The latest patch(es) : data_insight-4.5RP3 

 Basic information
Release type: Rolling Patch
Release date: 2014-10-13
OS update support: None
Technote: None
Popularity: 4072 viewed    downloaded
Download size: 1.62 GB
Checksum: 673396012

 Applies to one or more of the following products:
Data Insight 4.5 On Linux
Data Insight 4.5 On Windows 32-bit
Data Insight 4.5 On Windows 64-bit

 Obsolete patches, incompatibilities, superseded patches, or other requirements:

This patch is obsolete. It is superseded by: Release date
data_insight-4.5RP3 2015-05-22

 Fixes the following incidents:
2781513, 3098137, 3164625, 3211411, 3218248, 3219246, 3227205, 3257392, 3263375, 3272517, 3276079, 3280454, 3281612, 3281984, 3284683, 3292056, 3292723, 3298390, 3302069, 3303981, 3313610

 Patch ID:

Readme file

OS: Windows/Linux

Etrack Incidents: 3554447, 3566477, 3596849, 3618936, 3317978, 3581084, 3551787, 
3552962, 3365514, 3553434, 3617741, 3526117, 3526108, 3441687, 3510237, 3510176,
3511015, 3510539, 3591682, 3573527, 3508323, 3488423, 3488383, 3087723, 3601287,
3389526, 3583328, 3549344, 3508639, 3478876, 3547499, 3585607, 3551120, 3548112,
3597995, 3502504, 3506279, 3513398, 3513291, 3521333, 3528789, 3586006, 3612194,
3441387, 3602705, 3526657, 3524480, 3463724, 3507610, 3547163, 3544968, 3537652,
3525526, 3540130, 3543888, 3543883, 3501122, 3496942, 3514519, 3493231, 3507740,
3489596, 3487464, 3375457, 3605262, 3588184, 3600369, 3593331, 3570945, 3575288,
3568072, 3548614, 3538893, 3538735, 3240597, 3547793, 3535186, 3596074, 3510996,
3526315, 3430460, 3586907, 3612865, 3581623, 3519318, 3561296, 3510980, 3587664,
3536600, 3630066, 3523967, 3510446, 3620906, 3577068, 3462848, 3522285, 3508654,
3573534, 3507761, 3228192, 3455300, 3591005, 3599519, 3341634, 3381820, 3628337,
3601169, 3534151, 3629122, 3509902, 3554645, 3533663, 3632817, 3627353, 3602443

Errors/Problems Fixed:

3554447 - Even though Master report download thread issue is fixed, still, due to
incorrect settings for thread queue and core pool size, there is only one
report which can download in entire deployment.

3566477 - Fix memory leak for queryd in the list_custodian query.

3596849 - Events_first/events_next functions not re-entrant causing a dqlexec
query to crash.

3618936 - 'from dfspath get' crashes because cursor_limit[]
was not updated for a newly added table.

3317978 - Unable to clear the pending jobs from dashboard run.

3581084 - Using top command to compute memory consumption results in showing
incorrect value to be shown in statistics for Linux Indexers.

3551787 - Memory utilization on Linux indexers will not report high utilization
where used memory is greater than what can be reported as XXX KB by java INT.

3552962 - FPolicy service should ignore corrupted .tmp file for finalizing and
move ahead and start the service, instead of refusing to start.

3365514 - Scan resync does not work in scenarios listed in incident.

3553434 - Deleted path getting fetched in path_exist query.

3617741 - Data Aging report does not honor exclusion of user when the computed
user is the last option or the only option for the given owner method.

3526117 - In path csv upload with a folder path which exists, but same name
file is deleted, the report runs for FILE instead of FOLDER.

3526108 - In the report wizard, if a SharePoint folder is selected, on EDIT, 
the type is shown as unknown and path is displayed as CIFS path style instead
of SharePoint path.

3441687 - The custom attribute column name in DQL does not ignore case.

3510237 - UTF8 characters are encoded using Windows default character encoding
in BIRT HTML report output.

3510176 - Report: in case of report output (PDF), page breaks inserting
incorrectly for certain reports.

3511015 - Report: report.exe resolves the DFS path and should use the same
in protobuff progress output.

3510539 - Upgrading from version 301RP8 to 4.5: archived segments are not
asked to restore during upgrade.

3591682 - Active Directory scan fails while discovering the domain users if
timeout occurs.

3573527 - Full scan for share fails with the error code: V-378-1312-102.

3508323 - The server statistic page shows overlapping charts in GUI.

3488423 - If the IndexWriterJob and the CollectorJob are set to Never then
IndexWriterJob_Size & CollectorJob_Size jobs should be set to Never.

3488383 - Remove unnecessary stats for the Portal node.

3488183 - Remove unnecessary jobs from Portal nodes.

3087723 - Active Directory scan fails where there is multi-value custom
attribute with hundreds of values.

3601287 - Active Directory scan fails while discovering the domain users.

3389526 - On the Portal node the FileTransferJob failed to transfer file from
inbox\tmp to workflow\inbox.

3583328 - Share name is wrongly getting added in Data Insight when the share
name contains the characters: ' and &.

3549344 - ContextMap save table data contains "-1" for lot of field, where as
GUI shows null.

3508639 - Entries having comma (,) in the CSV files fails for CSV upload
functionality throughout the product.

3478876 - Deletion of msu/device should delete .lst file under 
<datadir>\scanner\lst of Collector or Windows File Server node.

3547499 - For the non-existing users/groups in customattr.csv file, attribute
value should not get added in attr and textvalue tables.

3585607 - While executing workflows, temporary reports for Entitlement Review
are stored under installdir/bin/null folder which occupies too much disk space.

3551120 - Custom action with the expand folder option fails to expand non-CIFS
folders and hence generated workflow remains in in-progress status
as the workflow_paths table is empty

3548112 - In the Management Console, the Attribute query (under
Workspace>Users) should show the edit option for existing queries.

3597995 - Sorting on saved credential page not working.

3502504 - Entitlement Review workflow: There is no way to know which users and
groups that are excluded under the Exclusion List tab.

3506279 - Workflows: Data Selection tab - Select Paths having Custodian - Search
for DFS paths does not work properly.

3513398 - In Entitlement Review workflow, email is sent even when the paths are

3513291 - Ownership Confirmation workflow: Data Selection pane (Select
Resources having Custodians)does not work as expected if you have
custodian assigned at web application and site collection levels and
you click Select All Resources.

3521333 - Ownership Confirmation workflow: Clearing the selected action for some
paths in certain situations still results in submitting all paths instead of
submitting only the paths which have actions associated with them.

3528789 - Windows File Server fails to scan. Both the credential tests fail in
Data Insight Console.

3586006 - Exclude rules do not work - First exclude rule contains the criteria 
for user, IP address, and prefix. The second exclude rule contains the file

3612194 - Maximum kernel ring buffer size changes to 0 when a node template
is used.

3441387 - Workflow template creation: if you choose a different font for
custodian name variable, the value of the variable name is not displayed in the
This issue is resolved when you apply the style to the entire variable
including $ and {}.

3602705 - Indexer fails to process a SharePoint audit file, stating: Path '/' 
can not be a file - Unable to add event to index. error=203.

3526657 - report.exe crashes for non-existing path or a path with no activity.

3524480 - Add pagination to SharePoint web service during enabling of event
handler feature to SharePoint.

3463724 - EMC Celerra and Isilon : When filer is disabled, raw audit files
should not be generated.

3507610 - In the Folder-centric view for Permissions>Recommendations: When
a group is expanded, a disabled user is displayed as an enabled user.

3547163 - Inactive Data By File Group report may crash.

3544968 - DQL- query returns incomplete data for permissions query for msu.

3537652 - queryd crash- get_analytics is crashing on 4.5GA build.

3525526 - In SharePoint if the Path Permissions report is configured to run on
unique paths, the report shows paths with non-unique permissions.

3540130 - Custodian report is failing that involves direct and inherited 
custodians coming from the same device/share.

3543888 - DQL- msu query that references device object crashes.

3543883 - DQL- syntax check does not work in case of query that involves nested

3501122 - PORTAL- If remote communication service is down, Data Insight still
shows paths coming from remote indexer under 'Show paths having
custodian' panel.

3496942 - DQL- In case of invalid syntax query returns nothing, this causes
blank popup on console.

3514519 - Portal: Ownership Confirmation- DLP policy filter is not working.

3493231 - DQL- root level site collection not printed in path table if its 
absname is specified in IF condition.

3507740 - Entitlement report for SharePoint - Report returns wrong permissions
if group G1 and its parent group PG1 has permission on same path.

3489596 - Inactive Data By File Group Report- report ran against any folder 
within share returns share level data.

3487464 - Portal Delegation: delegation trail column in workflow details panel
needs to be provided.

3375457 - Report: Custodian report: Setting up keep intermediate DBs true 
results in report failure.

3605262 - DQL Query does not return values for multivalued attribute such as
dlp_policies if you prefix the attribute name with object, and do not provide
FORMAT specifier.

3588184 - DQL- Presence of same column twice in Get clause results in merge

3600369 - Under Services panel, DataInsightWorkflow service should not be shown
for Collector, Collector+Indexer node. Also 
DataInsightGenericCollector, DataInsightWorkflowservice should be
hidden for Linux Indexer.

3593331 - DQL- Global MSU query returns wrong last_activity_time.

3570945 - dqlexec may crash if large number of values are present in IF

3575288 - list_custodian query is executed for each custodian, instead of
executing just once through report framework, when data is selected using

3568072 - Reports- Send latest copy of email does not work with email id ends
with .local.

3548614 - DQL- MSU query that involves permission computation does not work
for MSU type NFSv3.

3538893 - DQL- The database link provided in report email notification does not

3538735 - Portal Entitlement Review- Console fails to assign custodian to 
shares, even though custodian already exists in Data Insight.

3240597 - Unable to read property for log rollover for sharepoint and Enterprise
Vault clients.

3547793 - Workflow should also process sensitive files which do not have any
incident associated with them.

3535186 - Database locking issues if a single workflow db is accessed by over
100 users simultaneously.

3596074- The msu_summary table in dashboard database fails to populate with

3510996 - Report: If report is run on DFS paths, incorrect count is displayed 
in View Report progress > report execution on node.

3526315 - Fix SharePoint inherited permissions flag in the Dashboard summary

3430460 - If using IE 9, you cannot edit the Member count field in Entitlement
Review report.

3586907 - DataInsightFPolicy should not disconnect from filer due to crossing
threshold for NFS latency when only CIFS shares are being monitored
from Data Insight.

3612865 - Indexwriter crashes while processing audit files.

3581623 - Data Insight FPolicy service trying to connect to a NetApp filer that
is no longer configured.

3519318 - cel_util crashes when no command is provided while invoking it.

3561296 - cel_util.exe should not discover NFS exports.

3510980 - Provide an additional logging under fpolicycmod logs if events 
database is locked.

3587664 - root directory "/" may not get listed in DQL output when there are no
other directories in the share.

3536600 - The segment file mismatch with segment size in database is more than
on disk size should not crash segment read.

3630066 - Rolling Patch upgrade is disabled for Indexer+Collector node.

3523967 - If a file is selected in report creation wizard under data selection,
on edit, it is displayed as a folder.

3510446 - mxcustodian crashes on Linux Indexer when input csv contains i18n

3620906 - Multibyte characters are not handled for encoding or decoding URL for

3577068 - Login admin as custodian feature - improvements.

3462848 - Entitlement Review report generates incorrect output in case of nested
groups, resulting in showing blank rows in Entitlement Review portal.

3508654 - Reports- Report framework maps invalid path to any random device
then triggers and executes report successfully.

3573534 - Need to handle 4.5.1(i.e number) in the SORT code.

3507761 - Need to add action "view migration status" for SharePoint web

3228192 - Show output on GUI even though report fails at copy output to stage.

3455300 - We need to enhance DlpImportSensitiveFilesJob to map DFS share
with actual physical share.

3508392 - FURTHER consolidate DO policy across ContextMap and
get_data_owner() and mxcustodian.

3591005 - dqlexec membership 'group.iscircular' may mess up with 'depth'.

3599519 - DQL- Global MSU query is returning wrong last_activity_time.

3341634 - During the creation of Incident Remediation workflow, re-selecting 
path with custodian does not work.

3381820 - Remove options which are not related to Portal node from Download
Logs list wizard.

3628337 - GUI does not show correct schedule when filer's scan schedule is

3601169 - Report: Edit icons are not showing correctly. Issue observed for
SharePoint sites only.

3534151 - 1) Report footer should accept UTF-8 characters. 2) report header
cannot be changes to utf-8 characters. 3) html output via BIRT report
does not support UTF-8 characters.

3629122 - Show appropriate message when web-app addition fails because of
adding duplicate web application.

3509902 - Report: Getting exception in Webserver logs while running a report 
with container. It appears when a container is added to a report and the
report is edited or run. It tries to resolve all container as path and throws

3554645 - CEE supports only one Auditing connector for Isilon and not multiple.

3533663 - Avoid IndexWriterJob and ActivityIndexJob on the index only in case it
is migrating out of the current node.

3632817 - path:device.capacity is slow and cause memory leak. 

3627353 - Security event should not change last access timestamp for file and
folders because lot of times it does not get updated on file system.

3602443 - ChangelogJob throws exception when it fails to merge a pathdb file
and tries to publish an event.

Install/Uninstall Instructions:

Apply this rolling patch on all Data Insight servers with version 4.5.

NOTE: Please keep a backup of the Data Insight files in the installation 
directory. This will be required in case you want to manually rollback the 

High Level Steps:
1. Apply the rolling patch on Management Server first, followed by all worker
2. Next, apply patch to Windows File Server agents (if applicable).
3. Next, apply patch to Microsoft SharePoint agents (if applicable).

Patching Data Insight Management Server and worker nodes:

1. Log onto each server with Administrative privileges.
2. Unzip the patch files to a temporary folder. In this folder, locate the 
   rolling patch installer for the appropriate OS architecture. The installer
   is called Symantec_DataInsight_windows_45RP1_4_5_1_6000_x64.exe for 64 bit 
   Windows OS, Symantec_DataInsight_windows_45RP1_4_5_1_6000_x86.exe for 32 bit
   Windows OS and for
   64 bit Linux RHEL5 OS and for 64 bit 
   Linux RHEL6 OS.
3. Launch the installer executable to install the rolling patch.

Patching Data Insight Windows File Server agents:

1. Unzip the patch files to a temporary folder. In this folder, locate the 
   rolling patch installer bundles for Windows File Server agents. The agent
   bundle is called for 64 bit OS
   and for 32 bit OS.
2. Log into the Data Insight Management Console with Server Administrator 
   privilege and upload the agent bundles to the appropriate Collector worker
   nodes using "Upload Manager" page on the Settings tab.
3. Navigate to Filer details page for each configured Windows File Server from 
   the Settings tab, and click on "Upgrade Agent" button available on the top of
   the page. This option is only visible if you have enabled the option to let 
   Data Insight install/upgrade agent for this filer.
4. Alternately, to manually patch a Windows File Server agent, log onto the 
   Windows File Server machine with Administrative privileges, unzip the agent
   installer bundle in a temporary location, and launch the patch installer. 
   The patch installer is called 
   for 64 bit OS, and 
   for 32 bit OS.

Patching Data Insight Microsoft SharePoint agent:

1. Log onto the SharePoint farm machine where the SharePoint agent has been 
   previously installed.
2. Uninstall the old agent using the "Add/Remove Programs" applet in Control 
3. Unzip the patch files to a temporary folder. In this folder, locate the 
   SharePoint agent installer. The installer is called 
   Symantec_DataInsight_sharepoint_45RP1_4_5_1_6000.exe for SharePoint 2007, 
   Symantec_DataInsight_sharepoint2010_45RP1_4_5_1_6000.exe for SharePoint 2010, 
   Symantec_DataInsight_sharepoint2013_45RP1_4_5_1_6000.exe for SharePoint 2013.
4. Launch the installer to install the new agent.

Additional Notes:
1. At this time, automated rollback of patch is not supported. To roll back the
   patch manually:
   a. Remember to take a backup of original files before you install the rolling
   b. To roll back the patch, stop all Data Insight services, overwrite the 
      patched files with original files from backup, and restart the services.
2. To confirm if a system has been patched, check the version of Data Insight
   using the Add/Remove Programs applet in the Control Panel.
Following ETrack incidents have not been fixed in this release:   

3604947 - After upgrading a deployment to 4.5.1, the GUI in all browsers using
version 4.5 on that deployment should refresh post-upgrade automatically on next

3624631 - Report:UTF8 characters are not displayed correctly in BIRT CSV output.

3626239 - Need to document that one should not create records classification
workflow for taking EV archiving action in case of paths of following device

3636625 - DQL Membership: In case of circular group, query returns inconsistent
depth and directgroup when having topgroup or membergroup in the WHERE

3636476 - dqlexec: Condition of multivalue_column = '' or 
multivalue_column != '' always returns FALSE.