
 Basic information
Release type: P-patch
Release date: 2014-07-11
OS update support: None
Technote: None
Documentation: None
Popularity: 1394 viewed    downloaded
Download size: 1.2 GB
Checksum: 1187965683

 Applies to one or more of the following products:
FileStore 5.7 On SLES11 x86-64

 Obsolete patches, incompatibilities, superseded patches, or other requirements:

 Fixes the following incidents:
2523199, 2597476, 2619873, 2641016, 2714958, 2718970, 2755442, 2765948, 2766474, 2780946, 2790990, 2813652, 2818809, 2822162, 2846009, 2869118, 2880859, 2882545, 2882615, 2883898, 2895870, 2895999, 2901712, 2904116, 2913690, 2915377, 2921154, 2921274, 2927986, 2928984, 2929184, 2931676, 2931724, 2933760, 2934660, 2935679, 2936482, 2937140, 2938006, 2944216, 2945525, 2945997, 2946907, 2946960, 2947066, 2951065, 2953550, 2954281, 2957132, 2959132, 2966506, 2967035, 2967311, 2968319, 2970148, 2972864, 2973245, 2973603, 2974925, 2979971, 2986819, 2988078, 2988561, 3000403, 3000769, 3000774, 3000779, 3000788, 3000793, 3003446, 3011068, 3011105, 3012451, 3018789, 3019755, 3024859, 3040836, 3041971, 3042743, 3046646, 3049172, 3050732, 3050776, 3050783, 3050799, 3050802, 3050873, 3055155, 3055973, 3058926, 3060455, 3064349, 3064355, 3067223, 3090640, 3091517, 3091614, 3093908, 3095771, 3101961, 3102083, 3109817, 3113334, 3121142, 3121143, 3121189, 3121205, 3121227, 3121239, 3121248, 3121258, 3121278, 3121282, 3121714, 3121719, 3121730, 3121737, 3121738, 3127123, 3128285, 3128611, 3132739, 3134660, 3138364, 3139905, 3139906, 3142731, 3162986, 3193747, 3198320, 3204775, 3211029, 3214311, 3217599, 3228830, 3252173, 3258309, 3258319, 3259658, 3260023, 3261727, 3263257, 3274671, 3280272, 3286871, 3286957, 3291761, 3295801, 3297485, 3299256, 3299525, 3301152, 3309500, 3309608, 3314356, 3316734, 3318720, 3320932, 3321232, 3323078, 3334554, 3339130, 3344343, 3344948, 3345351, 3475720

 Patch ID:

Readme file
Date: 2014-07-09
OS Version: 11 SP1
Symantec FileStore 
5.7 MP1 P1 Patch Upgrade README

I.   Overview
II.  Upgrade procedure
III. Fixes in the new patch

Release NAME 		    	: SFSFS-patch-5.7MP1P1_2014_05_30.tar.gz 
BASE PACKAGE NAME	    	: Symantec FileStore
REQUIRED PATCHES                : N/A
CREATION DATE 		    	: 2014-07-09
CATEGORY 		        : Enhancement, Bug Fix

Symantec FileStore provides a scalable clustered storage solution. This document provides release information for the patch.

1. Patch upgrade will cause service failover from one node to another which will take about 15 seconds. This will not impact NFS client mounts and replication jobs, but CIFS client mounts will need to connect again, and backup jobs need to be resumed as well after an upgrade. 
2. For the above reason, it is recommended to stop CIFS, backup, and EV I/O loads during an upgrade.  
3. The 5.7MP1P1 patch can only be applied to the 5.7, 5.7P1, 5.7P2, 5.7P3 or 5.7MP1 release.  
4. Patch upgrade cannot be rollbacked once applied.
5. Don't proceed upgrade when there are heavy I/O ongoing

To install the patch:
1. Copy SFSFS-patch-5.7MP1P1_2014_05_30.tar.gz to the FileStore master node at (/home/support/patches/) using the support login.
2. If fencing is enabled, turn off and remove I/O fencing before the upgrade:
filestore> storage> fencing off
filestore> storage> fencing destroy

3. Install the FileStore patch using the master login (CLISH):

filestore>upgrade patch install scp://support@localhost:/home/support/patches/SFSFS-patch-5.7MP1P1_2014_05_30.tar.gz

The patch is installed on the slave nodes first followed by a system reboot. The master node is installed last followed 
by a system reboot.

4. If fencing was enabled, enable it again.

5. Monitor and check the status of the FileStore cluster: 

To check that the installation is complete, login to the master node again (switch to another node), and check that all the nodes are in the RUNNING state:

filestore> cluster show
Node            State      CPU(15 min)    pubeth0(15 min)     pubeth1(15 min)     pubeth2(15 min)     pubeth3(15 min)     pubeth4(15 min)     pubeth5(15 min)
                                %        rx(MB/s) tx(MB/s)   rx(MB/s) tx(MB/s)   rx(MB/s) tx(MB/s)   rx(MB/s) tx(MB/s)   rx(MB/s) tx(MB/s)   rx(MB/s) tx(MB/s)
----            -----      -----------   -------- --------   -------- --------   -------- --------   -------- --------   -------- --------   -------- --------
filestore_01   RUNNING         45.44       1.63     0.01       4.87     0.04       5.46     0.02       0.00     0.00       0.00     0.00       0.00     0.00
filestore_02   RUNNING         28.40       1.63     0.01       4.60     0.03      10.94     0.18       0.00     0.00       0.00     0.00       0.00     0.00

filestore_01# gabconfig -a
GAB Port Memberships
Port a gen   187002 membership 01
Port b gen   187004 membership 01
Port f gen   18700e membership 01
Port h gen   187006 membership 01
Port u gen   18700c membership 01
Port v gen   187008 membership 01
Port w gen   18700a membership 01

Note: Please refer to the Symantec FileStore 5.7 Command-Line Administrator"s Guide for information on the "support" user login and more information about the patch installation.


Etrack Incidents: 2523199, 2597476, 2619873, 2641016, 2714958, 2718970, 2755442, 2765948, 2766474, 2780946, 2790990, 2813652, 2818809, 2822162, 2846009, 2869118, 2880859, 2882545, 2882615, 2883898, 2895870, 2895999, 2901712, 2904116, 2913690, 2915377, 2921154, 2921274, 2927986, 2928984, 2929184, 2931676, 2931724, 2933760, 2934660, 2935679, 2936482, 2937140, 2938006, 2944216, 2945525, 2945997, 2946907, 2946960, 2947066, 2951065, 2953550, 2954281, 2957132, 2959132, 2966506, 2967035, 2967311, 2968319, 2970148, 2972864, 2973245, 2973603, 2974925, 2979971, 2986819, 2988078, 2988561, 3000403, 3000769, 3000774, 3000779, 3000788, 3000793, 3003446, 3011068, 3011105, 3012451, 3018789, 3019755, 3024859, 3040836, 3041971, 3042743, 3046646, 3049172, 3050732, 3050776, 3050783, 3050799, 3050802, 3050873, 3055155, 3055973, 3058926, 3060455, 3064349, 3064355, 3067223, 3090640, 3091517, 3091614, 3093908, 3095771, 3101961, 3102083, 3109817, 3113334, 3121142, 3121143, 3121189, 3121205, 3121227, 3121239, 3121248, 3121258, 3121278, 3121282, 3121714, 3121719, 3121730, 3121737, 3121738, 3127123, 3128285, 3128611, 3132739, 3134660, 3138364, 3139905, 3139906, 3142731, 3162986, 3193747, 3198320, 3204775, 3211029, 3214311, 3217599, 3228830, 3252173, 3258309, 3258319, 3259658, 3260023, 3261727, 3263257, 3274671, 3280272, 3286871, 3286957, 3291761, 3295801, 3297485, 3299256, 3299525, 3301152, 3309500, 3309608, 3314356, 3316734, 3318720, 3320932, 3321232, 3323078, 3334554, 3339130, 3344343, 3344948, 3345351, 3475720

Errors/Problems Fixed:

2523199		Data satisfied the conditions of migration in secondary tier cannot be automatically trigger migration
2597476		`CLI>support debuginfo upload all` could trigger disk i/o error, "SysRq show state" seemed to cause it.
		snapshots disappered by this.
2619873		Support for bonding of Private NICs
2641016		`fsppadm enforce` spends too much time for relocate files from Tier1 to Tier2, time grows every day,
		policy has relocate rule only for Tier1 to Tier2.
2714958		/var/log/sfsfs_event_dup.log is broken by antivirus "could not scan.." messages.
2718970		FS destroy failed and replication job disable behavior
2755442		After `cli>cluster reboot all` two in 16 filesystems ended to FAULTED. system seems not be able to
		access to these two if they have "ckpt async operations".
2765948		Logoff from Windows7 client taking much time with FileStore hosting redirected folders for user profile
2766474		Full fsck flag is set in vx_cfs_iread(cont'd from e2702870)
2780946		While config export (Backup sfs script) should also backup the authorized keys from the clients so after upgrade,
		the nascli will work without having to seup the password free access again
2790990		Checkpoint removal takes long time if the file system has large number of files.
2813652		"storage fs shrinkby" command after creating the rollback shows improper message
2818809		File system is marked bad after an inode table overflow error.	
2822162		Writes from nfs client get very slow when `nfs share add other-fs` is started, it is ~6-10 times slower.
2846009		Changes done to use cds format
2869118		`fsppadm enforce` running on multile nodes is needed for tier jobs to complete during night safely.
2880859		When optical fiber pulled out from the Master node of cluster, IO got hung on all the node and the
		disk utilization is 100%
2882545		Most of the CLISH commands fail, if the file system name contains "-"(hyphen).
2882615		`cli> antivirus autoprotect enable` mishandles fs-name involving "-"(hyphen)
2883898		5.7MP1 will upgrade vxvm, vxvm install script will set default dg to "nodg" instead of "sfsdg", so
		File system can't be destroyed
2895870		After upgrade the filestore from 5.7 to 5.7MP1, not able to connect to the server using ssh.
2895999		rtvscand clean up does not remove the /var/run/symantec/rtvscand.pid
2901712		CLI needs new `system option` to set longer value to OnlineTiemout of cfsmount resource
2904116		CLISH command "replication import key" unable handle default key file name in ipv6 environment.
2913690		Access to redirected folers shared by cifs of FileStore from Windows7 clinets were too slow.
2915377		`storage fs offline any-other-FS` causes replication sevice failover.
2921154		After adding vlan vip, vip does not come online automatically.
2921274		Replication bandwidth throttle not working with IPv6.
2927986		stat all showing a wrong cpu idle value
2928984		softlinks not created for NFS action agent action_NFS->filestore
2929184		ldap enable throws script errors.
2931676		Cannot start cifs server with clustering mode as ctdb.
2931724		after `storage fs set fullspace 85` and exceeded 85% full, but both nfs/cifs were not changed to readonly.
2933760		Command "report exportevents scp://support@sfsqa05_01:/var/ audit" showing script error on clish.
2934660		e-mail message of event notification shows incomplete message
2935679		Rate of DST enforce is slow when some 1G files are moving
2936482		System option modify ninodes fails to get lock while rebooting cluster.
2937140		[Replication] For destination filesystem, one of two nodes got faulted during switch-mount-point.
		Checking result-of-cfsumount should be done on both nodes.
2938006		Broadcom NetXtreme driver update needed in SFS 5.7P3HF1
2944216		Needs new funtion in autosnap_policy.sh to skip new snapshot creation when FS is having removing-job of no-named-fset.
		It's for protecting system form overload.
2945525		Use new ASLAPM for dorado 5100 array.
2945997		FileStore: Backup: ip routes are not added when backup ip is on different subnet than based device for IPv4
2946907		The Installation of file store may stopped with the hang as vxfs module removal got stuck.
2946960		While adding mirror to a filesystem, the migration speed is only 15MBps each LUN created from SATA disk
2947066		After setting up nbuclient and starting it , bp.conf missing "SANCLIENT=1" etc. "HostProperties" command
		from nbu-server fails.
2951065		Giving the same value for ninodes should throw warning instead of rebooting the node.
2953550		/opt/VRTSnasgw/scripts/fs_lib.sh: line 291: [: -ne: unary operator expected
2954281		When AD domain controller is abnormal, there will be many RST connection record saved under nlm volume and
		never been deleted
2957132		Replication is not working with multiple entry workset definitions
2959132		syntax error in frlpause_enable of nfs_agent.sh
2966506		vx_idetach generated kernel core dump while replication running.
2967035		Enhance OEM script for security related enhancement
2967311		space-optimized rollback creation failed due to not enough space
2968319		fsppadm enforce spends too much time on CVM slave node
2970148		GUI cannot delete snmp server.
2972864		syntax error in phantom_Phantomgroup_pubeth0.log for masktobits
2973245		addr_modify_output.log grows to over 80GB
2973603		lock() and lock2() using different lock file, but it share same unlock method unlock(), it might cause deadlock.
2974925		fsckptadm/fsppadm got frozen at vx_*() -> scheduled_timeout() on different two systems 
2979971		Crash when destroying large file systems
2986819		Syntax error in fs_lib.sh
2988078		volume prepare failure during rollback create
2988561		mirroring filesystems result in all SFS commands locked
3000403		Enhance monitoring winbind
3000769		fs_alert.sh line 263 unary operator expected
3000774		disk detail path code path disk_list_paths.sh: line 114 has a script error
3000779		disk remove code path disk_lib.sh line number 520 has a script error
3000788		snapshot_lib.sh: line 1333: let: size=*0: syntax error: operand expected
3000793		syntax error while trying to display the striped-mirror volume
3003446		integrate snapshot best practice into CLISH operation
3011068		After adding the user, found diff in /etc/shadow file on nodes of cluster for encrypted password of newly added user.
3011105		Enhance import configuration for all the modules of FileStore so that this can be completed quickly.
3012451		`df -i` shows wrong/too-many number of inodes when FS has snapshots.
3018789		upgrade requires fencing off and on and this is effectively bringing in down time. Optimize this.
3019755		DMP is Not-Active
3024859		Nfsd lockup due to deadlock in deadlock between rename and lookup in VxFS
3040836		Disable volpagemod_max_memsz autotune during system boot.
3041971		For multiple cifs shares,`cli>storage fs alert set fullspace` works when set to read_only but
		it works partially when set read_only back to read_write.
3042743		Avoid fencing on and off during upgrade process.
3046646		the actually tmpfssize is not same as we configured
3049172		Antivirus job got hang due to FS locking
3050732		for multiple cifs shares,`cli>storage fs alert set fullspace` works when set to read_only but it works partially
		when set read_only back to read_write.
3050776		System panic when rebooted on SFS node
3050783		system stuck in kmem_cache_shrink()
3050799		Removing of filesystem from pool does not work if filesystem not in all disks ( need to specify individual disk )
3050802		Rebooting mater node panics slave node in fencing enabled environment.
3050873		Replication: The FS going into offline state on it's own.
3055155		AntiVirus messages fill up email. The customer wants a solution in SFS 5.7MP1P1.
3055973		File names with special characters causes logging failure
3058926		Remove mirror fails.
3060455		Snapshot get offline after onlining them in sometime
3064349		Antivirus scan-action doesn't work
3064355		system panic in nfsd
3067223		some file could not be accessed with "No such device or address" on all CFS Slave nodes.
3090640		fs creation and snapshot destroying are hung.
3091517		Liveupdate deleted files under /tmp after patch installed
3091614		Files not read from buffer cache.
3093908		Provide more bonding options.
3095771		`/user/bin/snmptrap` in event_notify.sh occurs userName error for replication events, but it works
		for storage/etc events.
3101961		Increase max limit on ninodes.
3102083		When volpagemdo_maxmemsz is automatically tuned when there is a failure in cache object creation, throw an alert.
3109817		Segmentation fault caused by tmpfile doesnt exist in fsdedupadm
3113334		Fs destroy and create fails abruptly when logged in from an ssh client to FileStore node.
3121142		Upgrade is not preserving fs fullalerts, ninodes and volpagemod values.
3121143		Unable to Enable the job if remote cluster job wset entries same with source cluster job wset entries.
3121189		Remove op-nolock for NFS commands and import/export commands.
3121205		NFS import fails to import shares.
3121227		Find command not completing quickly and every time reading from disk.
3121239		adding disk to existing DG failing if its GPT
3121248		Upgrade failed as NFS service failed to online.
3121258		Though defined 288 nfsd threads, only 5 are effectively handling IO.
3121278		Provide fsadm defrag options to defrag only dirs or files or both
3121282		Performance issue while doing ls on an fs which got 39000 soft links.
3121714		kernel panic while doing NFS load.
3121719		Add mirror operation from SSH client hangs.
3121730		Optimize nfs share configuration import.
3121737		broken resource dependency if same shares exported multiple times to different clients.
3121738		/opt/VRTSnasgw/scripts/nfs_agent.sh: line 121: $output_fd: ambiguous redirect
3127123		Storage GUI home page cannot be displayed
3128285		core-dump on 3-node cluster
3128611		Installation fails some times and throws error that "profile file is missing" with blue screen.
3132739		'cli> storage snapshot quota on|off' may reset usage value incorrectly, might go negative.
3134660		Too many info message in log file
3138364		Server stop does not work
3139905		storage fs shrinkto" does not finish even if it is performing for 24 hours or more.
3139906		Reboot one of two controller may cause "fullfsck flag set”
3142731		'cli>replication job enable' fails when 'cfsmount' in rep_cfsmount() returns ret=23.
3162986		Pick up the correct VxVM RPM.
3193747		NDMP's restore job fails sowing "ERROR: mapping file: /vx/wangfeng/50g/50g.dat: Cannot allocate memory."
3198320		Update RPMs to address security vulnerabilities CVE-2012-3912, CVE-2012-1126 through 1144, CVE-2011-3102,
		CVE-2012-1667, CVE-2012-2807, CVE-2012-1182, CVE-2012-2152, CVE-2012-2088, CVE-2012-2113, CVE-2012-2110,
		CVE-2012-2131, CVE-2012-2088, CVE-2012-2113, CVE-2012-2337, CVE-2012-0420, CVE-2012-3817.
3204775		Debuginfo is hanging
3211029		File was saved as null file on quota file system
3214311		Avoid kswapd issue
3217599		Update NFS for 5.7mp1p1.
3228830		`replication job enable job1` deletes line in crontab for "job10". this is one of name-mis-matching-issus.
3252173		SFS replication Error: Error in changing ownership.
3258309		Remove smb2 in 5.7MP1P1.
3258319		Pick up the package vxfshfad.
3259658		When upgrade from 5.7p1 to 5.7p3hf3 then to 5.7mp1p1, the __homedir_fullacl missed in smbglobal.conf.
3260023		Issues on install slave node
3261727		Replication logs are filled very quickly which makes debugging impossible.
3263257		IPV6:: Able to add same ip using different ipv6 ip format.
3274671		ipv6:: On ipv6 installed cluster able to login to support account even though, support user status is Disable.
3280272		On Linux volumes can be grown greater than 256TB but cannot be started
3286871		setting same value for system option ninodes would still restart all nodes.
3286957		The IP type of IPv6 version 57MP1P1(2013-08-01) is IPv4 not IPv6.
3291761		IPV6 :: After upgrade not able to mount nfs share with ipv6 address.
3295801		SFS:5.7MP1P1:updown_test:Rollback has been created but gave the "failed" return value with errors.
3297485		When tried to shrink a 52TB FS to 2.5 TB via Filestore, fullfsck flag was set, fsck took too long and customer
		decided to remake a new FS with 2.5TB
3299256		user core dump details not collected if its generated by rpc.mountd.
3299525		`cli>storage snapshot create|destroy` still has "-" hyphen-naming-issue. example, /vx/test and /vx/test-01.
3301152		fcntl F_SETLKW hang on cfs
3309500		After upgrade from 5.7->5.7P3->5.7MP1P1 found some ftp parameters are missing.
3309608		Upgraded from 5.7->5.7P3->5.7MP1P1 then tried to set antivirus Scan read, Scan write, Manual scan zipdepth,
		Auto protect scan zipdepth. Its value is not reflecting in o/p of "antivirus show".
3314356		Modify "nfsd" does not work properly
3316734		rep_rm_src_star core dumps
3318720		Not able to mount NFS shared FS on nfs client. FS were marked as fullfsck.
3320932		'stat fsio' shows error on the other node
3321232		"storage tier policy run fs1" failed with "SFS fs ERROR V-288-1415 Command exited due to unknown error"
3323078		"network bond priv-create" got stuck at 85%
3334554		Cluster reboot failed if it has priv nic bond
3339130		Tried to import configuration from 5.6RP1P4HF4 -> 5.7MP1P1.Failed to to import configuration with
		"config import all" option.
3344343		IPV6:: update_parameters.sh not updating/modifying gateway and able to see old ip addresses in "ip route show" command.
3344948		remove unused dir for installation.
3345351		After config import 5.6RP1P4HF4 -> 5.7MP1P1, replication service is failing to start with error message
		"SFS replication ERROR V-288-2210 Replication configuration file is not valid."
3475720		Update glibc, vxfs and vxvm rpms