
 Basic information
Release type: Point Patch
Release date: 2003-11-21
OS update support: None
Technote: 264323
Documentation: None
Popularity: 438 viewed    downloaded
Download size: 2.06 MB
Checksum: 2800657396

 Applies to one or more of the following products:
Storage Foundation for Oracle 3.5 On Solaris SPARC
Storage Foundation for Oracle 3.5 MP1 On Solaris SPARC
Storage Foundation for Oracle 3.5 MP2 On Solaris SPARC

 Obsolete patches, incompatibilities, superseded patches, or other requirements:

 Fixes the following incidents:
35329, 35765, 35768

 Patch ID:

Readme file
Patch:   dbed-3.5-e35768
Date:    Fri Nov 21 16:52:52 PST 2003

  264323: vxsvc dumps core during shutdown

Etrack Incidents:
  35329: vxsvc dumps core on shutdown in Oracle Provider
  35765: failed to do database duplicator while there are 2 databases 
         reside on the same server
  n/a  : The Repository not being found incorrectly shows up as error 
         when it is merely as warning.
  n/a  : Checkpoint missing fs.out shows up as error when it is a 
         warning and not an error.
  n/a  : High CPU usage by isis server is managed by changing the 
         rescan interval. The earlier Rescan interval was a major 
         rescan every 10mts and minor rescan every 30 seconds. Now it 
         has been changed to 30 minutes for major rescan and 10 
         minutes for minor rescan. 

Supported Configurations:
  Database Editor for Oracle (DBED) 3.5, 3.5 MP1 and 3.5MP2, running
  on Solaris 2.6, 7, 8, and 9.


	cksum                 		file
	-----------------------   	-----------------
	3964794743      1342864 	sol/vxdbedora_56.so.3
	921136481       1337700 	sol/vxdbedora_57.so.3
	1216971656      1354884 	sol/vxdbedora_58.so.3
	2130455288      1403152 	sol/vxdbedora_59.so.3

Installation Instructions:

  1.  Shutdown the Isis server daemon:
	# /opt/VRTSob/bin/vxsvc -k

      Kill all dbed_rep_lock process if there is any.

  2.  Save the existing vxdbedora libraries:
	# cd /opt/VRTSorgui/lib/
        # mv vxdbedora_56.so.3 ORIGvxdbedora_56.so.3
	# mv vxdbedora_57.so.3 ORIGvxdbedora_57.so.3
        # mv vxdbedora_58.so.3 ORIGvxdbedora_58.so.3
        # mv vxdbedora_59.so.3 ORIGvxdbedora_59.so.3

  3.  Extract the binary:
	# cd /tmp
        # zcat dbed-3.5-e35768.tar.Z | tar xf -

  4.  Install the new libraries:
	# cp ./dbed-3.5-e35768/sol/* /opt/VRTSorgui/lib
	# chown root:sys /opt/VRTSorgui/lib/vxdbedora_*.so.3
	# chmod 0755 /opt/VRTSorgui/lib/vxdbedora_*.so.3
      Confirm "vxdbedora.so" links to the appropriate new library.  For
      example, on Solaris 8 systems:
	# cd /opt/VRTSorgui/lib/
	# ls -l vxdbedora.so
	lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     other         36 Oct 30 18:04 vxdbedora.so -> /opt/VRTSorgui/lib/vxdbedora_58.so.3
	# cksum vxdbedora.so

  5.  Restart the Isis server daemon:
	# /opt/VRTSob/bin/vxsvc

Deinstallation Instructions:

  1. Shutdown the Isis server daemon:
	# /opt/VRTSob/bin/vxsvc -k

  2. Restore the original libraries:
	# cd /opt/VRTSorgui/lib
	# mv ORIGvxdbedora_56.so.3 vxdbedora_56.so.3
	# mv ORIGvxdbedora_57.so.3 vxdbedora_57.so.3
	# mv ORIGvxdbedora_58.so.3 vxdbedora_58.so.3
	# mv ORIGvxdbedora_59.so.3 vxdbedora_59.so.3

  3. Restart the Isis server daemon:
	# /opt/VRTSob/bin/vxsvc