be invoked from the location where the Hotfix files are extracted.
- If a split-brain occurs, the application service group may not be available on any of the cluster nodes.
- If there are one or more resources of the VMNSDg type configured, then the resource type definitions for VMNSDg do not get deleted during the SFW HA Hotfix (2762153) uninstallation.


Post-install steps
The following section describes the steps that must be performed after installing the hotfixes included in this CP.
Note that these steps are applicable only to the hotfixes listed in this section.

[1] HotFix_6_0_00007_2722108 
Perform the following steps only if you have installed HotFix_6_0_00007_2722108 as part of the CP installation.

Setting the DisableServerNameScoping and DisableStrictVirtualNameCheck registry keys 
Perform the following steps to create and set the DisableServerNameScoping and DisableStrictVirtualNameCheck registry keys that are used by the FileShare agent to support non-scoped file shares and disable virtual name availability as a requirement for file shares to be available on the network.

Caution: Incorrectly editing the registry may severely damage your system. Make a backup copy before making changes to the registry.

To configure DisableServerNameScoping and DisableStrictVirtualNameCheck registry parameters:
1. To open the Registry Editor, click Start > Run, type regedit, and then click OK.
2. In the registry tree (on the left), navigate to
3. Click Edit > New > Key and create a key by the name Lanman, if it does not
exist already.
4. Select Lanman and then click Edit > New > Key and create a key by the name
__GLOBAL__. (underscore-underscore-GLOBAL-underscore-underscore)
5. Select __GLOBAL__ and add a DWORD type and specify Value name as
DisableServerNameScoping and Value data as 1.
The value 1 indicates that the FileShare agent supports non-scoped file shares
on Windows Server 2008 and 2008 R2 systems.
6. Select __GLOBAL__ and add a DWORD type and specify Value name as
DisableStrictVirtualNameCheck and Value data as 1.
Setting this registry value to 1 allows the FileShare agent to make the file
shares available even if the virtual name is not available on the network.
You must create the DisableStrictVirtualNameCheck key parallel to the file share
scoping key DisableServerNameScoping.
7. Save and exit the Registry Editor.


Additional notes
[+] To confirm the list of patches installed on a system, run the following command from the directory where the CP files are extracted:
vxhfbatchinstaller.exe /list

The output of this command displays a list of patches and the hotfixes that are installed as part of a CP. 
This command also displays the hotfixes that are included in a CP but are not installed on the system.

[+] To confirm the installation of the hotfixes, run the following command:
vxhf.exe /list
The output of this command lists the hotfixes installed on the system.

[+] The CP installer (vxhfbatchinstaller.exe) creates and stores logs at:
"%allusersprofile%\Application Data\Veritas\VxHF\VxHFBatchInstaller.txt"

[+] The hotfix installer (vxhf.exe) creates and stores logs at:
"%allusersprofile%\Application Data\Veritas\VxHF\VxHF.txt"

[+] For general information about the hotfix installer (vxhf.exe), please refer to the following technote:

[+] To view a list of hotfixes already installed on a system, please refer to the steps mentioned in the following technote:

[+] For information on uninstalling a hotfix, please refer to the steps mentioned in the following technote:

This fix is provided without warranty of any kind including the warranties of title or implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement. Symantec disclaims all liability relating to or arising out of this fix. It is recommended that the fix be evaluated in a test environment before implementing it in your production environment. When the fix is incorporated into a Storage Foundation for Windows maintenance release, the resulting Hotfix or Service Pack must be installed as soon as possible. Symantec Technical Services will notify you when the maintenance release (Hotfix or Service Pack) is available if you sign up for notifications from the Symantec support site and/or from Symantec Operations Readiness Tools (SORT)