
 Basic information
Release type: Point Patch
Release date: 2004-05-18
OS update support: None
Technote: 267890
Documentation: None
Popularity: 423 viewed    downloaded
Download size: 32.06 KB
Checksum: 3058279892

 Applies to one or more of the following products:
Storage Foundation for Oracle 3.5 UPDATE1, 3.5 UPDATE2 On HP-UX

 Obsolete patches, incompatibilities, superseded patches, or other requirements:

 Fixes the following incidents:

 Patch ID:

Readme file
VERITAS incident: e33595

DBED Version(s): 3.5 update 1, 3.5 update 2

Files changed: ckpt.create and dbed_clonedb

This patch fixes the problem with creating checkpoint on read-only tablespaces.
It also fixes problem with cloning database using checkpoint that was created
on read-only tablespaces.

The patch can be applied on top of either DBED 3.5 update 1 or update 2.

Installation instruction:

1. Login as root
2. mkdir /tmp/dbed_patch
3. download point patch to /tmp/dbed_patch
4. Uncompress the tar files :
	# zcat patch.tar.Z | tar xvf - 
	# tar xvf e33595.tar
5. verify cksum output for ckpt.create and dbed_clonedb:
   2333115474 26014 ckpt.create
   2799727439 49187 dbed_clonedb
6. mv /opt/VRTSdbed/.dba/ckpt.create /opt/VRTSdbed/.dba/ckpt.create.save
   mv /opt/VRTSdbed/bin/dbed_clonedb /opt/VRTSdbed/bin/dbed_clonedb.save
8. cp ckpt.create /opt/VRTSdbed/.dba/ckpt.create
9. cp dbed_clonedb /opt/VRTSdbed/bin/dbed_clonedb
10. Change the owner and permissions to:
-r-xr-xr-x   1 root       sys          25123 Oct 11  2002 ckpt.create
-r-xr-xr-x   1 root       sys          48146 Oct  3  2002 dbed_clonedb